I Am the Swarm

Chapter 133 New Thoughts

Shortly thereafter, the readjusted little dinosaurs also successfully gave birth to offspring. The successive successes of the two experimental subjects greatly boosted Luo Wen's confidence.

Under the support of the nutrients of the creeper, the newborn cubs grow up rapidly. The cubs have genetically increased their brain size slightly. Then they continue to combine with the expanded experimental body.

In this way, after generations of continuous reproduction, the newborn fat rats and small dinosaurs have more and more brains and become more and more intelligent. After training, he was able to understand some of Rowan's instructions.

During this period, Rowan discovered an additional function of the swarm network. Its essence should be the awakening of a kind of spiritual power, but after the sacrifice of special energy, some mutations have occurred. However, it still has some general abilities that belong to spiritual power.

For example, he can forcibly link some individuals whose spiritual power is lower than his to convey some information with ideas.

In an experimental site, two fat-tailed rats were squatting in front of Luo Wen, one of which was bred naturally, and the other was produced by the queen. Under the demonstration of the tail fat mouse produced by the queen, the naturally bred fat tail mouse quickly learned a variety of commands. For example, squatting down, shaking hands, eating.

But these things, in Blue Star, pet dogs and other animals seem to be easy to learn after a few casual trainings, and they are not difficult things. Some pet dogs are even smarter, and they can count and so on, but I haven't seen anything they can research.

Rowan began to seriously recall the history of human evolution. After expanding his brain, the next step is to learn how to use tools?

So, for a while later, in the test area, many fat rats and small dinosaurs could often be seen beating around with small wooden sticks.

In this regard, fat tail mice have a natural advantage. Their forelimbs are closer to human hands. Although they only have four fingers, they are very flexible. With a little practice, you can learn to use many tools.

The forelimbs of the small dinosaurs only have three claws, and the joints are relatively hard. Although they can also use some tools, they are far inferior to the fat-tailed rats in some subtle operations.

However, in line with one more choice, there is one more possibility. Luo Wen didn't give up on them either. It would be quite interesting to think that if a kind of Xiaolongren could really be bred.

While training these test subjects, the continuous expansion of brain volume has not stopped.

Moreover, Rowan found that maybe half of the direct elders of these cultivated test subjects were swarm creatures.

This allows them to be contaminated with some swarm factors even if they are bred naturally. Although they do not have node status, they naturally have a great affection for Rowan.

This makes the subsequent teaching work easier and easier. Even Rowan will arrange a hunting ground for them to rush in with simple weapons to hunt.

In this respect, fat-tailed rats performed better, probably because they lacked offensive physical weapons, so they made better use of tools. Although the small dinosaurs have been bred for so many generations, the instinct of predators still exists. When hunting, especially when facing animals that are weaker than them, they prefer to attack directly with their fangs and claws.

But then Rowan ran into a problem again. Because he wants to teach the experimental subjects language and characters, the birth of civilization needs inheritance, and their experience and culture need carriers.

However, Rowan didn't have any experience in teaching the aliens.

In fact, the text is easy to say, its compatibility is very strong, and the meaning it represents can be explained in multiple languages. But the language is a lot more troublesome. The body structure of the two races is different, and their pronunciation is very different. Moreover, Rowan couldn't remember the structure of human throat bones, nor could he transform them into a good voice.

Can't Rowan make up two brand new languages ​​based on their pronunciation characteristics?

Luo Wen is very self-aware, he can't take this job.

Luo Wen, who was in a mess of thoughts, decided to take a long trip to relax. During this period of time, all his energy was absorbed by the experiment, and he hadn't rested for a long time. In fact, he still has a lot of time, and no one is urging him on the construction period, so he doesn't need to be so anxious.

Came to the familiar beach, which is located in the northern hemisphere, the climate is pleasant, the scenery is not bad, there are many seabirds soaring nearby during the day.

On the fine, light yellow sand, Luo Wen was basking in the sun on his stomach. He had just eaten a full meal in the nearby base, and then came here, waiting to watch the stars at night.

Watching the Bright Galaxy has become his only entertainment.

But why do stars come out in broad daylight? The size of the star gradually enlarged in the field of vision, getting bigger and bigger, and gradually turned into a huge fireball.

"This is a shooting star." Rowan reacted with a jolt. I remember getting up in the middle of the night to watch a meteor shower, but I waited for several hours and didn't watch it. Finally, I checked the news on the Internet, only to find that due to the problem of the angle, I couldn’t see it in his area...

However, meteor showers are usually seen at night, and it is really rare that they can be seen in broad daylight like now. But the fireball seemed to be getting bigger and bigger.

In his subconscious mind, meteors are generally not dangerous. And there is also a metaphysical saying, after seeing a shooting star, close your eyes and sincerely make a wish, and the wish will come true.

"I don't know if the meteors during the day are good or not." Luo Wen closed his eyes and made a wish.

But when he opened his eyes, he realized that something was wrong. The fireball continued to grow, and it dragged a long plume through the atmosphere. And behind this big fireball, many small fireballs appeared one after another.

"Fuck." Rowan cursed angrily, the biggest fireball in the front was getting bigger and bigger, and it seemed to have filled Rowan's field of vision in just a short time.

Rowan finally realized that something was wrong, the meteor seemed too big. And the falling direction is on his side, even if it doesn't hit him, it will fall around him.

No matter how lacking in knowledge, Rowan knew that being hit by a meteor would definitely not be a pleasant thing.

Seeing that the meteorite was about to fall, Rowan seemed to feel that the surrounding air was much hotter. At this time, with his flying or running speed, he couldn't run very far.

It was too late to call Fengshen's car.

No way, he quickly climbed a few steps and plunged into the sea.

At the same time, the swarm network searches for nearby nodes. Almost in the blink of an eye, there were waves of water in the surrounding sea water. Several big-headed monster fish rushed to Luo Wen's side, bit his feet, and dragged towards the deep sea.

The big-headed monster fish is extremely fast, even if it pulls Luo Wen, it can create a waterline underwater. Looking at the surrounding sunlight gradually diminishing, Luo Wen secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

This place is already hundreds of meters underwater, so it should be safe.

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