I Am the Swarm

Chapter 124 Cannon Bug

As time passed, Rowan's seed experiments gradually yielded some good results.

One of them is his favorite.

It's a hybrid of genes from various spore plants.

Spore plants include algae, lichens, fungi, bryophytes, and ferns. The new seed made by Luo Wen contains the genes of all spore plants.

It combines many excellent properties, and it is not so harsh on the planting environment, cold and heat resistant, and resistant to drought. It can fully absorb the nutrients in the surrounding soil, and can even corrode and decompose rocks and minerals by secreting a special acidic substance.

This also makes their output per unit area higher. The most important thing is that most of their parts are edible, and the taste is not bad, rich in protein, and the taste is also in line with the taste of bugs, sweet.

The crop has now replaced the original white mycelium, greatly increasing the yield of underground plantations.

However, this is still far from his original goal and needs continuous improvement.

Killing the swarm of giant pythons is also considered to have entered the ranks of top predators by virtue of strength. The territory is recognized by the surrounding powerful creatures, and there has never been a situation where the door is blocked by the top boss.

Those big guys are basically single, they each enclose a territory, feed themselves every day and it's over. If you are willing to move, find the opposite door to fight and exercise your muscles and bones. Then rest assured to wait to grow old and be replaced by other top creatures.

But what they don't know is that the emerging forces are different from them. This is a very aggressive force. Enclosing a territory in the forest for self-entertainment is not their goal at all.

The power of the swarm was expanding rapidly, and before those big bosses with peak combat power came to block the door, the combat troops of the swarm had already attacked the door.

The first thing to be cleaned up was the nests of flying insects. Strictly speaking, these guys who chased Rowan up and down did not belong to the top group of food chains.

But they are numerous, have the advantage of flying, and can poison, most creatures really dare not provoke them. And those who can provoke them can't fly, and there is nothing to do with them. They can fly, and the small ones can't beat them, and the big ones can't get into the complex environment like the forest.

There are a variety of reasons that lead them to become a tyrant in the forest. But now they have met their opponents.

Zerg Air Forces of the same template are on par with them in speed, but don't forget that the Zerg Air Force has a long-range variant.

One side is close combat and the other side is long-range sniping. Everyone has the same speed. When the Zerg Air Force fights for a round first, it will run away after the fight.

While flying and lowering the altitude, a large group of spiders and war insects on the ground are waiting. As long as the flying insects dare to chase after them, the spider war insects will let them know the power of hook claws and sticky hairs.

Don't forget, their genetic prototypes are powerful hunters who hide on the cliffs and catch small insects. They are good at dealing with these flying insects.

After spending a few rounds like this, the flying insect nest was completely lost, and the old nest was broken by the swarm air force.

In fact, it was the first flying insect nest that fought so hard. When they encountered the second flying insect nest, the combat troops of the insect swarm had gone through several rounds of military expansion, and added some new troops.

Under the second flying insect nest tree.

Several large beetles crawled out from the swarm. They are more than one meter long, black and stocky, with a gun barrel protruding from the center of the shoulder armor on the back, and extending forward from the top of the head for more than 30 centimeters.

From the shape point of view, they are like living tanks, very cool.

These big beetles are large cannon insects researched by Rowan, which incorporate a variety of biological genes with shooting talents. It was originally made to deal with pterosaurs.

But the idea is very full, the reality is very skinny. It is obviously unrealistic for a "tank" to fight an "aircraft". Even if they absorb the advantages of various biological genes, increase their body size, lengthen their gun barrels, and increase the space of the reaction chamber in their bodies, their effective range can only reach 100 meters. Beyond this distance, it basically belongs to fate shooting.

And when they are lying down, the maximum shooting angle is only 30 degrees. Even if Rowan strengthened the strength and length of the two pairs of legs in front of them so that they could support the front of the body like a bracket, the maximum shooting angle would only reach 70 degrees.

There is such a large shooting blind spot, and the range is still short, how can this be played?

At the same time, their production cost is also very astonishing. It took more than 60 days in the larval stage before they were cast into shape. If it weren't for the expansion of the cultivated area of ​​the underground farm, the bug swarm would really not be able to withstand such a toss.

Fortunately, they have all been added with soil-eating and dormant genes. They are usually on standby in the underground base, and when necessary, they are awakened and pulled out for a walk.

Not only this kind of large cannon bug, but also some other targeted bugs, there are not many of them. Because they were all developed for some top leaders, their uses are extremely limited, and there is no value for large-scale deployment of troops.

Although this large cannon can be regarded as Rowan's most failed work so far, it is basically useless. But that's where they haven't found a place where they can display their talents.

For example, now, it is not a problem to pull over to hit a fixed target or something.

The cannon worm reached the shooting position, stretched out its legs and slowly supported its body, raising the muzzle.

Taking time out, Luo Wen, who was watching remotely through the swarm network, couldn't help sighing. With this speed of preparation, let alone flying in the sky, he might not be able to hit those running on the ground. It is estimated that in addition to fixed targets, you can also hit snails.

Their shells are high-temperature and corrosive jelly-like solids that stick to the target after hitting and continue to release poison.

The nests of flying insects are hung on the tree trunk at a height of 20 meters. The building materials are the secretions of flying insects and plant fibers. These two substances will oxidize and harden after air drying.

There were a few small cannon shots, and a few dark yellow shells flew out. Except for one miss, all the others hit the nest of flying insects.

In a short distance, the kinetic energy of these shells is still very destructive, and several holes have been punched out of the nest of flying insects. As soon as some flying insects got out of their nests to check the situation, they were instantly killed by the swarm air force who had been waiting by the side.

Then, a few more shells hit, this time all of them hit the middle of the nest. The flying insect nest was broken into two pieces, and the lower half fell directly to the ground. The flying insects who had been thrown had just climbed out, and before they took off, they were stabbed to death by the spider war insects.

And on the half of the tree, swarms of flying insects crawled out of their nests from the breaks and holes, and then they were intensively shot by the swarm air force, and very few of them could take off.

The battle ended quickly, except for the spiders and insects under the tree, there was basically no hand-to-hand combat in other places.

After the war, the Cannon Bug returned to the base to hide in the snow. After this actual combat test, although the performance of the Cannon Bug is not bad, it is really limited in what it can do.

In the future, if resource constraints occur, recycling can be considered.

Sorry, everyone, because I uploaded the VIP chapters for the first time, I made a mistake in the order and missed a chapter. This chapter is actually chapter 121. I am very sorry for the trouble caused to everyone. I found it a bit late, and saw that many friends have already subscribed to the first two chapters, and there is no way to modify it, so this is the only way.

To express my apologies, a total of six chapters were uploaded today, and the old bottom was empty.

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