I Am the Swarm

Chapter 122 Queen and Blade

The second thing to be cleared is also a group force, that is, the carnivorous fish in those rivers.

Relying on their sharp teeth and geographical advantages, these carnivorous fish set up card charges in the river all year round. Many small and medium-sized creatures who cross the river or come to drink water will pay with their bodies if they are not careful. The crimes they committed are too numerous to write down, and the people of the forest have suffered from them for a long time.

In view of this, the swarm, as a top force, is naturally obliged to eradicate it, not to mention that they are not far from the south of the swarm base, which seriously affects the expansion of the swarm in this direction.

However, carnivorous fish have an absolute advantage in the water. Rowan made some crabs and prawns, but they couldn't fight them. These fish have surprisingly good teeth, with their hard exoskeleton acting like crispy skin in their mouths. The crab was eaten before it could escape, and the Pippi shrimp could resist a few times, that's all.

There was no other way, and Luo Wen resorted to his usual method—poisoning.

Several small game animals were dragged to the river, killed, filled with neurotoxin, and thrown into the river.

The spreading bloody smell quickly attracted the attention of the carnivorous fish, and water lines rushed towards the prey from all directions. Then, the river water seemed to be boiling, the body of the fish rolled, the sound of slapping water waves, and the splashing of water splashed, it was very lively.

The turbid river gradually turned red, attracting more predatory fish. Stimulated by the bloody smell, they go crazy, and even hurt their own people during the collision.

If any carnivorous fish is injured, it will be attacked, torn, and eaten by the same kind of fish around it immediately.

Predator fish are in an orgy.

However, the carnival soon came to an abrupt end. Although they are fierce, they rely most on geographical and numerical advantages. Their small physique, and somewhat simple nervous system, have very poor resistance to neurotoxins.

The neurotoxins in the prey had entered their bodies during the fight just now, and even the blood of the river was mixed with trace amounts of neurotoxins.

As a result, a large number of carnivorous fish floated to the surface with their bellies turned. Some who got the meat died suddenly, and those who didn't got the meat also drank a lot of blood, and their bodies fell into paralysis and were dying.

Several large grid insects slipped into the water, carrying a large number of spider war insects on their backs, they scooped up the floating carnivorous fish, and transported them back to the shore.

Carnivorous fish have a very low IQ, and the swarm combat troops carry out similar operations in multiple locations in the river, and they can get rich harvests every time. It is not until the density of carnivorous fish is reduced that it is almost impossible to form a scale.

Just after this period of time, the carnivorous fish troops of the swarm have matured. Before, because the river was full of wild carnivorous fish, the swarm navy couldn't enter the water at all.

After harvesting the carnivorous fish gene, it happened that the scorpion and the digging ant had been idle at home and hadn't had any tasks for a long time. Rowan ordered them to dig a pond by the river and raise carnivorous fish larvae in it.

Now that the wild carnivores are almost wiped out, it's a good time for the swarm carnivores to take over the rivers. And with the protection of the first batch of carnivorous fish, the follow-up navy troops can also hatch directly in the river.

With the rapid expansion of the swarm's territory, the production speed of troops could not keep up.

In order to cope with the changes, the combat units of the swarm have tended to be larger. The main combat arms, spiders and war insects, generally have a body size of about 30 centimeters, flying insects type I are about 10 centimeters, and flying insects type II are about 15 centimeters. Not to mention those larger specialized auxiliary arms.

In the past, the size of super giants was only 20 to 30 centimeters, and the various soldier ants and worker ants of the main combat arms were only 1 to 2 centimeters. Since the opponents were all small insects at the time, there was naturally no problem.

But the creatures we are facing now are often seven or eight meters, ten meters or twenty meters long. Even the prey basically starts at one meter. Therefore, besides a large number of worker ants and digging ants, there are also spy ants produced in the early stage, and the small and medium-sized soldier ants that used to be the main battle basically did not produce.

After several rounds of optimization, the production cycle of those small and medium-sized soldier ants has been shortened to more than ten days. Ant queens can also produce a very large number of eggs every day.

But now the main combat unit has changed, and its size has reached 30 centimeters. The queen ant has not changed, and still maintains a body size of about ten centimeters.

This makes the eggs they produce very small, and it takes more time for these eggs to grow. The production cycle of a spider war worm takes more than 40 days, which is the result of genetic modification that does not need to molt halfway.

Therefore, the ant queens can no longer keep up with the current development of the swarm, and need to be revised and upgraded.

Luo Wen quickly realized this, and temporarily gave up on the buddy who was tinkering with seeds, and started to develop a new ant queen.

The respiratory system that previously restricted the size of the queen ant can easily be solved today. A surging heart and blood circulation system from a large creature can easily push the size of the queen ant to more than ten meters.

Now that the heart is added, they no longer use the ant template. The new queen will adopt a hybrid reptilian and mammalian template, with further strengthened reproductive organs and increased reproductive capacity.

The new ant queen can be said to be a brand new insect beast, so it no longer continues the version number of the previous ant queen. It will be renamed Queen of Worms and develop a new version sequence.

At the same time, for the better gigantism of the queens, they will no longer have exoskeleton armor and will be replaced with cuticle armor. Although this kind of armor is slightly inferior to exoskeleton armor when the thickness is the same, it lacks many auxiliary capabilities of exoskeleton armor.

But its advantage is that it can grow together with the body without the trouble of shedding. As the body size increases, the cuticle armor will also become thicker, and the defense power will increase sharply. At that time, the defense power will not be inferior to the exoskeleton armor.

Moreover, due to their large size and similar appearance to the queen type III, the queen basically lost her ability to move. They will hide in the safest places of the swarm and will basically not be attacked.

The new queen will be able to directly produce eggs with a diameter of more than 30 centimeters. That is to say, as long as the spider war worm hatches from the eggs, it is already close to the size of a full body. Even heavy armored soldier ants with a body length of one meter can greatly shorten the production time.

This will greatly speed up the swarm's rampage.

At the same time, due to the cancellation of the version number of the queen, although the template of the type I queen who specializes in commanding operations will not change for the time being, it no longer has the reproductive function.

They will be separated and regrouped, and the new group will be given the codename "Blade", and its duty will still be to assist Rowan in commanding the battle.

Moreover, they will also be granted a higher level of authority over the swarm network, capable of commanding all swarm combat units including the queen.

Thank you Gouzi who loves to laugh for the 1558 starting coins, and thank you Chongjun for the 500 starting coins.

Sorry, everyone, due to some mistakes in uploading the VIP chapter for the first time, I missed a chapter. In fact, chapter 123 is in front of this chapter. I am very sorry.

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