I Am the President of the University

Chapter 738 I won’t even come to Yihua University if you beg me!

The moment he saw the first few names, Huang Yichun instantly understood how much the country valued the two national laboratories of Guanghua University. It was obvious that it was only a matter of time before these two national laboratories were funded.

"Now that the national laboratory has approved the project, we must vigorously develop infrastructure and recruit scientific researchers, right?" Huang Yichun thought to himself.

He decided to pay attention to the Xiaomu Chong Forum, the official website of Guanghua University and the official Weibo these days, and submit his resume as soon as possible, otherwise he would be afraid that the competition would be too fierce.

Just when Huang Yichun was lost in thought, he was suddenly tapped on the shoulder.

"Senior Brother Huang, what are you looking at?"

As soon as the man finished speaking, he glanced at Huang Yichun's mobile phone page.

"You won't watch any more indescribable videos, right? Let me know... uh, is this news about Guanghua University?"

Huang Yichun quickly turned off the screen of his phone, turned around and said with a smile: "Junior sister, have you finished the experiment?"

The person who tapped him on the shoulder was his direct junior sister, named Xiao Xue. She was pretty, but had an unpleasant personality, which may be related to her superior family. Her emotional intelligence was low, and her words were sometimes quite hurtful.

One thing is similar to their mentor, Academician Xue Zhengkai, who is elitist and believes that only top universities can produce scientific research, and they scorn non-prestigious universities.

In fact, people are not bad, they are just too arrogant.

"Senior brother...I've seen it all."

Xiao Xue hesitated. Thinking of the content of the page she just saw, she gritted her teeth and said, "Brother, please share the link to the web page with me. I want to see it too."


Huang Yichun was stunned and said subconsciously: "Don't you see... cough, you don't like Guanghua University?"

When Xiao Xue had dinner with her teachers before, she often complained about Guanghua University. It would not be an exaggeration to say that it was cynicism. However, as Guanghua University became more and more famous, she became silent when it came to the topic of Guanghua University.

"It's okay, just send it to me. I'll leave first." After Xiao Xue finished speaking, she left in a hurry, her back looking a little embarrassed.

Huang Yichun, who stayed where he was, was confused for a long time. After hesitating, he shared it with Xiao Xue.

As for Xiao Xue, who ran away, she was hiding in the women's toilet, falling into silence while watching the news sent by her senior brother.

This news is about the lists of boards of directors and academic committees of Guanghua University’s two national laboratories.

Xiao Xue's attention is on the academic committee list at the top.

[Member of the first academic committee of the National Laboratory of Advanced Materials and Semiconductors]

[Director of the Academic Committee: Professor Zuo Tieyong]

[Deputy Director of the Academic Committee: Professor Hao Yue]

[Members of the Academic Committee:

Professor Li Yadong

Professor Qian Fuxi

Professor Wang Weihua

Wu Hanming

Researcher Li Aizhen

Professor Wei Shaojun

Professor Ren Hong

Professor Chen Chong

Professor Fang Haosen]

Among the fifteen members of the Academic Committee, except for the three from the Guanghua Department, among the other twelve members, only one, Professor Wei Shaojun, is not an academician, but...

These are 11 academicians!

And Professor Wei Shaojun, who is not an academician, is not a simple person. He is a well-known microelectronics scientist in China and the director of the Institute of Microelectronics of Tsinghua University.

Wei Shaojun of Tsinghua University and Hao Yue of Xidian University, even if Xiao Xue's research direction is polymer materials, they have heard of each other's reputation.

There is almost no one in the domestic semiconductor industry, especially in academia, who does not know these two people. If they really don’t know, they will even cause ridicule from their peers.

And Professor Hao Yue, who serves as the deputy director of the Academic Committee, is even more scary.

Hao Yue, microelectronics scientist. Academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, leader of the microelectronics expert group of the General Armament Department, chief scientist of the 973 Project, senior member of the International IEEE Society, executive director of the China Electronics Society, member of the Science and Technology Committee of the Ministry of Education...

