I Am the Swarm

Chapter 189 Command Authority

Although those flying creatures can still see small dots at an extremely long distance, it shows that their stature should not be small. However, Rowan estimates that at most it is stronger than the creatures of the dinosaur era.

At this level, it is already difficult for Rowan to arouse his interest.

In Rowan's opinion, among all the battles he has experienced, the battle in the age of dinosaurs is the most relaxed and comfortable.

Because although the creatures of this era have stronger individual combat capabilities, their group combat capabilities are too poor. And individuals are easy to be restrained, even if it is a group of creatures, the number of groups is difficult to tens of thousands.

The difficulty of fighting them is not worth mentioning compared to the ancient times when insects dominated the continent, where millions, tens of millions, or even hundreds of billions fought each other.

Therefore, in the age of dinosaurs, after the swarm passed through the initial period of weakness, it didn't take long for the swarm to occupy the origin star.

Therefore, Rowan is no longer the commander-in-chief of this operation, but allows the swarm intelligence to play freely.

And as a rare "commander-type talent" under Rowan's command, and one with great prestige in the intelligence body, the first rat-man queen, Sarah Kerrigan, took over the command without hesitation.

Luo Wen is happy to see the success of this, as the saying goes, one will succeed and ten thousand will die. The swarm has plenty of capital to pile up "famous generals". And Sarah, who only has simulated command experience, it's time to practice it.

Sarah was granted temporary high-level intelligence authority by Rowan. Otherwise, even if she had a great reputation, everyone was at the same level. Without Rowan's order, she couldn't command others.

She first used her authority to pull Morgan, Tyra and others into a staff group...

Because the Great Venus is closer to the parent star than the origin star, the surface temperature of the planet is higher, reaching an average of 50 degrees. Such a high temperature is naturally nothing to the swarm unit. But if the creatures on the origin star are moved here, I am afraid that few of them will survive.

But the high-temperature environment also gave birth to some strange life. As the swarm meteorite gradually approached the ground, the scenery below gradually became clearer.

The oxygen content in the air of Daqixing is very high. According to the analysis of intelligent bodies, its proportion in the air may exceed 35%. Such a high oxygen content makes the life bred on the planet relatively large in size.

The landing site of the Swarm Meteor is a red forest.

The trees in this forest can generally reach hundreds of meters in height. The thick dark red trunks and the bright red leaves that are as moist as red crystals make this place full of a magical atmosphere.

Based on the planet's temperature, environment and other information, the Zhiti team analyzed within a few minutes that the surface of these leaves should have a layer of coating structure, which can help trees lock most of the water under high temperature conditions.

All the evaporated water is locked by the coating, so the leaves look so moist. Combined with its own base color, it presents this beautiful color.

With a crackling sound, the swarm meteorite smashed a piece of dark red tree branches and trunks, and landed on the black muddy ground with a bang.

The temperature of this land is lower under the shade of the tall tree canopy, and because of the sealing of the special coating of the canopy, it is difficult for the water here to evaporate.

The white mist formed by the water vapor will recondense into water at the bottom of the canopy and fall to the ground, so the environment under the canopy is very humid and hot, like a sauna.

Many animals live and reproduce here, forming a unique ecological system.

But now a huge burning fireball has destroyed the harmony here, and the shock wave caused by the meteorite landing spreads out towards the surroundings with the mud all over the sky.

The onlookers who didn't know the truth were frightened by the loud noise and air waves and fled in all directions.

"Sarah, the seeds have landed, please activate them." Because Rowan has been hiding behind the scenes and observing in secret, among the tens of thousands of intelligent bodies here, only Sarah, who has been granted permission, has the ability to activate the creep seeds and insects. hind egg.

The intelligent bodies are absolutely loyal to Luo Wen, but they all have their own thoughts. For the commander who was suddenly promoted, some young intelligences were not convinced.

After all, Sarah has been dead for hundreds of years. Although there are many intelligences from that era who are very supportive of Sarah, there are still many intelligences that have been transformed in recent decades.

Although everyone is usually a member of the swarm, they are all scattered in reality or on the Internet, doing their own research. There was also little overlap with Sarah in the chain of command.

So many young minds don't have much idea about this first imperial empress.

Morgan purposely said this sentence to remind many intelligent bodies who should listen to the command at present, and not to make trouble for themselves. As the first intelligent body in the swarm, he is also a researcher, and at the same time, he is also a big celebrity in front of the ruler. In front of this group of scientific intelligent bodies, his reputation is much higher than Sarah.

When he said this, he deliberately lowered himself, so that all intelligences understood their position, and began to cooperate with Sarah with all their strength.

After all, no one dared to make any cat urine on the matter that the master explained. Not to mention that the Zerg Network has already blocked their thinking in this regard, even without the restrictions of the Zerg Network, they don't want to be sent to the aphid pasture.

Sarah went from queen to queen, and then trembling in power for decades, she really understands the twists and turns in this regard. She glanced at her teacher gratefully and nodded slightly.

Then she closes her eyes.

Under her activation authorization, the sporangia spit out the creep seeds and started the normal development process.

Rowan, who has been bombarded by information, understands the importance of intellectual property rights. Therefore, the sporangia in the swarm meteorite, including the creep seeds and queen eggs inside, have extremely strict anti-theft procedures.

Without activation authorization, even if they reach the right environment, they will not develop on their own. And if you want to dismantle them violently, the hidden final setting will make them automatically activate the self-destruct program, and the cells will actively annihilate.

This is mainly for prevention. The swarm meteorite was captured by other advanced civilizations, and then it was traced and found on Rowan.

The bug swarm is like a novice village that has just stepped out of the parent galaxy. I don't know what it is like outside, so it's better to be careful. This kind of early prevention of fighting wits and courage with the air has always been Rowan's strong point.

When the meteorite landed just now, in addition to setting off an inflation wave, the high temperature brought about by friction with the atmosphere also ignited the forest. Thanks to the high oxygen content in the air, the flames here are easily ignited.

The wind helps the fire, and the shock wave spreads the flames quickly, spreading the flames to farther places.

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