I Am the Swarm

Chapter 154 Experiment Part Three

When he saw the design drawing of this part of the rocket, Rowan inexplicably thought of the "Gatling system", which also has two chambers and one reaction chamber.

However, Rowan can't find the genetic organs that can produce related fuels and oxidants for the time being, and the structure of the organism is also difficult to reach the strength of a rocket combustion chamber. Otherwise, maybe Rowan can make a biological rocket according to this set of theories and blueprints.

In addition to adjusting the direction of the rocket through the movable air rudders on the four tail fins, four movable gas rudders are also installed in the tail nozzle, which can adjust the direction of the rocket exhaust flame.

After igniting and launching, the rocket flew smoothly and soared all the way to an altitude of 500,000 meters. Then the fuel ran out and the rocket body fell.

This is the aircraft made by the Ratmen, and it is the first time to reach this altitude. The previous experimental products, even the line of 10,000 meters, are difficult to cross.

The height reached this time has been raised several levels at once, which greatly excited the rat people. The empress specially took a two-day national holiday to celebrate this.

At the same time, this launch also allowed the Ratmen to collect a large amount of data. In response to various deficiencies, they designed and discussed various improvement plans.

The leapfrog progress of the new rocket has had a great impact on the Kerrigan Empire. The rat people saw the hope of success for the first time, and the queen struck while the iron was hot and increased investment in the Aerospace Research Institute.

The researchers in the research institute were most encouraged. With the unlimited allocation of resources and the full cooperation of all departments, the improved rocket was built in just one year.

The overall navigation system and propulsion system of the new rocket did not have any problems in the last experiment. The reason for the failure of the experiment was the exhaustion of fuel, so the new experimental product mainly aimed at this aspect and made some improvements.

The overall shape of the new experimental product is still the previous streamline shape with a pointed top and a wide bottom, but it has been enlarged several times as a whole, with a height of 34 meters and a diameter of 3 meters. And in the lower half of the original rocket body, four sets of additional boosters are bundled. The boosters are about 19 meters long. It looks like four previous-generation products are bundled around the new rocket. This special shape makes its total weight reach a staggering 280 tons.

At the same time, its fuel has also been changed, from alcohol fuel to kerosene fuel.

The huge size of the new experimental product made it feel very oppressive just standing there.

However, due to its large size and a total of five sets of propulsion devices, the time required for fuel and oxidizer before launch is very long and the process is cumbersome.

On the day of the launch of the new experimental product, outside the three-kilometer blockade, there were crowds of Ratman civilians who came to watch. Everyone went from excited and excited to gradually fading enthusiasm and then to hungry, and the preparation of the experimental product was finally over.

The queen personally issued the launch order, and then, flames and billowing smoke billowed from the bottom of the rocket, gradually covering the rocket body.

But in just a moment, the rocket pierced through the thick smoke and flew towards the sky. The Ratmen watched as the rocket carried a smear of fire and gradually turned into a small dot in sight until it disappeared completely.

The crowd looked away for a while, and then burst into loud cheers.

Four boosters sent this behemoth to an altitude of 1,500 kilometers, and after successfully breaking out of the atmosphere, it fell off by itself. After the main thruster was remotely ignited, the navigation device at the front of the rocket re-planned its forward direction, and the rocket with new power continued to fly towards the moon.

After the rocket rushed out of the atmosphere, the air resistance it faced was greatly reduced. Therefore, the rocket with only one propeller remained and continued to fly for nearly 100,000 kilometers before gradually losing power and being captured by the gravity of the planet, becoming a rocket. Ornament orbiting the planet.

This launch not only brought the Ratmen into a carnival, but also made Rowan extremely passionate. Although there is still a long distance from the moon this time, it has already broken out of the atmosphere, and all that remains is to expand the fuel tank and increase the thrust. This difficulty is much lower than the difficulty of developing a rocket from scratch.

During this period of time, the experiments on Rowan's side also had some results.

First of all, his optical cloaking system operates on the principle of forming a special pigment cell through the nano-scale lens in the cortex. These cells reflect light of different wavelengths by controlling the interval between the lens in it. Moreover, after so many years, he has been able to actively control this skill.

A lot of radiation is transmitted through light, and Rowan's eye structure can see more primary colors, and many invisible lights that cannot be seen by human eyes are clearly visible in Rowan's eyes.

Through continuous experiments and observations, Rowan selected many light rays that are more harmful to the body, and adjusted the cortical lens to reflect them away.

For the remaining types of radiation, he has no good solution for the time being, and can only resist it by thickening the cuticle around the body.

And the cold resistance experiment still has no clue. Although he can survive in extremely low temperatures, it is achieved by stagnating body functions, which is not very practical.

However, things always turn around inadvertently.

After the new rocket rushed out of outer space, it carried out several launch experiments successively, although it did not make a breakthrough in the flight distance. However, some satellites and observation equipment were sent to outer space.

Through the information fed back by these instruments, the Ratmen discovered that the outer space was cold, oxygen-free and full of various radiations. Without solving these problems, the rat people simply cannot travel beyond the planet.

Rowan discovered early on that if he possessed the relevant theoretical knowledge, he would be able to perform some more effective operations based on the relevant theories.

For example, the rocket fuel combustion system mentioned earlier, he knows the relevant theory, and as long as he solves a few of the difficulties, he can develop a biological rocket. This is much more reliable and efficient than knowing nothing and then relying on fantasy to make something out of nothing.

In terms of time, the time required to evolve the ability to go to the moon by relying on imagination to drive talent is incalculable.

But if he has relevant theories, targeted evolution, and stimulates talent to solve difficult problems, it may only take more than a hundred years to achieve it.

If he had this knowledge back then, there would be no need for the Ratman civilization to be born. However, the mature ratman civilization will play a greater value at this time.

Not only do they continuously transform the "insiders" for the swarm, but they can also provide Rowan with more theoretical basis, which is a very useful tool for human civilization.

Because it was discovered that outer space is full of various radiations, there have been many related researches at once. Some experimental results and papers have also been published.

What Rowan focuses on is the papers on how to protect against these radiations.

One of them provided him with a lot of inspiration.

Thank you Boss Chen, an enthusiastic citizen of Jiujiang City, for rewarding 300 starting coins.

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