I Am the Swarm

Chapter 206 Clues

"Master Juggernaut, the information we have now is too little, and I don't think it is suitable to have direct contact with the other party at the moment." Morgan said.

"Yes, Lord Master, although the spaceship that the other side came with is not very high-tech, what level is this spaceship in their civilization? Is it a collective or an individual? Is this action an official action or an individual action? These We don’t know the information, so it’s hard to judge based on that.”

"Does the other party have any allies? Is it an affiliated civilization of some advanced civilization?"

"Is there any possibility of an alliance?"

"The swarm only needs technology theory, they can't come up with it, and there is no basis for alliances or transactions."

"It's not my race, it's unbelievable!"

"Our strategic depth is only one star system, and it is impossible to let other civilizations that are not completely controlled exist at our doorstep!"

"How big is their sphere of influence? How big is their population? What is their war potential?"

"We still need more information."

Numerous intelligence bodies were expressing their opinions in one go, and Luo Wen liked this atmosphere very much. Zhuge Liang is the best of the three cobblers. He can summarize what he needs from a lot of information, and then make a judgment based on it.

Zerg Swarm is a newcomer who has just joined the universe family, and knows too little about the outside world. Don't look back, this M37 civilization is a member of the Pan-Galaxy Alliance. After one fight, seven or eight will emerge, which is not good.

It seems that there will be another role-playing this time, but this time you can't pretend to be a "god", but need to change your identity.

However, before that, try to delay until his main body arrives, so that the game can proceed better.

The actions of the Rickens went smoothly. Sergeant Hasimu's team completed the task brilliantly and waited for the reinforcement transport boats to arrive.

Afterwards, they carried several well-preserved corpses of demon wolves onto the spaceship. Moreover, before leaving, he also killed several bull demons and took them away.

The bull demon is a very competent target when facing long-range weapons. Its movement speed can't carry out any counterattack at all, and its super defense can make them better resist energy attacks, allowing the members of the guards who have been dormant for decades to enjoy their shooting addiction.

"Root, you mean, two waves of beasts fought, and then a small nuclear bomb was dropped by an unknown entity?" Captain Reggie said with an expression like you were joking with me.

"Although I also think it's a joke, but from the on-site environment, sampling and other analysis, the result is the same. In addition, there are two core explosion points, so two nuclear bombs were dropped." Dr. Root shrugged He shrugged his shoulders, saying that it was none of his business. The scientific restoration was the way it was at the time, and he was just reporting the results.

"Then who would be so bored? What's so special about those beasts?"

"No, although those beasts belong to the top predators on this planet, they are not special. They are just a little bigger and more numerous."

"The number is a little too high?" Captain Reggie thought for a while, then suddenly said: "Do you think they will destroy the ecological balance because of their excessive number, and then they will be destroyed in a centralized manner?"

This time, Dr. Root had a shocked expression on his face: "Are you kidding me? It's shameful to waste it. Since there are a lot of them, it's fine to eat them. Why use a nuclear bomb?"

"Eat it?"

"That's right, there are only a small amount of toxins in their bodies. I only spent a little rest time, and I made a neutralizer to remove these toxins. One thing to say, their meat is very good, better than synthetic meat There are too many." Dr. Root looked aftertaste.

"You ate!?" Captain Reggie said in shock.

Dr. Root shrugged and gave Captain Reggie a look you knew: "Would you like some?"

"No! This is against the regulations!" Captain Reggie said with a serious face, "I will not try unless you are still alive after a month."

Dr. Root was speechless.

"Are there any other abnormalities?" Captain Reggie brought the strange topic back on track.

Dr. Root nodded: "Yes, there is no residual material of the bomb body found at the explosion site. It stands to reason that even the center point of the nuclear bomb explosion will generate a high temperature of hundreds of millions of degrees, which can vaporize most things. However, This time is very short, and the carriers of nuclear bombs are generally very strong, and more or less will leave some substances and traces after the explosion."

"However, we have searched carefully, and there is no trace of any artificial artifacts at the scene. After returning, I arranged for a team to conduct several rounds of searches, and brought more drones to increase the scope of the search, but Still nothing." Dr. Root was very puzzled by this.

The two fell silent.

After a while, Captain Reggie asked, "Do you have any other suggestions?"

"We can only continue to search, expand the manpower, and expand the scope."

"Through satellites, we have basically determined that there are no traces of civilization on land."

"Then we have to search in detail, maybe we can find other clues."

"With our manpower, it's a big project and it's expected to take a long time," Captain Reggie said.

"Then what can we do? With nothing to gain, is there any other way to go?" After speaking, Dr. Root did not continue to stay here, turned and left the room.

Watching the back of Dr. Root leaving, Captain Reggie fell into deep thought. There is no gain at all now, so I definitely can't just go back like this. Maybe there will be some honors when he goes back now, but he wants to perform this task that takes more than a hundred years, and it is far more than that.

"Master Master, the M37 Stars have begun to search every area of ​​the continent. According to the comparison and identification of the characteristics, it has been found that the other party has dispatched five armed ships and six transport ships, with a total of 423 people." The adjutant reports to Luo Wen.

"Let our bugs be hidden, and be sure not to be exposed to them. Self-destruction is allowed at critical moments." The alien civilization started a large-scale search. With hundreds of them, if they want to complete this work, even if With the aid of advanced technology, it also takes a long time.

This is what Rowan is very happy to see. The bug swarm has a thorough understanding of the situation on the planet, and knows that their search will not achieve any results. What is needed now is to hide oneself well and not show any flaws. The more time the alien civilization wastes, the better it is for the swarm.

Relying on hundreds of people is like completing the task of searching five continents. It is really a huge project, and five years have passed in the blink of an eye. The Rickan scientific research team and the guards repeat almost the same work day after day.

Every kind of animal and plant on the surface needs to be sampled and prepared, and even rocks, sand, water samples and other samples need to be tested. The shortage of manpower and the limitations of the equipment make their work progress very slowly. Even if the equipment works 24 hours a day, there are still a large number of samples waiting in line for testing.

However, as the sample information is incorporated into the database of the ship's central computer, a complete Daqixing ecological database is taking shape.

Thank you for the reward of Yuan Zhiorder 150 starting coins.

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