I Am the Swarm

Chapter 191: The Beginning of the Base

The shells of these flying insects are dark red, and they have been added with the biological genes of the deep-sea volcanic ecosystem, which is very good at heat resistance and heat resistance.

Although their shells are already a good camouflage color, as a reconnaissance unit, an optical stealth system is their standard configuration. Therefore, as they flew, they blended into the surrounding environment and lost their tracks.

Their body size is a bit larger than that of ordinary templates, with a body length of more than 20 centimeters. The increase in body size allows them to be equipped with more detection modules. There are 4 pairs of eyes around their heads, with a total of eight eyes.

Each pair of them has different abilities, such as high-resolution close-range vision, long-distance ultra-wide-angle imaging, thermal source imaging, and various deflected light readings, allowing them to receive almost all visual information.

Each flying insect also has two pairs of cochlea, one pair is used to receive the information of the normal sound spectrum, and the other pair is used to receive the sound that is fed back after the ultrasonic waves emitted by the vibration of the wings collide with objects.

Since their working environment is unknown, their circulatory system is also closed, and there is a micro ecological circulatory system in their bodies to supply them with energy.

And the anti-gravity pyramid nanostructure under the wing membrane can make them fly more effortlessly.

Their only weakness is that they are afraid of strong winds. Their size, weight, and wing structure make them not very resistant to strong winds. Fortunately, the interior of Daqixing is relatively peaceful, and the wind level is not high, only about 3-5.

These scouting flying insects circled outside, and quickly fed back the surrounding 3D structure diagram. The local creatures hidden in the corners are also invisible under the echolocation system.

A large number of intelligent bodies specializing in the structure of biological limbs began to study the characteristics of surrounding organisms based on these data. These primitive creatures that have not been artificially carved can easily get information about their feeding habits, aggressiveness, and attack methods they are good at through their appearance.

For example, those big monkeys before, although their arms are slender, but the muscles on them are raised, obviously possessing extraordinary strength. And the parts where the muscles gather indicate that they are frequently used in normal times, and the joint structure indicates that they are good at attacking methods such as sweeping and throwing.

Their long claws, flexible claw joints, and the structure of their arms show that they are good at climbing, while their thick hind legs are used to squatting, and their spine structure shows that they are not good at running.

It can be concluded from this that their dominant area is the high-altitude area near the branches, and they will most likely choose to nest there.

Their canines have degenerated, and their incisors are well developed like guillotines, which can chop grass and trees with excellent toughness. At the same time, their molars are also very developed, which can be used to grind food. This tooth structure is a very obvious characteristic of omnivorous organisms. It can be concluded from this that those big monkeys not only eat creep, but they can also eat meat if there is any.

In addition to some other physical characteristics and lifestyle, it can be judged that this kind of creature is very aggressive and will actively attack other creatures.

Of course, many of these clues can be seen from the big monkey attacking the creep before. But there are not only big monkeys in the jungle. Through systematic analysis, the intelligent bodies will find out which creatures are a threat to the development of the base, and they will be eliminated in the next period of time.

Many, after a thorough investigation and analysis, it was found that the group of big monkeys was the species that threatened the base's current development the most. Although they are not the most powerful, nor are they the largest, but those guys are still relatively far away from the creep, and it is impossible to contact the base for a while.

The biggest force near the base is this group of big monkeys. Coupled with their gregarious and irritable character, as well as the relationship between the two sides, it is destined that neither side will let it go.

The fact is also the same. Although the big monkeys cleaned the surface of the creep, they still insisted on it. They would come to check it every now and then, which made Sarah, who had been monitoring, itch her teeth with hatred.

Fortunately, after more than ten days, the queen had grown to a size of five meters, and the first batch of spider war worms had also hatched.

These heat-resistant red spiders have a body length of 30-50 centimeters and are equipped with various toxins. They have eight flexible limbs, sticky hairs, claws and good jumping ability, plus dynamic vision and optical invisibility. It makes them very suitable for fighting in the three-dimensional and complex environment of the jungle.

The fact is the same. In just a few days, the group of big monkeys with a number of more than one hundred died in sevens and eighties. Although they have short hairs on their body surface, they cannot resist the attack of sharp poisonous thorns at all.

Moreover, their single visual tracking mode is completely overcome by the optical stealth system. Although they rely on their size advantage and are faster than the spider war bugs, the bug swarm also has stereo images obtained by the echolocation system. Unless they ran a hundred miles away in one breath, there was no way to avoid this level of joint assassination.

The battle mode of air-ground coordination and special operations is shown for the first time in front of creatures from other planets. They can only fight by instinct, and they are not opponents of this systematic combat system at all.

With the continuous development of the queen, the expansion of the base, and the continuous increase in the number of combat units, the territory of the swarm began to expand wildly.

The latest version of the bug swarm unit has the ability to directly absorb radiation energy and supply the life support system it needs. Most of them are half biological and half plant structures, and because they can directly absorb radiation, most of them don't even have eating and digestive organs.

In contrast, the ecological circulatory system in the old version of bugs still needs a series of complex energy conversions, and the energy conversion rate is not high.

However, even the old versions of bugs have the ability to survive in the space environment. Their internal life support systems usually only need to bask in the sun and drink some water to maintain their activities for a long time.

Thanks to this, the number of bugs responsible for logistics in the bug swarm has been greatly reduced, and most of the resource collection tasks have been handed over to the creeps. The auxiliary units are only a few worker bees responsible for cleaning and digging ants for expanding the base.

I think back when I was playing mud with ants, tens of millions of troops went out, and there might be 300 to 400 million bugs in charge of logistics behind. Thinking of that past, our Lord Ruler felt a little embarrassed for a while.

The Spider War Bug was the main combat unit that Rowan carefully created in the age of dinosaurs. Its actual combat capabilities have been tested in actual combat. Although their frontal combat ability is relatively weak, but this is not a group arena match, so it is naturally how they come from.

For aggressive carnivorous and omnivorous species, their points are basically on attack, and their defense is relatively poor.

Facing the assassins hidden in the dark, they have no power to fight back.

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