I Am the Swarm

Chapter 140 Dialogue

The two kingdoms whose population has decreased do not have to start wars and reduce their population as before. However, the contradictions between the two sides have long been irreconcilable in the years of war.

Although there was no direct war, they started a cold war with each other, wanting to win or lose in other fields. Under the influence of some unknown factors, the two sides began to attach importance to education, opened schools, and tapped talents.

In such an environment, the technological level of the Ratmen changed day by day, a large number of novel theories were put forward, and steam engines, trains, and airplanes were invented one by one.

Perhaps the legend of "God" is still silently influencing the rat people, who have an extraordinary yearning for the two moons in the sky.

One day, the "Moon Landing Project" was proposed by a ratman, and the following situation got out of hand. This word was like igniting something, causing the rat people to explode with unprecedented enthusiasm.

The voices of the people for "landing on the moon" became louder day by day, and the royal family did not disobey public opinion. The legends left by the ancestors of the two royal families, especially the Kerrigan royal family, made them even more eager to find out about the moon.

As a result, under the ruler's smooth sailing, relevant scientific research institutions were quickly established, and resources began to tilt. A large number of students choose relevant majors to start their studies.

"Moon landing" has also faintly become the new competition goal of the two kingdoms.

On the vast plain, patches of farmland are dotted on it. In the middle of the plain stands a big city, and the mottled traces on the tall city wall show the ancient history of this city.

This city is the royal city of the Kerrigan family. They were the family residences in the tribal era. After that, it has been continuously expanded to the current scale through successive generations of family members. The city is called the City of Glory, covering an area of ​​4,500 acres, plus the surrounding satellite cities and villages, a total of millions of rat people live in this area.

There is an old castle in the city. There are elite soldiers outside the castle all day long, wearing gorgeous and tight battle uniforms, carrying various weapons, standing guard and patrolling, and the defense is very strict.

This is the Kerrigan Palace. Three years ago, the previous King Kerrigan passed away, and the eldest princess took over the throne at that time.

Kerrigan started his career with a unique white fur, and was given the name of "God" because of it, so he attaches great importance to blood. Only those with the purest blood in the family can take over the powerful people in power, hoping to continue to receive the favor of "God".

Coincidentally, although the Kerrigan family has never seen the so-called "god" again, even most of the family members suspect that this is intentionally fabricated by the ancestors. But for so many years, with this method of inheritance, whenever the family encounters a crisis, they will always inexplicably get a turning point and save the day.

So, believe it or not, this system has been handed down to this day. After so many years, Kerrigan's blood was thinned by the constant intermarriage. There are fewer and fewer family members with pure white hair, and in this generation, there is only the eldest princess who does not have the slightest variegation.

Therefore, without going through any battle for succession, the eldest princess won the support of everyone and ascended the throne.

In a large room in the palace, there are many tall dark wooden bookshelves. Two ladders are leaning against the bookshelves. The bookshelves are filled with various books. Judging from the different materials, many of them are original.

In the corner of the room, there is a plate of incense, and the room is filled with a scent of fragrance, which makes people feel calm. On another wall of the house, a huge biological skeleton is displayed.

A quaint long table is placed between the bookshelves, and a huge stone slab is placed on it, and some messy patterns are carved on the stone slab. An old male rat man was wearing a monocular and holding a magnifying glass to observe carefully.

Suddenly, the door of the room was opened, and a female ratman stepped in. She was wearing a gorgeous red and gold robe, although she was young, she was quite majestic. Her pure white fur and bright red eyes made her look quite delicate.

"Mr. Morgan, have you found any good stuff yet?" After entering the room, the female rat man swept left and right and found that there was only the old man, her serious face relaxed. Bounced two steps and ran to the old man's side, happily asked.

"Your Majesty, you should pay attention to your image." The old rat man raised his head and adjusted his unilateral glasses, bowing slightly to salute.

"Teacher, didn't I say that Tyra would call me by my name when she was away? Since I inherited the throne, you and I have become more and more distant." Chair, sit down.

Morgan shook his head helplessly, and said dotingly: "Okay, okay, Sarah, where did you send Taila?"

"It's at the door. I said I wanted to ask the teacher some secret questions, but I didn't let her in." The female Ratman's full name is Sarah Kerrigan, who was once the eldest daughter and the current queen.

The naming method of the Kerrigan family created a precedent. After their ancestors received the god-given name, their descendants all called themselves Kerrigan. The Ratmen were fertile at first, and it didn't take long for hundreds of Kerrigan to appear, and it was impossible to tell which was which.

So, one of Kerrigan gave himself another name in order to distinguish himself from his kind. Then, others followed suit, and Kerrigan slowly transitioned to the last name.

Although there were many followers later, most of the Ratmen still chose some simple names.

Morgan shrugged helplessly when he heard the queen's words, and continued to study the slate. Terra was the queen's head of guard, a very old-fashioned female ratman. When the queen came to him, there should be nothing wrong with her, she just relaxed and relaxed. This kind of thing happened many times in the past.

"Teacher, you haven't answered my question yet." Seeing that the old man ignored him, the Queen stood up, moved to the old man's side, and asked while looking at the slate.

Morgan frowned and thought for a while before remembering the Queen's question before. He looked at the slate and said, "This is the record slate preserved during the Great Annihilation. At that time, the sky was dark and everything that could be eaten was eaten. The ancestors only It can record some things on the slate, and at that time, the writing was not yet systematic, and there were not many surviving, this slate is a treasure."

"There are quite a few of these things in the royal treasury. Teacher, haven't you seen them all before? I haven't seen anything you have researched, sir." Kerrigan Kingdom occupies half of the mainland, so there are naturally many good things in the treasury. However, the queen is not too interested in these.

Morgan choked for a moment, he was also a well-known university student, and no one dared to hit him in the face like this. Of course, the white-haired mouse next to it is not included. Not only can't get angry, but he has to explain it well. He raised his beard, and finally argued helplessly:

"This one is different. This one is older than all the slabs I have seen."

I wish you all a happy new year, full of bullish energy, auspicious year of the ox, happiness and well-being.

Thank you for your support during this time, thank you for your subscriptions, rewards and various tickets, and thank you again.

On the first day of the new year, this book also ushered in the second chapter with a plot of dialogue, which is not easy, haha.

Six more chapters today.

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