I Am the President of the University

Chapter 152 On the Scientific and Technological Contribution of Universities

"I am the president of the university ()"

The cafeteria, the return of Chang'e 5, the university's contribution, Huawei being sanctioned, online discussions

"The price of the cafeteria has changed greatly! Shocked, the price of eleven merchants has changed dramatically because..."

Recently, the calm Guanghua bbs, because this post about the cafeteria is instantly hot, they are all discussing.

After all, the cafeteria is related to the daily diet of students, and no one can avoid it.

"What's going on with the school cafeterias? Why did the prices suddenly drop! It's amazing, isn't it?"

"Yeah, and the drop is not small! The instant noodles I ate in the dormitory at noon, if I hadn't read the post, I wouldn't have known that the cafeteria had dropped the price."

"Where did the landlord get such detailed information, all 11 families ran over?? It should be an internal employee of the school, right?"

"Comfortable! This Lao Fook Kee Yellow Braised Chicken and Lao Chen Mala Tang are my favorites. I'll eat dinner after reducing so much, hehe."

"The point is whether to engage in activities or keep going down? You won't eat for a few days and then go back up? I wonder what the reason is..."

The last question asked by Song Qingtong was also curious.

"The 15th is ready!"

The boss's voice came from a distance, Song Qingtong got up and went to the window to pick up the meal.

After the break, Song Qingtong gathered up his courage and politely asked Gao Ming, who was busy, "Boss, why did the price suddenly drop? Is it because of activities?"

"It's not about activities, it's about the same price in the future." Gao Ming, who was busy, answered Song Qingtong's question with a smile.

"It's always been this price?" Song Qingtong's face was stunned, stunned by the boss's words.

According to her experience of eating chicken for several years, the chicken in this restaurant is still very good, much better than those with hormones, and there are a lot of vegetarian dishes.

The original 15 yuan is not too expensive, and now 11 yuan can still be earned?

Picking up the dinner plate, before leaving, she asked curiously, "Will this not lose money?"

"I have to thank Principal Chen for this." Gao Ming said, with a sincere smile on his face, "Principal Chen is a responsible principal, this time we reduced the price because the school gave me a rent reduction, just to let your students save some money. "

Saying that, Gao Ming paused for a moment, turned around and told Song Qingtong seriously, "You guys, if you meet a good principal, you should study hard, and don't rely on your physical strength to make money like we do."

"It's not easy to make money~" Gao Ming shook his head, picked up another piece of braised chicken and rice, and shouted at the window, "No.

"So it was made by the school?" Song Qingtong was startled and walked to his seat in a daze.

I only often see the suffocating operation of various schools on the Internet, such as the "father" incident of Jiangcheng University, the "student buddy" incident of Dongshan University...

A school that thinks about students like Guanghua University is really as rare as a panda!

"Sisters, do you want to know why the price was cut?" Song Qingtong, who had calmed down, immediately began to tell about what he had just heard.

After listening, the other three girls were also dumbfounded.

"Why is the school doing this? Isn't this completely reducing its own income to subsidize students?"

"I don't understand, but it's good for our students~"

"When I first received the admission notice from this university, I was devastated, but after I came to Guanghua, I found it was pretty good here, hehe."

"Our Principal Chen is awesome! It's okay to be handsome, he is still so good, and he cares too much about his students. How can there be such a good principal!"

As soon as Bai Lin's words came out, Song Qingtong next to him smiled and said jokingly: "Linlin, you shouldn't have a crush on the principal, right? But yes, after all, the principal is quite handsome and tender~"

The two roommates on the side also joined the ranks of ridicule:

"Tsk tsk, I didn't expect you to be this kind of Linlin, I'm afraid!"

"It's so daring to think about the principal. Why, if you want to attack the principal, we can help you."

"What? What are you thinking about? Can't even stop your mouths with food?" Bai Lin blushed.

Angrily replied in a low voice.

"Hee hee~ I'm not thinking of your principal, Mr. Principal~"

"I hate it! I, I went to the toilet!" Bai Lin's ears were also red, and she was teased to find an excuse to escape.

At the same time, the staff canteen on the third floor.


"Who is scolding me?"

Chen Hao sneezed, shook his head, and watched the news while eating.

He found that it was still inconvenient not to watch the news. Many consultations were very important and should be paid more attention.

A news like the one he is watching now makes people excited!

"At 8:00 on September 19, the capital incident, the Chang'e-5 returner of the lunar exploration project successfully landed in the scheduled area of ​​Siziwangqi, Mongolia! This marks the successful completion of my country's first lunar sampling return mission!" (time modified)

Watching the successful return of Chang'e 5 in the video, Chen Hao's heart was surging!

What is the significance of the success of Chang'e 5?

This greatly enhances Huaxia's international image and international influence.

A country's aerospace technology is the root of a country's exploration of the secrets of space and the universe. The higher the flight, the further human beings can go.

Huaxia's space power has grown by leaps and bounds in recent years. In the past, the space has always been fighting for hegemony, and other countries simply cannot join in.

In recent years, China's great power has risen, but Omi's blockade is really disgusting.

The International Space Station did not allow Huaxia to join, which is really maddening.

Through the success of Chang'e 5, Chen Hao saw the contribution of domestic universities behind it.

Harbin Institute of Technology: "Sampling and packaging subsystem design integration and verification technology", "Drilling sampling mechanism key technology and principle prototype", etc.

National University of Defense Technology: Designed a "vision-guided-based lunar sampling pose measurement scheme" to provide technical support for the "circumlunar rendezvous and docking mission", and established a rapid analysis model under the uncertainty of the parachute recovery system.

Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics: invented "test equipment integrating environmental simulation and drilling experiments", "experimental research on ground drilling and mining", "lunar soil drilling and mining from the east sealer", etc.

Northwestern Polytechnical University: Responsible for the development of a certain type of radiation-resistant aerospace system chip.

Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics...


Through the contribution of these universities, we can see how important a country's universities are!

Such a very large project cannot be completed by dozens or hundreds of people.

It requires the efforts of many people, especially the top scientific research capabilities of various key and famous universities are very important!

Even some famous schools in the United States, such as Harvard University, MIT, etc., will also participate in some national projects in the United States.

This is also the focus of Chen Hao's development of science and engineering as Guanghua University.

Unlike literature and history, science and engineering can quickly enhance national strength, which is what Chen Hao expects.

"Aeronautical technology...it's a headache."

Chen Hao sighed.

ps: Ask for a recommended ticket and ask for a monthly pass!

Lazy cancer attacked today, and there are only 2 chapters guaranteed. Will update a little more tomorrow! The results have been dismal in the past few days, asking for tickets, woo woo woo.

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