Xiao Xue looked at the list, and the resumes of several people came to mind, and she couldn't help but swallow a ball of saliva.

Zuo Tieyong is an expert in materials science and an academician of the Academy of Engineering. He has made important contributions in the fields of refractory metal materials, rare earth functional materials, aluminum-magnesium materials and their processing. He is one of the main leaders in the disciplines of refractory metals, aluminum-magnesium materials and processing in my country.

Wang Weihua, materials physicist, academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, researcher at the Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, and director of the Key Laboratory of Extreme Condition Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences. It has made important contributions to solving the brittleness problem of amorphous alloys and promoting the application of amorphous materials.

Qian Fuxi, an optical materials and amorphous physicist, one of the pioneers of laser technology in China, a member of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and a researcher at the Shanghai Institute of Optics, Chinese Academy of Sciences. Study the laser and luminescence characteristics of laser glass to develop neodymium-doped laser glass. It is the first in China to obtain laser output and establish a series of neodymium laser glasses.

Wu Hanming, microelectronics scientist, academician of the Academy of Engineering, Vice President of Technology R\u0026D of SMIC. Developed the world's first commercial software that can simulate plasma processes. In 2001, he joined SMIC and established the advanced etching technology department. He led the 0.13 micron etching process and realized the dual damascene preparation process for mass production in China, which provided the process foundation for the first realization of copper interconnection in China. .

Li Aizhen is a photonic materials scientist, semiconductor expert, foreign academician of the National Academy of Sciences, and researcher at the Shanghai Institute of Microsystems and Information Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences.

Seeing this, Xiao Xue's eyes stayed on the other party's name.

This academician named Li Aizhen is not an academician of the two domestic academies, but a foreign academician of the American Academy of Sciences.

Speaking of this foreign academician, it’s quite a twist.

Academician Li Aizhen was recommended to be elected as an academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences in 1999. Due to various restrictions, Li Aizhen was not selected because there were not enough recommenders. Subsequently, he was repeatedly rejected in the academician selection in 2001, 2003, and 2005. Unexpectedly, after he was elected as an academician of the National Academy of Sciences in 2007, the news came back and shocked the country.

Li Aizhen, who was rejected four times as an academician, was highly praised by the American scientific community.

The United States is trying its best to retain Academician Li, and has offered many generous conditions, which are enough to impress any scholar. Even the Chinese people think that they will lose this great expert.

But no one expected that when being interviewed by reporters in the United States, Academician Li said something that moved the whole country.

Gu Lai

She said that she was trained by her motherland and would never forget her roots no matter what she experienced. Not only that, she would also continue to complete her scientific research career, educate students, and contribute to the motherland.

It was also after returning from this trip to the United States that Academician Li brought great advancement to himself and to China's scientific research.

As an outstanding female scientist in China, Academician Li devoted her whole life to her career. In her, she has witnessed the spirit of Chinese researchers. Stick to yourself, care about the country, do not seek fame, fortune, or glory, and always contribute to your dreams and country. Even if the road ahead may not be smooth, and even if there are rumors and doubts, you never want to give up.

Academician Li is Xiao Xue's idol, not only because she is China's first foreign female academician of the National Academy of Sciences, but also because of her noble personality.

Her motto is what Academician Li once said: "To do knowledge, you must first do a good job. No matter how great the knowledge is, it will not be respected by others."

Although Academician Li continued to work on the front line of scientific research after retirement, he almost disappeared from the public eye. Unexpectedly, he appeared on the list of the Academic Committee of Guanghua University!

Xiao Xue was speechless for a moment, and felt even worse in her heart.

The "private university" that she looked down upon was now in such a state that she didn't dare to look down upon it.

Suddenly thinking of something, Xiao Xue left the toilet in a hurry.

Twenty minutes later.

Office of the Laboratory Director.

"Teacher, I sent you a link. Please take a look at the list of the academic committee of Guanghua University."

"Xiaoxue, what's wrong?"

Professor Xue Zhengkai said as he clicked on the link sent by his favorite zodiac sign Xue.

