I Am the Swarm

Chapter 142 The Door

The teacher of the Queen of the Kingdom, a well-known scholar, and the former president of the Academy of Sciences, Mr. Morgan, accidentally stumbled and fell when he was checking materials in the library and climbing a ladder. Unfortunately, he died at the age of 56.

The queen was distraught when she heard the news, and ordered a day of silence for the whole country while burying Morgan.

Although the old Morgan had already withdrawn from the front line during his lifetime, he even "didn't do his job properly" in his later years.

But he had no children all his life, and devoted himself to science. He not only has the queen as a student, but many of the people in the scientific system of the kingdom are his disciples and grandchildren.

His death still caused a great impact, not only the queen, but also many scientific researchers were very sad, which had some impact on the progress of scientific research.

Originally, time can heal everything, no one is immortal. After everyone's grief, life and work will slowly return to normal.

But at this moment, the maintenance staff of the library discovered that the escalator that old Morgan had slipped down before, and the cracks in the broken steps had man-made traces.

When the news spread, it was like a barrel of explosives being thrown into a hornet's nest.

The entire kingdom's scientific community exploded!

Before the scientific researchers organized a petition, the equally angry Queen ordered the Kingdom Security Bureau, Investigation Bureau, and Police Department to thoroughly investigate the matter.

With the three parties monitoring each other and wrestling with each other, the truth gradually came to light.

Old Morgan turned out to be an internal agent who was bought by the spy of the Kingdom of Myrican, and he was believed to have died by accident. In addition to the first time, there are other secrets discovered in this thorough investigation, and many "accidents" are actually man-made.

These things have only one intention, and that is to slow down the scientific research progress of the Kerrigan Kingdom, so that the Myrican Kingdom can win this moon landing race.

As soon as the news came out, not only the scientific community was blown up this time, but the entire King Myrican was blown up. While eliminating spies and ghosts, they have already begun to transfer troops to the border, intending to ask for an explanation.

Myrican was guilty of being a thief, and had secretly sent troops towards the border as early as the beginning of the investigation in the Kingdom of Kerrigan.

As a result, the armies of the two sides confronted each other at the border. The situation that had been peaceful for a long time became tense again, and the war was about to break out.

Over the years, Rowan has always felt that the swarm network has undergone some changes. Outside the network, there would be something every now and then that wanted to invade, but he easily blocked these intrusions.

Today, he encountered this intrusion again. But this time the situation is slightly special. The things of this intrusion conveyed some clearer messages.

Luo Wen couldn't understand the information, but after being translated by Zongshun Network, he understood it somewhat. The other party is applying to enter the swarm network.

This is the first time Rowan has encountered such a request. He always thought that the swarm network was unique to him, it should be an internal LAN, why would there be an application to join the network?

For a moment, he was a little surprised.

But this issue cannot be delayed, and a decision must be made as soon as possible. After repeated consideration and consideration in his heart, he finally decided to agree to the other party's application.

The other party was hiding in the dark, and Luo Wen hadn't noticed the other party's existence before. Even if the other party keeps invading the swarm network, he still has nothing to do about it, and the swarm eyeliners all over the place have not found anything abnormal. The Zerg Network couldn't find the other party's source either.

Since the other party applied to enter this time, if he refuses, the other party will definitely go into hiding again, so it's better to let them in to see who they are. What is the purpose, is it an enemy or a friend. At the very least, you can create an opportunity for yourself to know yourself and your enemy.

Moreover, in the swarm network, he also has strong confidence. Even if the other party has any bad intentions, he can subdue it, and drive it away no matter how bad it is.

Made a decision, just about to agree to the application. However, after thinking about it, he still called all the blades into the network.

There is great power in numbers.

Everything is ready, Rowan agrees to apply. A mass of unknown energy immediately squeezed in.

At the moment when the unknown energy came in, the swarm network completed an update, and at the same time fed back a lot of information to Rowan.

A large amount of information poured in instantly, making Luo Wen feel like being struck by lightning.

It took Luo Wen a while to digest the information, and then he discovered that the invasion turned out to be an oolong incident.

Things have to start from the earliest days when the Zerg Network was born. At the beginning, it was his own talent, plus the sacrificial energy of countless bugs. After mutation, the bug swarm network was formed.

The sacrificial energy contains everything including life, spirit, soul, etc., which also gives the swarm network some special attributes and abilities.

In the final analysis, the swarm network is still a manifestation of Rowan's talents and abilities, and these attributes and abilities are naturally also Rowan's. And the relationship between Rowan and the brood makes the brood actually possess these attributes and abilities.

The ancestors of the current ratman civilization were all Rowan's experimental subjects. So much so that they more or less have some "marks" unique to the brood.

For example, Rowan was able to communicate directly with the Ratmen and Dinosaurs through spiritual connections, but was unable to establish connections with other creatures, partly because of this.

With the development of Ratmen's intelligence, there are always some talented people among the Ratmen with a large population base. Some skaven's mental strength began to increase.

If it is said that the brood "mark" in their bodies allows them to obtain some kind of identity permission, then spiritual power is the key to using this permission.

It's just that it's useless to have a key. They also need to find a "door" to use the key.

The way to find the "door" is also very simple, as long as you "echo" with Rowan or the swarm network. This "echo" is a complex manifestation of multiple emotions, integrating yearning, belief, longing, longing and so on.

As long as certain standards are met, the existence of the "door" can be found.

In layman's terms, when the rat man died, the demise of the body gave a short burst of spiritual power. At the last moment of his life, some kind of emotional sublimation made him feel the existence of the "door".

The so-called "gate" is actually the peripheral protection and identification system of the swarm network.

The Ratman's "brother's nest mark" gave them the qualification to knock on the "door" after they found the "door". This knock on the door was what Rowan had always thought was the "invasion of unknown creatures".

After obtaining the consent of the "door" owner, they can enter the door, that is, merge into the swarm network.

At the moment of incorporation, their mental bodies will be modified by the swarm network. While giving "nodes" the identity, they will also be given an "identification friend or foe system".

The "node" status of the swarm will guarantee their absolute loyalty to Rowan. In other respects, they have not changed in the slightest.

As for such a transformation, they are still not them, this is a philosophical question.

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