I Am the Swarm

Chapter 229 Surprise

"Who do you represent?" Speaker Delrin asked.

"A lot, most of what you can think of, maybe all."

Delrin nodded knowingly. It seems that this is the general trend, and it is difficult for him to stop it.

Seeing that Delrin had figured it out, Monroe finally said his bargaining chip: "Sir, when your term of office ends, the military will hire you as a political consultant. In our structure, there is a great lack of people like you. At that time, maybe you will continue your career in power in another place."

The pie was delicious, but I don't know if it was poisonous, but no matter what, Delrin couldn't refuse it.

"General Monroe, what is the timing you mentioned just now?"

"You just have to wait, and when the time comes, you'll understand at a glance." General Monroe said meaningfully, a smile appeared on that rigid face, "You'll like it, it's also Think of it as a gift from us to solve a big problem you're facing."

Although General Monroe's expression was a bit strange, Delrin didn't continue to ask. He stood up and stretched out his palm.

"Happy cooperation!"

Two hands clenched above the desk.

"Pleasant cooperation."

Time flies, half a year has passed in a blink of an eye. At the beginning, Speaker Delrin was looking forward to the opportunity every day. He didn't understand where General Monroe's confidence came from.

So, he was very curious about it.

However, it was calm for several months, and he didn't wait for any event that could be called an opportunity.

If he hadn't sneaked around to Secretary Ram and confirmed that General Monroe had indeed come that day, he would have thought it was a dream.

The passage of time dampened his curiosity.

The Rickon tribe currently has a home planet and three colony planets, with a total population of over 20 billion. As the supreme commander on the bright side, his work is very busy.

Especially recently, the people in the Trimbling District are pressing on every step of the way, and some things happen from time to time, which seriously affect his daily work and life.

This makes him anxious every day.

Surprises always come inadvertently.

Or scare.

A small meteorite with a diameter of three kilometers broke through layers of defense and monitoring inexplicably. When the Riken tribe discovered it, it had already appeared 300,000 kilometers away from the parent star.

The distance is so fleeting.

Before the dignitaries of the Riken tribe got up from their beds and rushed to the meeting room, the meteorite had already entered the atmosphere, and the huge flames created by the friction could be clearly seen in the entire hemisphere.

The military urgently dispatched defensive forces to intercept it, but due to the sudden incident, there were very few armed forces within range, and red lights shot into the sky. These small-caliber anti-aircraft firepower could only destroy some of the meteorite's fur , it's hard to do much damage to it.

The home star of the Ricken family also deployed orbital defense weapons, but these energy-intensive weapons needed to be charged in advance, and suddenly they couldn't function at all.

According to common sense, with the observation technology of the Liken tribe, such meteorites would have been discovered hundreds of millions of kilometers away, and then they would calmly calculate their orbits, adjust and recharge their defensive weapons, and destroy them.

But this meteorite was discovered too late, making many defensive weapons impossible to use.

Just as the experts sat down to discuss the environmental hazards of detonating a nuclear bomb in the atmosphere, the meteorite had already passed through the atmosphere and hit the ground with a strong sense of oppression.

The military launched an emergency plan, skipping all approval procedures, several special operations teams were deployed, and more than a dozen individual tactical nuclear bombs flew towards the meteorite.

In the bang, it seemed that several suns appeared in the sky. After the meteorite passed through the atmosphere, the remaining two kilometers of the main body were successfully crushed.

Most of the structure of the meteorite was blown into hundreds of pieces, and a meteor shower rushed out of the sun group. Most of the meteorite fragments were too small to pose a threat.

However, a part of the metal substance with a diameter of about 500 meters hit the ground hard after being forged at a high temperature and became more condensed.

The impact tore the earth apart, stirring up dust that soared into the sky, and a mushroom cloud gradually rose, and the shock wave ravaged a range of more than 100 kilometers.

"Don't worry, Your Excellency, Speaker, the security level here has been brought to the end, and all the monitoring equipment has been disabled. Even if you run around naked here, nothing will be revealed." Speaker's office, looking around at Speaker Delrin Check the state of the monitoring equipment, General Monroe said calmly.

"Are you crazy?" Speaker Delrin was a little crazy, he moved to General Monroe and roared angrily.

When such a big event happened, his workload suddenly multiplied several times, coordinating all aspects of rescue work, investigating what happened, holding a press conference, etc., so many things made him burnt out.

But just now, General Monroe came suddenly and asked him if he liked this gift.

He really wanted to yell, "I like NM's size!" But thinking of the madness of these people, he still shut his mouth sincerely, and at the same time, he also understood what the so-called opportunity was.

This group of lunatics actually used meteorites to blow up the Trimblein area. The place where the filth and darkness gathered, which gave him a splitting headache during this period, became history just half an hour ago.

At first he really thought it was an accident, and he was ecstatic in his heart, but the news revealed from General Monroe made him understand that it was man-made. When he first heard the news, he thought it was an April Fool's Day joke, but seeing Monroe's serious look, it was hard for him to take it as a joke.

"Aren't you afraid of blowing up the wrong place?"

"No." Monroe shook his head affirmatively: "We have gone through careful calculations, and the selection and transformation of the meteorite are under monitoring. Its flight speed, angle of entry, including the explosion position of the bomb behind it, and even The weather conditions have been simulated hundreds of times in advance with supercomputers to ensure nothing goes wrong.”

"Your Excellency, you should like this gift. We have solved a big problem for you."

Although to some extent, Monroe's words are correct, it is difficult for Delrin to be happy now. Although it solved a problem, it caused a bigger problem.

This incident made him completely tied to the opponent's chariot. If he didn't want to get in the chariot, maybe tomorrow the shit pot of the whole plan would be pinned on his head.

And all kinds of evidence, witnesses, and testimonies will appear inadvertently, leaving him speechless. He didn't know if it was right to cooperate with these lunatics, but now he couldn't help it.

"What should I do next?" Delrin asked a little frustrated.

"Just do what you should do normally, and everything will come naturally. You know, we have quite a lot of allies. Everyone will help." General Monroe waved his hands and made a big circle.

"I hope so."

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