Pulling down the page, Professor Xue Zhengkai was stunned.

Xiao Xue didn't notice it at all, but kept talking.

"Teacher, do you think Guanghua University, a national laboratory, will not succeed in raising funds?" Xiao Xue asked, seemingly troubled.

Noticing that the teacher did not reply to her, Xiao Xue couldn't help but raise her head.


Professor Xue Zhengkai sighed quietly, "Xiaoxue, you didn't look down, did you?"

"What?" Xiao Xue's face was stunned.

"Just look down at the council members and you will know." Professor Xue Zhengkai said slowly.

"Council?" Xiao Xue suddenly realized that she had just been looking at the members of the Academic Committee and had forgotten that there was a council.

Generally speaking, the board of directors is the highest authority of the laboratory. The list of academic committees and chief scientists of the laboratory are approved by the board of directors meeting.

The academic committee is still a very important evaluation body in academic institutions, ranging from internal academic achievement evaluation and recommendation, to professional title evaluation or recommendation; academician nomination and recommendation, special invitations from the State Council, millions of talents, outstanding youth and other honors Nominations and recommendations for academic titles are subject to review and secret voting by the academic committee.

Whether it is the Board of Directors or the Academic Committee, the term is usually five years and can be reappointed.

The number of students in the school committee is usually between 7 and 15, and there is no requirement for the number of members in the board of directors.

After being reminded by the teacher, Xiao Xue opened the link again. When she saw the list of council members clearly, she was stunned on the spot.

The little mouth opened wide with a shocked expression.

[Member of the first board of directors of the National Laboratory of Advanced Materials and Semiconductors]

[Chairman: A certain indescribable boss]

[Vice Chairman: Professor Chen Hao, Secretary XX]

As for the members of the board of directors, there are even more amazing. There are 21 people in total, including 11 national ministries and commissions including the Ministry of Science and Technology, Ministry of Education, Ministry of National Defense, Ministry of Finance, and Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, plus 3 senior officials from Hu Province and Ludao, and 7 heads of national scientific research institutions. .

This council list can be said to be unprecedentedly luxurious!

The previous Academic Committee is the Beidou of domestic academia, while this Council is composed of political bigwigs.

No member of the academic committee or board of directors of that national laboratory can reach this level!

Once this list comes out, no one will dare to touch Guanghua University unless they are brainless.

Before Xiao Xue came to her senses, Professor Xue Zhengkai's voice came over.

"Leave aside the board of directors, the list of the academic committee almost includes all domestic academicians and big names in the fields of metallic materials, inorganic non-metallic materials, polymer materials, nanomaterials, composite materials and semiconductors."

Xiao Xue didn't know whether it was a short-circuit in her head or confusion, but she actually replied, "Teacher, you are also an academician of our country's polymer materials. Why didn't you be invited?"

Professor Xue Zhengkai's face turned dark instantly. He didn't mention which pot to open!

Could he not know this?

He is also an expert in the field of domestic materials and an academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. As a result, he did not appear on the list of the academic committee. Even when he was sullen, he pretended not to care on the surface. Who wanted to be exposed by Xiao Xue.

"Get out!" Professor Xue Zhengkai blushed and shouted angrily.

Xiao Xue realized that she had said something wrong, and the teacher was furious. She did not dare to say another word and hurriedly left the office.



Professor Xue Zhengkai was extremely depressed as his chest heaved with anger.

Guanghua University was originally a private university that he had looked down upon. Unexpectedly, it was developing extremely rapidly, and now it was even more beyond his expectation.

In this academic committee list, it can be said that any material scientist proposed is better than him.

So, the school he looked down upon didn't take a fancy to him?

He can look down on Guanghua University, but how can he let Guanghua University look down on him?

The more I think about it, the more hateful it becomes, and the more I think about it, the angrier it becomes.

"I will never go to Guanghua University even if you beg me!"

ps: Even though this chapter takes up hundreds of words, it took me nearly two hours to look up the information. They are all real big names in the material industry in our country. Unfortunately, many of them have passed away. Alas.

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