I Am the President of the University

Chapter 729 The first generation of heroes is late

Latest website: As a domestic mobile phone giant, Huaxing not only develops well in the mobile phone industry, but also in the field of wearable devices.

Such as smart watches and smart bracelets.

As for smart glasses, Huaxing has not let go, and even in July 2021, it cooperated with GM to develop two generations of smart glasses.

The research and development of the third-generation smart glasses has basically been completed. It is now in production and is ready to be unveiled at the top flagship new product launch conference to be held on December 23 at the end of the year.

This time, Huaxing’s third-generation smart glasses should be strictly speaking considered the real first-generation smart glasses, equipped with the Hongmeng OS system. Different from the previous two generations, this time it is not co-branded with GM, but is fully independent by Huaxing. Design and manufacture.

Although it is not as important as mobile phones, computers and other businesses, it is also an important layout of Huaxing in wearable devices.

But the current situation is a bit embarrassing.

Guanghua University is also developing smart glasses.

And what they are doing is [real smart glasses], not what they call smart glasses, but in fact it is just a smart voice assistant.

Mr. Ren raised his head and glanced at Wei Han, "What do you think the MR smart glasses being researched by Guanghua University will look like?"

Wei Han's eyelids twitched, he took a deep breath and said, "Based on Guanghua University's past cases, I think Guanghua's MR smart glasses should be no worse than Microsoft's HoloLens."

Mr. Ren said: "Microsoft's is an MR head display, and Guanghua's is MR glasses. You should know which one has higher technical content and which one has lower technical content."

Both are MR products. If the function is not eliminated, the technical content of the head-mounted display and the glasses are quite different.

What Mr. Ren means by this...

Is it because you are not optimistic about Guanghua University?

Wei Han was confused and asked cautiously: "Mr. Ren, what do you think?"

Recalling the scene of his last meeting with Chen Hao in his mind, Mr. Ren's eyes flashed with perseverance.

"Increase the production of smart glasses and strive to expand the market across the country after the press conference."

Just when Wei Han thought Mr. Ren was preparing to attack Guanghua, the next sentence rang out again, which shocked him to the core.

"After clearing the inventory, we announced the termination of the subsequent series of smart glasses."


Wei Han was dumbfounded. Guanghua's MR smart glasses were still under research. They hadn't even published a paper. Maybe if the research couldn't be completed, then the follow-up products would be discontinued.

Although their own smart glasses are just a gimmick, at best a smart voice assistant, they have also consumed a lot of human, financial and material resources. They are only in their third generation, and the investment in scientific research has not been recouped, so why did they give up?

Several years of investment have been wasted, to be honest.

He doesn't understand and is not willing to accept it!

"Mr. Ren, why?" Wei Han looked at Mr. Ren unwillingly.

As a legend in the business world, Mr. Ren naturally saw Wei Han's thoughts at a glance. He sighed and said in a deep voice:

"You are not the only one who is not willing to accept it, I am not willing to do it either. But if you don't do this, the loss to the company will be even greater."

"From the time I founded Huaxing in 1987 to now, I have never seen any young man like Chen Hao."

With that said, Mr. Ren looked directly at Wei Han and said unceremoniously: "Xiao Wei, this kind of person may be rare in a hundred years. Don't think about comparing. Sometimes cooperation is not the right choice."

He didn't know what Wei Han was thinking, he just felt young and energetic.

"I can't even sit for two hours in a meeting now. Our era is over. Now is the era of you young people."

"To be honest, I'm quite envious of you for being able to live in the same era as such a character."

At the end of Mr. Ren's words, there was a look of regret in his eyes.

The most unbearable thing at this time is the hero's twilight.

He couldn't create miracles with the other party, he could only watch as a bystander.

What will Guanghua University look like ten years from now?

What will Chinese technology look like in ten years?

It’s really worth looking forward to that scene.

Wei Han was silent. Ren was always the soul of Huaxing and the idol he had been chasing.

"Mr. Ren, I understand."

Guanghua University’s acquisition of Shaoyin Technology has sounded the alarm for many domestic technology companies that are interested in entering smart glasses.

It is not an exaggeration to say that "the wolf is crying".

It is obvious that Guanghua University is serious about the MR smart glasses project. If this is really conquered, it can surrender directly.

But for most ordinary people, this is just a piece of news, nothing more than a sigh of relief and exclamation.

Yu Song is a senior high school graduate.

As a homebody, traveling is not as comfortable as playing games at home, not to mention that the admission notice is coming in the next few days, so he is still looking forward to it.

However, he was browsing Weibo out of boredom when he was shocked by a piece of news.

The content is about a vegetable reprocessing company that was exposed for its food problems. This vegetable company processed sauerkraut products for many well-known companies, including the Laotan sauerkraut buns in instant noodles. It turned out that the sauerkraut in the Laotan sauerkraut buns was actually "Tukeng Pickled Cabbage" purchased from outside.

The reporter even saw workers wearing slippers stepping on the sauerkraut. Some even smoked while working, and threw the cigarette butts directly onto the sauerkraut...

"Fuck, this is an unscrupulous company, it's so disgusting!" Yu Song cursed, then slid down to the comment area, where he almost died from laughter.

"Everyone, be quiet! Let me announce something: I just saw this news after eating Laotan pickled vegetables!"

"Yesterday I was laughing at Ah San for being clean and hygienic, but I didn't expect... the clown was actually me."

"I laughed at Third Brother for being too crazy, and Third Brother laughed at me for being too old!"

"Tsk tsk, enough time to ferment, Laotan sauerkraut."

"Everyone laughs at Liu Yong, everyone is Liu Yong! I made this Laotan sauerkraut, it's clean and hygienic, brothers!"

"Foreigner: The food we import is really good, better than what the exporting country eats. (Squints and smiles)"

After reading these comments, the nausea I felt just now has been diluted a lot.

"This year's netizens are so angry, 666!" Anyway, Yu Song won't dare to eat Laotan pickled beef noodles in the future, including pickled fish and so on.

There will be psychological shadow for at least a month or two.

I checked Weibo for a while and then Douyin.

Perhaps due to big data, Yu Song viewed several videos showing admission notices.

It is now July 18th, and some people have already started to receive it.

Looking at these posted videos, Yu Song was envious but also began to worry.

"I don't know when my acceptance letter will arrive..."

Just as he complained, the phone on the table suddenly rang.

He slowly picked up the phone and saw that it was an unfamiliar number, but when he got through, he almost jumped.

"Has the admission notice arrived?"

"Wait for me a moment, I'll go downstairs to get it!"

The admission notice from Guanghua University has finally arrived!

ps: Mr. Ren’s original words about being unable to sit for two hours in a meeting came from an interview on CCTV’s “Face to Face” in 2019. Mr. Ren is a hero of his generation, but it’s a pity that time is not forgiving, alas.

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