I Am the Swarm

Chapter 109 Encountering Flying Insects Again

For the next two days, Rowan has been moving around, one is not to worry about food, and the other is to see if he can touch the nests of small dinosaurs and flying insects.

But the result is that their hunting range is quite large, and they have not been seen for two days.

For some of the newly collected genes, except for the tail fat organ, Rowan did not choose to add them to the current body.

Because he is now living in the sea, land and air, and can fight in all directions and three-dimensionally. Especially for stealth assassination, this system has been used very smoothly.

If the talents displayed by the new genes weren't particularly powerful or useful, he didn't need to waste energy and time evolving them.

Although the tail fat organ looks inconspicuous and has a funny name, it is extremely practical. It can convert the excess energy in Rowan's body into compressed fat blocks and store them, greatly enhancing his sustainable combat capability.

Originally, he said it would take at least a week to eat five fat-tailed rats and three small dinosaurs, but now he only took two days to finish them off.

The excess food is compressed, and if he uses it sparingly, he may not even need to eat for two months. If this capability is promoted throughout the army, it will certainly greatly reduce the pressure on logistics.

The food was settled, and Rowan had no reason to stay here any longer. So, continue to embark on an adventure journey.

Every day, Rowan will remotely check the situation in the base many times. Under his remote command, everything in the base is normal. The number of insects has exceeded 200,000, and they have unknowingly occupied the entire tenth floor of the passageway at the bottom of the big-headed ants.

The ten type III queen ants have all entered the pupal state and will enter the mature stage in a few days. In addition, there are fifty Type III queen ant eggs waiting to hatch.

The swarm is currently facing a serious shortage of numbers, which makes Rowan, the former land overlord, very uncomfortable. And the type III queen with enhanced fertility is the best candidate to solve the current situation.

When these batches of III ant queens gradually mature, the number of insect swarms will also usher in explosive growth. As long as this period of weakness is passed, I believe that the swarm will soon reoccupy this continent.

More than ten days later, Luo Wen has already ran all over the site with a radius of five kilometers around the base. Combined with the first glimpse in the air, I have a general understanding of the surroundings.

He is currently at the edge of a primeval forest. The further you go inward, the denser the vegetation and the more complex the environment.

All kinds of tall trees cover the sky and the sun, and there are many vines wrapped around it. It is difficult for the sun to shine through the barriers, making the forest look a bit eerie even at noon when the sun is shining.

All kinds of small and medium-sized creatures camp here, forming an ecological cycle.

Rowan encountered many strange creatures here, such as the patterned spider with the size of a millstone, which formed a large web between two tree trunks, hunting various flying insects, small birds, and bats.

Another example is snake-like creatures of various sizes and colors. The smaller ones prey on some birds, and a rat-like creature that is much smaller than the fat-tailed rat. The bigger ones prey on fat tail rats.

There are quite a lot of fat tail rats here, they are at the bottom of the food chain, and they feed on various insects. Luo Wen even saw them sneak attacking the scout worker ants of the big-headed ants. Thinking about it like this, there seemed to be something wrong, and he scratched his head.

And the smaller ones can eat anything, and the range of recipes depends on their hunger.

In addition, Rowan also found a small river, and above the river, he also found several super large dragonflies with a wingspan of more than one meter. However, Luo Wen didn't go down the river. The river was a little muddy, and he couldn't see what was hidden below, and it might be dangerous to enter rashly.

As the supreme will of the swarm, of course, you can't put yourself in danger, this is responsible to the tens of thousands of people of the swarm.

The aborigines here are quite enthusiastic. Most of them showed their talents to Luo Wen and at the same time contributed their genes, which made Luo Wen a little embarrassed.

However, Rowan was not too polite, and harvested a bunch of genes such as induction heat source, echolocation, silk spinning and netting.

And because all kinds of birds have eaten a lot during this period, the photoreceptor cells in his eyes have undergone some mutations, and the range of sight has been greatly improved.

It's just that at present, it has been in the forest, and it doesn't feel obvious for the time being. Once at night, Rowan climbed above the canopy to blow the wind, only to realize that he could already see the two moons directly, and no longer needed to rely on the light source to perceive them.

Two moons hung high in the sky, one was yellowish and the other was white, cold and noble, which made Luo Wen feel a little crazy for a while.

In addition to these gains, Rowan also touched a nest of flying insects.

At that time, from a long distance, Rowan discovered their flying group. This is largely thanks to the newly acquired echolocation system.

After obtaining this system, two hidden ear points grew on the back of his head armor. His mouth can emit an ultrasonic wave with a frequency close to 100 kilohertz. Through the reflection of these ultrasonic waves, he can locate the position and size of surrounding objects without using his eyes.

It's a pity that due to his small ear holes, this skill is severely limited, and it is far from the level of bats.

But even so, it was a great enhancement to his auditory system. You must know that in the past, he sensed sound through his tentacles and leg hair, and he didn't even have ears.

When I encountered flying insects for the first time, because I didn't prepare in advance, their speed was also very fast. At the same time, the forest environment was complicated and the vision was not good, so I lost them.

This time, through sound positioning, even if he didn't see them, Rowan could easily follow them.

A huge beehive hangs on the tree trunk. It is generally yellowish brown and made of unknown materials. It is more than five meters high and two meters wide. If the trunk is not wide enough, a smaller piece of vegetation would be enough to carry its weight.

There is a circular entrance above the nest, many flying insects come in and out of it, and there are many flying guards around the nest.

Rowan has no idea about this lair at the moment, he just needs to hunt and kill a flying insect. But these guys come in groups when they go out, and if they want to achieve their goals, they need to plan well.

A team of about 2,000 flying insects was flying low and arrogantly, but they didn't know that there was a hunter who had been waiting for a long time hidden on the tree trunk next to it.

The large troops passed by one by one, when the last flying insect was about to fly over the trunk. Suddenly a spear protruded from the tree trunk, piercing it with precision.

But before the flying insect died, it still made some special sounds, which attracted the attention of the front troops.

Rowan quickly stuffed it with the belt case into the mouth, and then stood still, hoping to get away with it.

But at this time, the optical invisibility seemed to have lost its effect on the flying insects. Without the slightest hesitation, they made a collective U-turn in the air and rushed towards Rowan.

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