I Am the Swarm

Chapter 181

The arms and legs of atmospheric organisms are composed of sections of "cartilage". These "cartilages" are only connected by the body tissues of atmospheric organisms when they are in the normal standby state, so they are very fragile.

But after the power is turned on, these "cartilages" will generate a special electromagnetic position, and these positions will attract each other to form a whole restraining position.

At this time, the entire arm is equivalent to being shrouded in the entire restraint position. If there is no strong force to destroy the restraint position in an instant, it is equivalent to being unable to break through the defense of these arms.

Therefore, when the wind gods pounced on the suspected dormant atmospheric creatures, before they could react, their bodies were quite fragile, and more than a dozen of them were torn apart in an instant.

But when they reacted, they activated the restraint position, and these arms and legs became indestructible long whips, powerful in attack, and difficult to be destroyed.

At the same time, these arms and legs, together with the trunk of the body, are also a special propulsion device. When the wrist-foot magnetic field works, an ionized gas—plasma can be formed in it. Then these plasmas are transported to a special organ in the body's trunk, which can use the interaction of electric current and magnetic field to accelerate the plasma axially and generate high specific impulse.

The internal magnetic force pushes these plasmas, causing them to be ejected out of the body at high speed from the tail cavity of the body trunk, driving the body to accelerate forward.

Because thrust is proportional to the square of the current, the thruster is more efficient when the current and power are as high as possible. Therefore, atmospheric organisms can freely adjust their own speed by adjusting the output power.

Moreover, due to the extremely high temperature of the plasma, Rowan and the others unexpectedly discovered that the airgel material that makes up the atmospheric organisms has excellent heat resistance and heat insulation.

At the same time, it can also insulate low temperature.

In addition to its poor defense, it is very suitable as the main material for making swarm space units.

Moreover, Rowan and the others also discovered that these arms and legs are like external components of atmospheric creatures. As long as their heads and body trunks are not damaged, even if they lose some arms and legs, it won't cause too much damage to the main body. Moreover, after the arm and foot are damaged, they also have a strong regeneration ability. As long as the energy is replenished in place, they can grow back soon.

This is also the reason why when the atmospheric creatures were playing around, although they looked seriously injured, they didn't die.

The head of the atmospheric creature is encased in a large piece of "cartilage", which alone can form a restraining stance. When activated, the stance creates a shield over the heads, helping them resist air resistance.

Therefore, in a normal state, they can only swim in the air like fish. Although the speed is fast, it is not outrageous. However, when the power supply starts the position, air resistance will no longer be a problem, and the power from the recommended device will increase their speed to a very exaggerated level.

The architecture system of atmospheric organisms can be directly used as a space template without any modification. The swarm version of atmospheric creatures hatched on the back of the red moon can easily adapt to the environment here.

Rowan didn't know why this kind of natural space creature was full of origin galaxies that didn't fly. This topic can be left to the intelligent bodies to study, after all, he is also a little curious.

However, although atmospheric creatures have various advantages, their weaknesses are also very obvious.

First of all, if the other party has the same means, it will cause a magnetic field conflict, which will cancel or weaken the effect of the magnetic field. This is the reason why they fight each other and easily lose their arms and legs.

Secondly, they lack organs capable of storing a large amount of energy, so that their ability to continue fighting is extremely poor. Just like a car, the gas tank is only the size of a drink can.

Although the atmospheric organisms can store some energy themselves, the number is not much. Therefore, in order to maintain the daily needs of their huge bodies, they spend most of their time floating in the air, absorbing all kinds of radiation.

At the same time, whether they are flying fast, or using arms and legs to attack or defend, as long as they start to use electromagnetic means, their energy will be consumed rapidly.

And their upper limit of energy output is very high, just like the plasma propulsion system, the greater the output, the greater the output, the greater the thrust, and the faster the speed.

Another example is the restraint magnetic field of their arms and legs. The more energy is transported, the stronger the restraint position will be, and the stronger the arms and legs will be. Under normal conditions, their arms and legs may be torn off when they pull an object weighing one or two tons, but with the transmission of energy, they can even pull objects weighing hundreds of tons without breaking their arms and legs.

And the amount of energy output can be easily seen through the flickering frequency, brightness, clarity and scale of the blue electric arc on the surface of their bodies.

However, perhaps due to the lack of natural enemies and a comfortable environment, the IQ of these atmospheric organisms is very low, so that they do not know how to control energy output.

Charging the battery for half a day, playing around for a few minutes and resting, these are basic exercises.

At the beginning, the tens of hundreds of atmospheric creatures returned to their respective homes after playing with the sporangites for less than an hour. It's not that they don't want to continue, but that they are out of power.

In the same way, it's not that they don't want to keep the sporangites for later play, but because they lack an electromagnetic stand, their arms and legs can't hold the sporangites at all, so they have no choice but to give up.

Rowan somewhat knew why these atmospheric creatures, who possessed the ability to travel through the space environment, had been huddled on the A7B5.

However, for the defects of the atmospheric biological template, Rowan has no good solution. Although he has some genes for electricity storage cells, the electricity storage capacity of these cells is not much stronger than that of atmospheric organisms.

Moreover, there are some compatibility issues among them. Although these cells can store electricity, they cannot directly absorb the energy to supply themselves. Therefore, if the genes of these electricity storage cells are added to the template of atmospheric organisms, an additional nutrient supply system is needed, which feels a bit outweighed by the gain.

However, Luo Wen not only has enough time, but also has a large scientific research team. He still doesn't believe that he can't make a better energy storage organ. Even if it takes hundreds of years to solve these problems, he can afford to wait.

After all, for him now, without the obstruction of intelligent civilization, it is only a matter of time before the swarms occupy the entire galaxy of origin.

Day by day, all the satellites of planet A7 have been occupied by swarms. From time to time, there will be intelligent bodies, through the swarm network, to control the bodies produced there, to conduct some investigations, researches and experiments.

For example, let the swarm version of atmospheric creatures go deep into the interior of planet A7 and so on.

As more and more information has been learned, the weirdness of atmospheric creatures has gradually been lifted.

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