I Am the President of the University

Chapter 146 Let every student have enough to eat

"I am the president of the university ()"

"Clear soup with rice?"

Zheng Qiang frowned and stirred it a few times with a spoon. There was no meat or vegetables in it, just white rice and clear soup.

Another vice-principal said awkwardly:

"Principal, do you want to eat this? Are you missing something for dinner?"

Many people have eaten soup with rice, that is, adding soup to the rice, and eating it together makes it easier to swallow and digest.

But only added soup, the dishes are still eaten.

You can't just eat soup and rice, and it's still such a clear soup...?

Moreover, the chewing effect of eating soup and rice is very small, and frequent eating will increase the pressure on the stomach and stomach, and eventually cause stomach problems.

"That's all, everyone has to eat, and you are not allowed to leave until you finish eating." Chen Hao said lightly.

"Isn't it? That's it?" The vice-principal who asked the question before was stunned when he saw this clear soup.

There is no food here, who can eat it? !

On the contrary, Zheng Qiang simply cooked and ate it in one bite.

Then he gave a testimonial and said: "It's very bland and tasteless, and I can barely swallow it."

Although he didn't know what the principal was doing, Zheng Qiang didn't need to ask any more questions, he just supported him.

Principal Zheng Qiang was also a person who suffered hardships when he was a child. Although this clear soup and rice is unpalatable, it is not unpalatable.

Some people took the lead, others had to bite the bullet and eat.

As the principal, Chen Hao is no exception.


He sighed lightly.

I don't know if it's because of Tian Zi'ang or because he has to eat another bowl.

After everyone had finished eating, Chen Hao looked around at everyone, his eyes swept across everyone.

"Everyone has finished eating, how do you feel? Is it delicious?"

Everyone was silent, but Zheng Qiang, who was open-minded, said, "If there is no food, I can only say that I can eat my stomach, but I can't say anything about the taste."

Chen Hao nodded, shook his head with his eyes closed, and said quietly, "I ate at the student restaurant at noon today, and this is what the students sitting next to me ate."

"It's something you can't swallow, that classmate ate it for two years!"

"Then why doesn't he eat vegetables?" a school leader asked suspiciously.

It was only when everyone looked at him like an idiot that he regained his senses, and suddenly felt extremely embarrassed.

"I have just learned about this student's family. His parents left and he lives with his grandparents. The tuition fee is paid by student loans, and the monthly living expenses are also earned by working part-time on weekends and evenings. Not only that, but also to save money. It was sent at home, and my grandmother was hospitalized recently."

He learned about these situations from Tian Zi'ang's counselor. Generally, counselors in colleges generally have some understanding of the students they bring, especially in special cases.

"This is too pitiful..." Director Li Chunyan of the Admissions Office heard this, and the brilliance of maternal love began to overflow.

On the other hand, Zheng Qiang's eyebrows grew deeper and deeper, and he said quite reproachfully: "Principal... This matter is my negligence in my work. I didn't feed every student. It's my fault!"

"Principal Zheng, I don't blame you for this. After all, it's easy to be ignored." Chen Hao is still very satisfied with Zheng Qiang, and the other party also attaches great importance to student work.

After comforting Zheng Qiang, Chen Hao said to the crowd:

"Whether it's because of financial difficulties or I want to save money, as long as I'm a student of Guanghua University, everyone who comes in healthily has to go out healthily for me!"

Chen Hao's tone gradually increased, his eyes looked at everyone coldly, and he said bluntly: "Every Monday in the future, all the school leaders present here must eat in any student restaurant in the school. To know how the students are eating, only Just eat with them!"

"Whether it's a food safety issue or a student food and clothing issue, report it to me immediately once you find it!"

The reason why the leaders specially arranged for the leaders to eat this clear soup with rice is to let them know the sufferings of the world, and to have a snack on the issue of food and clothing for the students.

"Understood." Everyone nodded, this matter is not a big problem,

It's just another place to eat.

Chen Hao looked at a middle-aged man with a pot belly and instructed: "Director Tang, the number of public welfare dishes should be increased from 2 to 4, and at least one of them is meat dishes."

What is a public welfare dish? This is a requirement of the Ministry of Education that every college must have more than 2 public welfare dishes, that is, dishes with a price lower than the cost, in order to facilitate the students with difficult families.

"Principal... Then this will reduce the income of the canteen." Tang Guoliang had a bitter face. Since Chen Hao came to power, the price of Guanghua University's canteen has already set the standard of Ludao University.

Why is the cafeteria of Heron Island University cheap?

There are two types of canteens in domestic universities: self-operated and contracted.

Public universities are basically self-operated canteens and some window contracts. Among them, self-operated canteens are semi-public canteens, that is, catering departments that are not for profit.

No tax or rent, plus millions of subsidies from the national government every year, this makes the price of public university canteens so low.

The better the public university, the more state subsidies, and the cheaper the canteen.

Guanghua University is a private university. Naturally, it is entirely responsible for its own profits and losses and does not enjoy state subsidies. At the price of Heron Island University, it is basically impossible to make money.

"It's okay to lose money in the cafeteria. We have the Guanghua Foundation, don't worry!" Chen Hao didn't care at all.

Whether it's the tuition reduction implemented this year, or everything else that costs money, it brings in very little revenue to the school each year.

But these are not important anymore. When the two super factories of the photon screen are completed, they will be cows that produce gold!

Then, Chen Hao turned to look at Zhu Chen, "Director Zhu, I need your network information center to be busy recently. For the existing sophomore to junior students, we will conduct big data analysis according to the consumption level and frequency of the cafeteria. Screening. For some students from poor families, the Guanghua Foundation will allocate 600 yuan per month, which will be directly charged to the meal card."

"Is there any difficulty?"

This is Chen Hao's second move!

Even if the price of vegetables is reduced, it will not help, but will attract some students who are not short of money to be greedy for petty gains. It is better to directly prescribe the right medicine and directly screen out the students who really need help.

The purpose of using the meal card instead of the bank card is to prevent the other party from continuing to save money and not eat.

Zhu Chen thought for a while, then raised his head and said, "Principal, I'm fine here."

"There is also the director of the student office, Gao, where you need to implement the situation of receiving stipends, and it is strictly forbidden to apply for some families that are not difficult! And also notify the whole school, if the application of the family is not bad, you will directly record a major demerit. In the student registration file! Add more work-study positions and hourly wages!"

This is Chen Hao's third move.

"Today's first come here, let's go for a walk. I hope everyone can put students first, and I don't want me to see any hungry students in Guanghua!"

Chen Hao dismissed the meeting. Except for Tang Guoliang, who was in charge of the school's self-run and contract work, everyone else left.

"Has everyone been notified?" Chen Hao got up and walked to the staff restaurant on the third floor.

"The time and place have been announced, I'll be in the group later." Tang Guoliang said humbly, following him.

Chen Hao nodded.

For this student meal problem, he has a fourth trick!

ps: Today's second update, ask for a recommendation ticket and a monthly ticket!

After cooling down, my hands are cold, and the cold batch is fine, and my fingers are still a little sore, Asi. . .

The canteen issue will be updated today, please don't rush~

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