I Am the Swarm

Chapter 187 Proxima Galaxy

A swarm meteorite launched randomly more than a hundred years ago, after constantly changing its course on the way, unexpectedly miraculously entered the Proxima Galaxy.

According to its ideal speed, it should have reached its current position more than 30 years ago, but on the way, it encountered many situations that required slowing down.

Although its current speed has slowed down a lot. But it will only take less than two months to reach the outermost planetary orbit of the Proxima Centauri galaxy.

Moreover, this is the closest position to the Proxima Galaxy that the swarm meteorite has reached.

A response team of 20,000 people was convened, including experts and scholars in astronomy, spectroscopy, mathematics, physics, environment, etc.

Since these are all swarm intelligences, they are very convenient to gather. Those without a body can directly shuttle to the group's research room in the swarm network.

If you have a body, find a nearby swarm base or company that belongs to the swarm, store your body in the creep nutrition room, and then your consciousness can return to the swarm network, and then be pulled by Rowan.

After the establishment of this group code-named "Visit", they quickly took over everything about this swarm meteorite code-named "Meeting Ceremony". The information collected from the various observation organs of the swarm meteorite was continuously transmitted back.

Spectrum, radiation, surrounding stars and other information, each piece will be analyzed and calculated by a dedicated team.

Since this swarm meteorite is equipped with the technology of the swarm hundreds of years ago, especially the radar technology, which is very low-end and backward, many smaller asteroids or meteorites can only be found when the distance is very close.

So for the sake of safety, the swarm meteorite began to slow down after more than a month.

Although this will extend the time it would have taken to enter the outermost orbit of the Proxima Galaxy to more than a year. But there are much more obstacles in the star system than in the void, and the slowing down of the speed allows the swarm meteorites to have more time to react when they encounter these obstacles.

A few months later, the Swarm meteorite took care to avoid the outermost meteorite belt of the Proxima Galaxy. This is the first barrier to enter the Proxima Galaxy. Various small obstacles are everywhere, and it is easy to crash if you are not careful.

At this stage, it is the most energy-consuming time for the group of intelligences, because there are too many things to observe and measure. Fortunately, the swarm had sufficient manpower. After expanding the team to 100,000, the swarm meteorite finally found the front of the route, an area with relatively few obstacles, and successfully crossed it.

This meteorite belt is tens of millions of kilometers wide. Although the swarm meteorite successfully crossed this obstacle, it also experienced several forced decelerations.

At this time, its speed has dropped to 20km/s, which is only 1500th of 30,000km/s when it first started. And this speed will further lengthen the time it takes to reach the outer orbit of the Proxima Centauri galaxy.

The reason why it is so troublesome is because the technological level of the early swarm meteorites is too low. Not only are there many observation organs, but its propulsion device is even worse, it is just a simple hydrogen-oxygen reaction injection device.

If it were replaced by the biological transport spaceship that Rowan is currently riding on, it would not need to be so troublesome at all. It can detect obstacles ahead at a farther distance. And the powerful propulsion device can also make it more flexible to deal with such troubles. Even if it is forced to slow down, it can increase the speed again afterwards.

The electromagnetic injection system carried by the latest biological spacecraft can easily increase the speed of the spacecraft to 20km/s in space, and even increase it to more than 50km/s when the power is increased. Even inside the planet's atmosphere, depending on its body size and air density, the speed can be increased to 1-10km/s.

There is no need to be like now. Once the speed drops, it will be difficult to increase it again.

The scale of the Proxima Galaxy is smaller than that of the Origin Galaxy, and there are only seven planets. According to some feedback from their spectra, Rowan and the others want the swarm meteorite to land on the third planet as much as possible.

Because this planet has an atmosphere, its volume is about 1.2 times larger than that of the original star. And according to the analysis of its distance from the sun, the temperature on it should also be between minus 30 degrees and 50 degrees. The information returned by the spectrum shows that there are a lot of liquid water resources on the surface of the planet.

Everything shows that this environment, which is very similar to the origin star, is likely to give birth to life. The genetic information from alien galaxies is very attractive to Rowan.

For the convenience of calling it, Rowan named it Proxima A3 planet... It also has another name called Daqixing, which means it is a little bigger than the origin star.

The swarm meteorite is currently about 6 billion kilometers away from the position of this planet. According to its current speed, it will take nearly 10 years to fly.

Fortunately, on the channel ahead, due to the influence of the gravitational forces of the stars, the space is much cleaner and the safety has also been improved a lot.

Although the task time became longer, the "visiting" group did not disband. According to calculations, in the next few years, several swarm meteorites will pass through numerous obstacles and reach the Proxima Galaxy.

The "Visit" team will continue to undertake tasks such as channel planning and landing point selection for the subsequent meteorites. Members in the group, those without bodies will stay in the group, and those with bodies will rest in shifts.

Ten years are about to pass. In these years, besides the "meeting ceremony", there are three other swarm meteorites. Under the command of the "visiting" team, they broke through the outer meteorite belt and entered the neighboring galaxy.

The outermost part of the Proxima Galaxy, the No. 7 planet named Dagu Star, has already had a swarm meteorite in its outer orbit, staying here.

Among the seven planets in the Proxima Galaxy, there are no gaseous planets like Origin A7, but all of them are geological planets. Planets with this composition are very suitable for establishing insect swarm bases.

Ogu Star is mainly composed of rock and ice, only one-tenth the size of the origin star, and has no atmosphere. Although it is much smaller than the origin star, it has three small satellites, one more than the origin star.

However, due to the farthest distance from the sun and its satellites, the surface temperature of the planet is around minus 200 degrees all year round.

Although, the Zerg Swarm has already had the experience of building a base on the origin A11 planet, which is also the origin A11 planet at the outermost edge of the star system, and the environment there is much worse than the Dagu star.

But the embarrassing thing is that when this swarm meteorite was launched, the technology of the swarm was still lacking. Although the creep can resist such an environment, it cannot directly absorb radiant energy to support itself. It can only absorb energy by building its own internal ecosystem, which is very inefficient.

Moreover, although the gene bank of the queen egg that accompanied it could barely establish a sub-base on the planet Dagu, the risk was still quite high, and it could not produce a new generation of troops, so the significance was not very great.

Although the queens are not like the queens of the ant, the types of gene pools are locked from the hatching. However, if the produced queen wants to update the gene pool, it must be connected with Rowan's ontology.

Fortunately, the technology of the swarm has been developing, it only needs to be in the orbit of the Dagu star, and after another twenty years or so, Rowan's body will pass by here.

At that time, the gene bank will be updated for the creep seeds and queen eggs it carries, and a sub-base of the insect swarm will be established on the planet Dagu.

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