I Am the President of the University

Chapter 464 The arrogance of a famous student

Heron Island University.

It was the last get out of class in the morning, and the campus trail was crowded with people.

"Cang'er, there is no class this afternoon, do you want to play ball?"

A tall boy with inch hair appeared beside Wang Cang riding a bicycle.

"I won't play this afternoon, I'm going to the library to study, this weekend." Wang Cang said without hesitation.

"Cut, it's studying again." The inch-headed boy pouted and put his unhappy face on his face, "Then I'll go first, see you at the weekend."\\b

"Okay, see you this weekend."

The bicycle beside him accelerated and disappeared into the crowd of people after class in no time.

Wang Cang and the two roommates next to him both majored in business administration from the School of Management of Ludao University. Although business administration is a mess, it refers to ordinary schools.

Ordinary schools have insufficient resources, small platforms, and limited opportunities for schools. Ludao University is one of the top 985 schools, and its business administration ranks third in the country. Those who can enter Ludao University to study management are all outstanding.

"Cang'er, won't you sit and study with us in the afternoon?" Zheng Yu, the roommate beside Wang Cang, asked jokingly.

"Lao Zheng, didn't you ask this knowingly? The young couples sit together to study, aren't we two big light bulbs?" The roommate, who was looking down at his phone, mocked with his head down.

"Enough for the two of you..." Wang Cang said helplessly.

Most of the students who can be admitted to Ludao University have good self-discipline, and it is normal for students to study in the library.

When I'm single, I go to the library together in a dormitory, but... when I have a girlfriend, it's different.

Wang Cang and Zheng Yu were walking along the road and chatting about a few knowledge points that the teacher had just taught in the class. As for the other roommate Xie Xie, who was still in the "bow-headed family", he was still swiping his mobile phone tirelessly, and only occasionally inserted a couple of sentences to prove his point. exist.

\\bIn the cafeteria, the three of them took their plates and finally found an empty seat to sit down.

Wang Cang had just eaten two mouthfuls of food when an exclamation of gratitude suddenly sounded in his ears.

Xie Xie patted Wang Cang's shoulder and shouted excitedly, "Cang'er, Lao Zheng, look at this!"

"What are you looking at? You can't stop eating." Zheng Yu ignored it and continued to eat.

On the contrary, Wang Cang looked at Xie Yi's phone screen curiously.

"Chen Niu, President of Guanghua University! Directly tweeted angrily against CCB! This is a bank!" Xie Yi was still shouting.

"Principal Guanghua Chen hates CCB?\\u001d" Zheng Yu became interested when he heard this, and his head came together, "Is it true? Let me be healthy too."

This news was reported by the Beijing News. Someone in the comment area wrote to Chen Hao, clicked in and jumped to Chen Hao's Weibo homepage. The top one was the content reported in the news.

After reading Weibo, Zheng Yu said with admiration: "Guanghua is really a good principal! In order to vent his anger on the students, he directly angered CCB. I admire him!"

"Do you think CCB will be soft?" Xie Yi asked curiously.

"Normally speaking, it's impossible to be soft, but..." Zheng Yu paused, shook his head, and said unsurely, "But Guanghua is hard to say. After all, Guanghua-related companies are too large and involve a lot of assets, so it's hard to say.\\ u001d”

After Chen Hao angered CCB on Weibo, \\u001d said that Guanghua University would withdraw all accounts opened in CCB, and demanded to apologize to Lin Yu and make corrections within a time limit. Bank deposits and all companies in the Guanghua family, including Guanghua Electronics Group, Guanghua Integrated Circuit, Guanghua Biotechnology, Rongwang Group, Yiyou Technology, Longda Industry and other companies also withdraw from their accounts opened in CCB.

The admission letter sent by every university will have a bank card. Generally, universities in a region will be monopolized by a bank. \\bThe bank card used by all universities in areas like Ludao is CCB.

If you just withdraw from the account opened by Guanghua University, it will not have a big impact, but the focus is on the Guanghua-related companies behind...

As a top student majoring in management at Ludao University, he is no stranger to these local companies. In several courses such as corporate culture and corporate strategy, the teacher also took Yu Wendong, the CEO of Longda Industrial, as a case study.

"Guanghua's move is really fierce, Principal Chen 6666!" Even though he was not a student of Guanghua University, Xie Xie still admired Chen Hao.

