I Am the Swarm

Chapter 203 Discovery

"Salia, tell the maintenance team to check the satellites for the last time, and then release them." After the ship came to a complete stop, Captain Reggie ordered.


The cat-ear spaceship is 360 meters long, but its diameter is less than ten meters. Because it is mainly driven by light sails with a size of tens of kilometers, it is very difficult to turn, so the collision area should be minimized. As long as the spaceship itself is not impacted, it doesn't matter if the light sail is damaged, all of them can be repaired.

More than ten minutes later, a cabin door of the Maoer spaceship opened, and a small spaceship more than 20 meters long flew out of it, and dropped satellites about three meters into the predetermined orbit.

The satellite was in place, and the command room began to get busy. Dozens of crew members nervously checked the information on the instruments in front of them in front of their respective positions, and then reported to Reggie on the captain's chair in the center of the hall.

"Strange." Captain Reggie muttered to himself naturally.

A layer of advanced invisible material was applied to the body of the cat-ear spaceship. Different from the optical stealth of the swarm, its main function is to absorb all kinds of radio waves, and then cause the radar to be unable to track and discover the effect. It has no effect on visual observation.

In Captain Reggie's thinking, the civilization on planet T853 has reached the stage of using fusion reaction. Well, radar technology can never be too bad.

On the way he approached planet T853, he was always a little worried.

Although he spoke very confidently when he spoke before, he could not guarantee that the technological level of the Riken people would crush the T853 civilization.

In case the spacecraft's stealth paint doesn't work, it is detected by the opponent's radar, and a few nuclear bombs are fired. With the performance of the cat-eared spacecraft, it is really unknown whether it can dodge it.

But as the spaceship approached, he became more and more confused.

It is so quiet here, there is not even a single bit of space junk in the orbit of the planet.

Before that, his plan was to approach slowly, observe slowly, and keep a safe distance. In this way, even if the opponent launches a missile, he can have enough time to deal with it.

But as the spaceship kept approaching, the plan was overturned again and again, and even in the end, just like that, it docked directly on the orbit of the planet.

Until just now, the spacecraft really merged safely, and Captain Reggie still couldn't believe it.

It was so easy.

Isn't the other party curious about the sky above their heads? And this kind of civilization?

But as the satellite continuously transmitted various data back to the spacecraft, Captain Reggie became even more puzzled.

"Reporting to the captain, satellites No. 1 and No. 5 have not found traces of civilization on the surface of planet T853."

"Reporting to the captain, satellites No. 2 and No. 3 have not found traces of civilization."

"Report to the captain, satellites No. 4 and No. 7 have not been found."

"Report to the captain, ditto..."

Question marks are flashing on Reggie's forehead, what's going on now? Did they come to the wrong place? impossible? Isn't this using the eyes to recognize the way?

"Selia, is our route normal?"

A few seconds later, a mechanical female voice sounded: "Report to the captain, the deviation between the actual route and the scheduled route is less than 0.01%, the data is normal, and we have not deviated from the course."

So what's the situation now? No civilization has been found on the planet, so where did the fusion reaction come from? There were a few more question marks on Reggie's forehead.

"Report Captain, two radiation residues were found on Continent 3." A crew member suddenly reported loudly, instantly attracting the attention of everyone in the room.

Most people's hearts jumped suddenly, because the atmosphere just now was a little weird, not only Reggie couldn't understand, but also the other crew members couldn't figure out what went wrong.

Now there are clues, proving that the fusion reaction observed at the beginning did indeed occur on this planet. Previously, there was obstruction by the atmosphere, so they could only observe the data, and they didn't know exactly what happened. But the actual situation seems to be different from what they imagined.

"Tell the guards to take the people from the scientific research team to see what's going on?" Reggie ordered.

On the spacecraft, in addition to the normal crew and scientific research team, there is also a mobile response force of 500 people as guards.

The cat-ear spacecraft was built directly at the spaceship factory. Its strange shape makes it not capable of penetrating the atmosphere. However, there are also several small frigates and transport boats on board, which are capable of this job.

Soon, the side hatch of the spaceship opened, and a frigate and a transport boat set off, flying towards the area with abnormal radiation.


A series of activities of the cat-ear spaceship are under the surveillance of the swarm. However, the number of observation units deployed by the swarm in the space of the neighboring galaxy is too small, so they can only lock the position of the spacecraft, and there is no way to do specific detection.

Although the Queen of Venus has the ability to produce catapults and swarm meteorites, the use of this device in the atmosphere is completely suicidal. Powerful kinetic energy, the moment it is activated, the air will become an indestructible wall, allowing it to self-destruct upon impact.

However, the three swarm meteorites staying in the orbits of planets A5, A6, and A7 can land, hatch creeps and then throw meteorites to the orbits of planet A3. However, the technological level of the other party could not be determined before, and the time was too tight. After discussing with the intelligent bodies, Rowan thought that throwing the swarm meteorite rashly would probably cause unnecessary attention and trouble, and finally rejected the plan. .

However, there are few scouting units of the swarm in space, but on the Great Venus, it can be regarded as the home of the swarm.

Although a large number of combat units that were not easy to conceal were recovered before, the scout flying insects and many worker ants and worker bees were retained. They are far away from the radiation area, hiding in the biological mass of the body, weaving a three-dimensional monitoring network.

And now, here comes the fish.

Two mechanical spaceships that were more than 20 meters long and looked like iron boxes descended from the sky roaring. The energy flow ejected from their bottoms pressed the two-meter tall weeds to the ground.

On the surface of one of the spaceships, a clear cannon structure can be seen, which should be a force attack ship. The other one is only equipped with two machine gun-shaped external weapons, which has little deterrent effect and looks like a transport ship.

After the two spaceships landed, the hatch of the transport ship opened, and a group of humanoid creatures stepped off the spaceship carefully.

It was daytime now, and the vision was good. Under the cover of the vegetation, some flying insects approached quietly, providing Luo Wen and the others with a clearer vision.

There are more than 50 people in this team, more than 20 of them are between 2 meters and 2 meters 4 in height. Can't see their faces.

The rest of the team held gun-type weapons and wore wrap-type protective clothing with obvious defensive power, which was a few points stronger. This makes them generally much taller than the other team, probably between 2.3 and 2.7 meters.

Without the analysis of intelligence bodies, Luo Wen, who has seen many "big movies", can easily recognize that this is obviously a team of scientific researchers who came to collect data under the protection of armed guards.

It's a pity that the radiation intensity around here is so high that ordinary creatures can't get close at all. Otherwise, he could still drive some wild beasts to attack these people, to see how powerful their firearms are and what route they are taking.

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