I Am the Swarm

Chapter 185 Megastructure?

Time flies, in the blink of an eye, decades have passed.

"Hello, everyone. This is the site of the daily science popularization program. Today we have invited the famous astronomer, Professor Staffan, to answer some questions that you have been concerned about in recent days."

"Professor Staffan, hello."

"Hello host."

"Recently, our column group has received many letters from viewers. Everyone is very interested in the shadow groups that appear around planet A7. Many viewers even speculate that those are artificial creations of aliens. What do you think of this? "

"Haha, this question is already an old-fashioned question. Many people have asked about this before. Actually, this matter is easy to answer. Those things are natural products, and they have been there since ancient times. Everyone knows that planet A7 is a gaseous planet. Its volume is very large, so the gravitational force it emits is also very strong. It can bind a lot of passing meteorites to its own orbit. Over time, it has formed That meteorite belt is the group of shadows that the host just mentioned."

Staffan is an elderly male ratman with white and brown fur, suggesting he has some Kerrigan royal blood. Wearing a suit and leather shoes, he is knowledgeable and paired with a pair of black-rimmed glasses, exuding a special temperament, which makes it easy for people to have a good impression of him and believe what he says.

"Then why did we only discover this meteorite belt recently?" The host was a young female Ratman, wearing a floral skirt, with a bow decoration on the tail protruding from the seam of the skirt. She was obviously dissatisfied with this answer and continued to ask.

"Actually, we have discovered them a long time ago. It's just that only some professional circles cared about these news before. The reason why it was discovered only recently is because the civilian observation equipment has been upgraded and popularized. Many slightly You can see the meteorite belt with a better astronomical telescope." Staffan paused at this point before continuing:

"So, those meteorite belts were not discovered recently, but the people only recently became interested in these news."

The host nodded after listening, and she still had some doubts on her delicate face. She continued to ask: "So, how do they affect us?"

Staffan curled his lips cryptically, thinking, this kind of ignorant vase will never be able to understand the greatness of the master, and will never be able to touch the reality of the world.

Although he was talking nonsense in a serious manner just now, anyone with a little logical thinking and following his words would not be able to ask this kind of question. However, in order to dominate, he still has to maintain this personality. After thinking about it, he said: "Those meteorite groups have always been there, and they didn't appear there because we discovered them. Then, before you find them Is there any difference between their time and now?"

Later, Staffan went on to add: "However, if there is no planet A7, they may indeed affect us. After all, many of them came towards our planet before, but they were caught by the gravity of the planet A7." Therefore, planet A7 is also our patron saint. Without it, our probability of being attacked by meteorites would be several times greater.”

Staffan babbled for a while, and the topic was gradually diverted.

Finally, at the end of the program, Staffan said meaningfully: "At present, we Ratmen have landed on the moon. On the origin star, through astronomical telescopes, we can sometimes see our aircraft. And on the moon, Since there is less occlusion from the atmosphere, the observation field of view is even better. Friends who are interested in this aspect must learn relevant knowledge well, and maybe one day, they will be able to join us and understand the reality of the world.”

Then, in the concluding remarks of the host, the recording of the program was completed. However, neither the host nor the ignorant audience knew at this time that the "we" in Staffan's mouth was different from the "we" in their understanding.

Perhaps, only when they really get in touch, can they understand the true meaning of "we".

This kind of thing is just the tip of the iceberg in the ratman society. In the ratman civilization, cutting-edge talents are absorbed by the swarm, while ordinary ratmen, everything about them is controlled, and they are unknowingly reduced to reproductive machines.

And their descendants will go through this selection again, generation after generation, repeat, repeat, and repeat.

A7 Planet Orbit

The originally designed giant electromagnetic launch platform was ordered by Rowan to stop growing when it reached a length of 500 kilometers.

It's not that I'm worried about what the ordinary rat people find. If it's just that, it's a good solution. Countless rat people experts can make up countless reasonable reasons to explain these things.

The reason why it stops growing is because as its size gets bigger and bigger, Rowan and the intelligent bodies find that the gravitational force generated by itself is getting bigger and bigger.

The body length is 500 kilometers, which is already longer than the diameter of many A7 satellites. If it really grows to 5,000 kilometers long, then in the orbit of A7, its volume will be second only to the A7B5 satellite.

At that time, the gravitational tide will cause many unpredictable things, whether it is a safety hazard to the giant structure itself, or to the planet A7 and its many satellites.

Therefore, after many studies and discussions, Rowan decided to rebuild the electromagnetic launch platform elsewhere.

Since this one in the orbit of the A7 planet is already very large, it is inconvenient to move, so let it remain in the orbit of the A7 planet.

The construction address of the new electromagnetic launch platform will definitely not be selected on planet A7 again. However, with the technological development of the swarm, Rowan already had a better choice.

In the original galaxy, besides the planet A7, there is also a super-giant charger that is bigger and more efficient than it, that is the sun in the entire galaxy.

Its total mass accounts for more than 99% of the mass of the entire origin star system, and the A7 planet, which is thousands of times larger than the origin star, is not even a younger brother in front of the sun.

The sun emits a huge amount of light and heat radiation every moment, and its charging capacity far exceeds that of planet A7.

The new electromagnetic launch platform is selected in the synchronous orbit of the A2 planet, which is relatively close to the sun and can fully absorb various energies. For the original strain of the electromagnetic launch platform, the environment here is moderate and very suitable for growth and development.

Thus, with the help of A2-A4 and multiple insect swarm bases in Hongyue and Huangyue, the original strains were continuously released to designated locations, absorbed energy, and began to grow.

After so many years of development, its body length has grown to more than three thousand kilometers, far surpassing its predecessor.

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