"That's not necessarily true. After all, CCB is a state-owned enterprise and one of the four major banks. How can it bow to Guanghua?"

The opposite appeared.

Wang Cang raised his eyelids slightly, and said with some contempt in his tone: "Revision within a time limit? What to do? Can you cancel the requirements of 985 and 211? Or should Guanghua University be included in this requirement?"

"Guanghua University is really good in scientific research, but in the final analysis, it is still a private undergraduate, without the background of 985 and 211 universities."

"I don't think CCB will bow its head."

Xie Xie and Zheng Yu glanced at Wang Cang, feeling a little helpless.

This roommate is usually nice people, but this is for them.

Wang Cang's views on academic qualifications are a bit extreme.

Famous school students should have the arrogance of famous school students. As for those students who can't even pass the 211 test and can only enter the first and second double non-examinations, those are the failures of the college entrance examination. \\b

Shouldn't the loser be respectful and humble to the winner?

"Cough, it makes sense. By the way, I suddenly remembered something, Lao Zheng, are you planning to practice during the winter vacation?"

"I can't do the winter vacation, let's wait for the summer vacation to practice. I want to spend more time with my parents at home during the winter vacation."

When there is disagreement, the best way to deal with it is to avoid it.

Wang Cang knew that he and the two roommates had different views on this, and he just smiled and didn't say anything about the topic of the two.

After all, they are all at the same level as him. As for the students of Guanghua University, they will never become his friends.

Students from prestigious schools and private universities are destined to be birds and fish.

There's no chance.


Guanghua University.

Zheng Qiang rarely appeared in Chen Hao's office.

"Principal, will this Weibo post by you be too offensive?" Zheng Qiang said anxiously.

Lao Zheng prefers to be steady and steady, and Chen Hao knows it well after getting along for so long.

He smiled indifferently and said, "If you offend people, you will offend. If you dare to bully our Guanghua students, have you asked me, Chen Hao?"

Seeing that Chen Hao was determined, Zheng Qiang stopped persuading him, but began to think about how to deal with the turmoil caused by Chen Hao this time.

"Then... is our school really going to withdraw the account opened at CCB?"

"Of course we have to withdraw. If we don't act like we are, the other party thinks we are just paper tigers!" Chen Hao said decisively with a firm look.

First, withdraw the funds from Guanghua University's CCB account. If the other party is still unmoved, then he will be serious!

The payroll bank of many companies in Guanghua is CCB, and among the cooperative banks, CCB is the closest.

Among these companies, the Egret International Hotel, which has the lowest assets, is a small number of billions. As for the others, there are several with more than 10 billion, but none of them are less than one billion.

Once they all withdraw from the CCB account and turn to other banks, the life of the CCB provincial branch president will not be easy.

"That's true." Zheng Qiang nodded.

"Actually, schools like Tsinghua and Peking University have their strengths there, and they don't care about 985 and 211 at all. What schools do they care about? It's the kind of schools that are not strong enough to squeeze into this circle. If there is no such aura, they will We will lose a lot of natural guarantees, and we will have to compete with schools like Guanghua." Chen Hao eloquently explained the essence, and then blew the national policy.

"This is the product of a typical planned economic system. It may be suitable for a certain period of time in the past, but the environment is constantly changing. The country's current double-first-class universities are a solution."

Seeing Chen Hao's eyes twinkling with light, Zheng Qiang swallowed, an absurd thought arose in his heart, and he couldn't help but smile and said, "Principal, you don't want to declare a double-first class, do you?"

"The one who knows me is Lao Zheng!"

Chen Hao slapped his thigh excitedly, then slammed down, put his hand on his chin and continued, "But this will take a few years, and the matter of 985 and 211 is still very important in a few years, and this must be solved. "

It's hard to say far away, but Ludao and even Hu Province must do it.

When recruiting companies, we should treat Guanghua University as the same as 985 and 211 universities.


The incident continued to ferment, while the outside world was still speculating about how the CCB in the center of the whirlpool would respond.

Zhao Hongfa, president of the provincial branch of CCB, was in the office on a phone call.

As he spoke, he did not know that his back was already wet with sweat.

"Yes, yes, I know what to do, don't worry!"

ps: The first chapter today, and another chapter will be delayed.

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