I Am the Swarm

Chapter 101 Predation

The news from the mother's nest at the beginning indicated that this talent should have been possessed from the beginning of his incubation.

It's just that this unknown planet lacks a certain kind of special energy, so that Rowan, who was incubated here, has not been able to activate this ability.

But later, through the mother nest as a link, countless worms sacrificed themselves.

This unique energy, involving life and soul, replaced the originally needed energy and successfully activated Rowan's talent.

But due to changes in the environment and activation energy, this talent also produced unknown changes.

It is unique, unlike all other Ife Ashes.

It's just that, at this moment, Luo Wen only knows that there is a special energy in his head. This energy cannot be touched, but he can feel it, which is very unscientific.

This made him, who had been educated in materialism since he was a child, suffer some shocks.

But then it occurred to him that he was turned into a worm by a green-haired old pervert, and it seemed common for him to have a lot of energy in his head.

However, due to the unique characteristics of this energy, he still needs to keep trying to figure out how to use it.

But right now, what he needs most is sleep.

Consciousness gradually fell into darkness, and a layer of cocoons slowly wrapped Rowan.

After waking up, Luo Wen let out a sigh of relief. After all, this place is not absolutely safe, but luckily there were no accidents.

The chelicerae had regrown, and the soft and brittle carapace that had been drilled out of the cocoon in Rowan quickly became stronger.

Rowan tried it a little bit, and he was as flexible as ever and recovered well.

He is very familiar with the operation of regrowing chelicerae. When experimenting with the hyperboloid system before, it was commonplace to have no chelicerae, but it was the first time that two of them disappeared together.

He looked at the carapace, sensed it carefully, and came to the conclusion after a while that there were no wings attached to the pupation this time.

Rowan had expected this for a long time, after all, the energy supply was insufficient before the pupation. It seems to be full, but most of them are water without much nutrition. Being able to grow a pair of scorpions is already an extraordinary performance.

The hunger convulsions in his stomach and the weakness of his whole body reminded him that this extraordinary performance did not come without a price. It's just that he can't see much under the cover of his exoskeleton. If you remove this layer of exoskeleton, you will see that the muscles inside have shrunk and become much thinner.

The top priority is to find a way to quickly replenish some food, preferably a full meat meal, the energy converted by meat food can far exceed tree sap.

After carefully sensing the outside world, nothing abnormal was found. I didn't even feel the vibration that could spread far away.

Carefully drill out of the rotten leaf cave, and clean up all the dirty things stuck to his body with his feet, otherwise these things will cause flaws in the operation of his optical cloaking system.

The two legs move quickly. His legs not only have many joints, but also have anti-joint magic skills. This talent is usually used quite a lot. He is a good hand at cleaning the body.

Turning on optical invisibility, in a short period of time, he has developed a good habit of turning on this talent at any time.

Before, there were bugs all around, and everyone basically relied on pheromones to distinguish friend from foe. In addition, when Luo Wen acquired this talent, Luo Wen had seldom made a move himself. He did not expect this talent to play a role far beyond imagination until now.

It's like the era of pheromones when bugs were completely defeated by spy bugs. This also reminded Luo Wen that he must develop more investigative methods in the future.

Otherwise, once restrained, it would be too passive.

Proceed cautiously among the dense trees. Rowan used to only need to pay attention to enemies from the surface and underground, and these enemies would usually be detected by his leg hair perception system when they were far away from him.

Therefore, in the past, relying on these skills, few enemies could sneak attack him.

But now, he also needs to prevent attacks from the sky, which has raised his enemy hunting mode to a three-dimensional level. Although he has eyes with almost no dead ends, it is just like the human eye without training, it is easy to ignore the information from the corner of the eye.

Therefore, he still needs to adapt to the information screen from above for a while.

However, this time does not take too long.

After waking up this time, his brain's ability to process information has been greatly improved for some reason. Just like a computer with an upgraded CPU, it just processes some more screen information and does not take up too much computing power.

Luo Wen's steps were light and slow, and he was careful every time he landed. Even his two swimming legs were raised up, and he only used six ordinary walking legs to walk.

His invisibility system is just to deceive the vision, and it cannot eliminate the sound, so in order not to attract the attention of the enemy or the prey, try not to make any sound.

Some small insects flying in the bushes always disappeared inexplicably, as if they had traveled through time, and never appeared again.

From time to time, there were some weird calls around, most of Rowan couldn't distinguish them, the only one he could hear was the call of the little bird that went to his stomach for a meeting yesterday.

In addition to this small bird, Rowan also found many birds among the branches and leaves. These birds are small in size and live by eating insects. At this time, most of them are preening their feathers on the branches.

There are no pterosaurs in the woods, because pterosaurs are bigger and more capable of flying, and can fly higher and farther.

The dense canopy in the forest will block their sight, and the complex environment with many obstacles between the trees is not suitable for them to fly. The pterosaur's wing membrane is easily injured in this terrain, and it is not easy to recover.

Birds don't have this concern, and the loss of a few feathers will not affect their flight, and the regeneration speed is quite fast, so the woods are their home field.

Here, only a few creatures can threaten them, and Rowan is one of them.

Although Luo Wen can't fly yet, climbing a tree or something is nothing to him who can walk on the cliff as if walking on the ground.

A few unknown birds that were singing and displaying their beautiful feathers suddenly disappeared one by one, just like the little bugs just now. Unlike bugs, though, there are always some feathers left where they disappear, heralding their fate.

To Rowan, these little birds and bugs are just snacks, and the energy efficiency of preying on them may be worse than tree root sap.

Because although the energy value of the sap is low, it is strong in continuous output. Although the birds and insects are meat, they are really scattered. If the time cost is counted, it is not much higher than the sap.

Suddenly, Rowan's eyes narrowed, and in the distance, a green "stream" flowed down from the crown of a big tree, along the trunk to the ground, and then flowed away into the distance, disappearing from sight.

This familiar scene made Luo Wen a little excited, but at the same time fell into confusion again.

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