I Am the Swarm

Chapter 256 Expectation

Two weeks passed in this way, and the researchers of the swarm were learning very fast. Reggie speculates that although they appear to be biological civilizations, they also have a fairly good mechanical theoretical basis.

The other party asked them fewer and fewer questions, and he found that the information and technology he relied on as chips were deduced by the swarm in a short period of time.

Reggie knew that the number of scientific researchers on the other side was far more than the number of people in the spacecraft, and there was a larger team behind them, thousands or even tens of thousands of people.

It's a pretty powerful civilization.

I thought they were just low-level beasts at first, but now I think about it, it's really ridiculous.

Fewer chips means that their value is lower, and no one will spend a lot of energy to raise worthless things. Many Riken people understand this, and everyone is getting more and more anxious.

Sure enough, everyone's worries were not superfluous.

A month later, two Rikens were taken away.

Because we usually don't get together. Now there is no such convenient means of contact as a personal terminal, and there is no artificial intelligence to help with statistics, so Reggie and the others only found out that the two Ricans were missing two days later.

These are two members of the escort team, and they usually have relatively little contact with everyone, so that no one noticed them at all. If it wasn't for their original captain to look for them, I don't know when they will find out about this matter.

Reggie didn't know where they were taken. Even if he asked Morgan and them, they just smiled strangely and didn't answer.

And Reggie looked at their smiles now, and it felt completely different from the first moment.

These smiles don't look simple and honest at all, but a little scary.

This made him feel like meat on a chopping board, ready to be slaughtered.

Slowly, this matter spread, and fear spread among the crew.

Half a month later, two more Rikens disappeared.

After many Riken people knew about it, some were on the verge of collapse.

They answered the questions of the swarm researchers with a more cooperative attitude than before, and some even took the initiative to explain some things.

On the other hand, some Riken tribesmen looked away. They were just the opposite of those who cooperated, and they looked like dead pigs who were not afraid of boiling water.

The Liken tribe also secretly divided into two factions, slandering each other and dislike each other.

Personnel disappeared at a rate of two every half a month, and there were two factions. The swarm seemed to have their own set of screening criteria, and it would not change because of their attitude.

The meeting of the Big Three.

"Do you know where they went?" Root asked.

Reggie shook his head.

"Don't you have a good relationship with that Morgan? Didn't you find anything useful?" Root continued to ask without discouragement.

"Hehe." The laughter carried various emotions such as self-mockery, bitterness, and unwillingness.

"What do you mean?" Lute's mood has been extremely unstable recently, and he rolled up his sleeves as if he was about to fight.

"Hehe." Reggie didn't bother to talk to him, this time his laughter was full of sarcasm.

As Reggie's friend for many years, Root could hear the meaning of the laughter, which meant that you would come if you had a feeling.

It seems that Reggie also needs to vent.

"Okay, we were already dead when they broke into the spaceship, and it's enough to live for so long. Don't let your subordinates see the joke at the end." Kamasi interjected. Not to mention his mentality is the best.

When the two people who were about to fight heard these words, their impulsive energy was suppressed.

Yes, what's the point of having a fight, let's maintain the last dignity.

"Do you know? Every day I wonder where the missing people went." Root took the initiative to change the subject and muttered: "You know, the swarm is a biological civilization. Do you understand what this means?"

"What does it represent?" Reggie took the initiative to cooperate and ease the tension.

"It means that they are more interested in us than in those mechanical parts. After all, some life forms from alien galaxies may bring greater inspiration to their technology."

Both Reggie and Kamais were startled, and then relieved.

They have also thought about these things, and this is not something that is too difficult to guess, but it was selectively ignored before, and now it is pointed out by Lute.

This is the reality they are about to face.

Fear, helplessness, timidity and other emotions hit my heart.

Half a year later, on the cat-ear spacecraft, all valuable things were taken away, even the memory of the artificial intelligence was taken away. And the researchers of the swarm have also withdrawn one after another, which means that they have completed the analysis of the cat-ear spacecraft, and there is no value here.

As a result, the cat-eared spaceship became a real cage. When there were people from the swarm here, the discussion atmosphere here was strong, and everyone's feelings were not obvious yet.

After the swarm personnel withdrew, this feeling became obvious.

as time flows.

Some of the Liken tribe yelled and vented their emotions in the cabin from time to time, some were close to madness, some wept bitterly, and some remained silent.

Until later, everything became lifeless.

Everyone is waiting silently, waiting for the moment when they are picked away.

And look forward to this moment coming soon.

Because this kind of waiting is really tormenting.

Two years later, Reggie has been described as haggard, and the long-term mental torture has already destroyed his originally strong body.

A year ago, the swarms were no longer taking the Rickons with any regularity, sometimes taking several Rickons in a short period of time, and sometimes not taking one for a long time.

The Big Three guessed that some research of the swarm might have gone wrong.

However, what if they knew.

Kamais was taken away half a year ago.

Root was also taken a month later.

He was the only one left among the three giants of the cat-eared spaceship, and the originally lively cabin was deserted, and there were not many Rikens left in the ship.

Reggie was a little envious of them, and finally didn't have to suffer from this torture.

The sound of footsteps came, steady and powerful, without any confusion.

On today's cat-eared spacecraft, creatures that can walk at such a pace are definitely not the Riken tribe.

This sound is like the sounds of heaven.

A figure slowly came to Reggie, and Reggie, who was sitting on the ground with his back against the wall, slowly raised his head.

"Is it finally my turn?" Reggie's hoarse voice came out of Reggie's mouth, and he couldn't hear the high spirits of the year.

"Can't wait anymore, old friend?" came the voice with a smile, the standard Riken language, if you just listen to the voice, you can't believe that the other party is an alien.

"Ah..." Reggie let out a long sigh, containing complex emotions, nostalgia, reluctance, unwillingness, and a hint of joy in relief.

"Let's go then." Morgan said softly.

Then Morgan helped Reggie put on the protective clothing, and the two slowly walked out of the cabin, followed by two guards in hideous armor.

An adult biological carrier is already waiting at the exit.

It was the first time that Reggie knew that this thing could carry people. Thinking about being locked in the cat-ear spacecraft before, the information he obtained was just the tip of the iceberg.

He laughed at himself and asked, "Is it alive?"

Morgan, who was walking in front, was taken aback for a moment, then reacted, and smiled: "Of course. Not only is it alive, it will grow up slowly." After speaking, he walked a few steps quickly, came to the adult spaceship, and stroked it with his hand. It hits a few times, and the figure shakes a few times in response.

Reggie's eyes widened: "You mean, it is the same as the one that attacked us before?"

"That's right, those are just juveniles, and this is what they look like when they grow up, and they will grow bigger."

At first, Reggie only felt that the creature in front of him, which could carry people, was very similar to the soft-bodied creature that attacked them before, but he only felt that it should be a different model.

Just like their mechanical technology, the difference between small planes and big ones. Their principles are similar, so the finished product is similar, but he never thought that they are the same thing.

Is this biological civilization?

"Amazing technology." Reggie sighed, and then worried about the mother clan. Can the Riken tribe really compete against this civilization? The war potential of the two sides is not at the same level at all.

The biological cabin is very comfortable, but unfortunately there are no windows or anything like that. He doesn't know how these aliens know the outside situation in the cabin. Could it be that the spaceship can move by itself?

It's really incomprehensible.

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