I Am the Swarm

Chapter 217 Appear

Rowan didn't expect that the alien team would be so staunch, and finally detonated a small nuclear bomb, which not only killed most of the bugs in the cave, but also awakened Godzilla.

Godzilla is extremely sensitive to this kind of nuclear bomb explosion. The big head fish near its dormant place has discovered that just a few minutes after the nuclear bomb explosion, Godzilla left the nest and swam towards this side.

The place where the explosion happened is more than 2,000 kilometers in a straight line from the place where Godzilla is dormant. If you want to come from the sea, the distance is more than 3,500 kilometers. At the speed of Godzilla, it will take about 30 hours to reach the nearby offshore sea. .

Rowan originally wanted to slowly cannibalize the alien army, drive them away, and hide Godzilla's presence.

But this self-exploding nuclear bomb disrupted all his plans.

Although Daqixing now has many queens and a brood, but after all, he just arrived and hatched some combat units, and most of them were blown up by this nuclear bomb.

Now he is very passive in this situation, aliens and Godzilla, he can't beat any of them at this time. No one knows what will happen when Godzilla shows up to the aliens a day later.

The situation was out of control. To be honest, even if this scene came a month late, he wouldn't be like this.

But it's too late to say anything now, and now I can only be a spectator, hiding in the dark and accumulating strength.

"Report to the captain, there is an abnormal energy reaction in the sea. After the satellite locked the target area, we discovered this." A crew member reported to Reggie, and sent a video picture on the big screen.

On the blue sea, a shadow emerged and was still swimming fast.

"What the hell is this!" Reggie exclaimed, "Where's its data?"

"It is estimated that the shadow is about 100 meters long, and it may be some kind of large creature, which is advancing rapidly under the sea surface."

"Where is it going?"

"Not clear so far."

"I know where it's going." Suddenly, someone next to him said.

Reggie looked back and saw that at some point, Dr. Root had arrived on the bridge. He stared at the big screen with scorching eyes, and murmured.

"Root, do you know what this is?" Reggie asked, one after another of today's events made him extremely irritable. Major Kamais on the side also looked at Root suspiciously.

"Reggie, Major Kamais, remember what I said that day?" Root said with a weird smile.

"You said, this is?...that thing?"

"That's right, it must have been attracted by that nuclear bomb. It seems that it has been alone for a long time, so eager to find a companion." Dr. Root guessed based on a little detail.

Hearing Dr. Root's words, the eyes of Reggie and Kamais also became hot.

If they could capture it, the century-old mission would be worth the fare, and they would be able to go home early.

"So, its target is the explosion point?"

"If I'm not bad, it should be."

"Hope you're right."

"Don't worry, gentlemen, the result will be announced soon. But I think the most important thing now is for you to discuss how to deal with this big guy."

Hearing this, Reggie and Kamais looked at each other and nodded.

"Hmph, it's just a beast. It's easy for the guards." Major Kamais said a little arrogantly.

"I hope so."

Although Kamasi spoke with full confidence, but just to be on the safe side, in addition to the two teams that had already gone to investigate, he mobilized another five teams to go there.

There are a total of 500 guards, ten elite special teams in total, except for the Hasimu team, which has lost contact and is suspected to be all killed. Kamais has already transferred most of the team members to the past, which shows how much he attaches importance to it.

In order to ensure the completion of the task, he also revealed some of Dr. Root's guesses to the escort, telling them not to underestimate the enemy.

Time passed slowly in the tense anticipation.

Thirty-one hours later, Godzilla, the protagonist, finally arrived at its stage under the surveillance of the two forces.

The big octopus in the shallow sea sensed the danger in advance and began to run away desperately. Most of these big guys with a body length of more than 30 meters avoided the direction of Godzilla in the sea, and a small number of them climbed onto the land with their arms and legs in a panic, and crawled towards the depths of the land.

It's a pity that no one pays attention to such a rare sight, only Celia, the artificial intelligence, faithfully records all this.


On the bridge of the cat-ear spacecraft, whether it is the captain, the scientific research personnel or the crew of various functions, they are all staring at the big screen, which shows the multi-angle real-time pictures taken by the satellite and the gunboat.

After arriving near the sea, the shadow gradually revealed its true body on the sea.

There were streaks of blue fluorescent lights on the surface of the sea, and then a series of sharp blade-like dorsal fins were first exposed to the surface of the sea. As Godzilla continued to swim, the exposed parts became larger and larger. Slowly, the root and back of the dorsal fin, which are shining like LED lights, are also exposed.

"It's so beautiful." On the bridge, Dr. Root looked at the picture and couldn't help saying.

Reggie and Kamais took two steps away from him.

Root didn't notice these details, and all his mind was on the monster.

"It seems that my guess is right, it really is it! Look at its dorsal fin, those blue lights represent that some mechanism is working. If this big guy wants to swim so fast, he must have mastered some very advanced propulsion method, which is an astonishing discovery. Can biological evolution really evolve to such an extent?"

"It seems that we can congratulate in advance?" Reggie was a little happy. As the overall person in charge of this century-old mission, he has now confirmed that he has made great discoveries and gains, which makes him unable to be unhappy.

"Don't rush to be optimistic, remind the guards to be more careful, this thing is not as simple as we imagined." Dr. Root said suddenly and seriously.

"What did you discover?" Kamais asked. As a scientific researcher, it is easy to see more things through some superficial things.

"It's just a hunch. It has already mastered some advanced usage of energy, I'm afraid it's not so easy to deal with."

Kamais nodded, stepped aside, turned on the communication, and ordered something.

After a while, he came back; "I believe that our young men can complete this task well, they are all the elites among the elites."

"I am looking forward."


In the picture, Godzilla has stood up, and his huge body is exposed in the sea. After it roared, it set off monstrous white water waves and walked towards the shore.

"It looks like it's been rather clumsy on shore, which is good news for us."

"Let the gunboat approach and take a closer look at it."

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