I Am the Swarm

Chapter 26 Infiltrating

Rowan first found a lucky tester, this one was really lucky, because he hadn't seen the starting style of Roche's martial arts.

After observing the tester first, and then using the newly acquired ability as if instinctively, the pheromone emitted by Luo Wen gradually adjusted.

Pheromone is a general term for compounds that play a role in chemical communication between organisms. It also has many subdivisions, and basically all animals and plants produce various pheromones.

For example, kaiton, self-interest, synergy, assembly pheromone, tracking pheromone, warning pheromone, evacuation pheromone, sex pheromone and so on.

The pheromone of ants is a substance mixed with various components, including the smell of the ant's own group. It can be used to communicate with its companions, just like an ID card.

What Luo Wen is adjusting now is this pheromone. The new ability makes him sneak into the household registration system of the neighbor's house and fabricate a piece of identity information out of thin air. Afterwards, Rowan displayed this information.

As the distance from the scout shortened, it finally sensed a strange vibration approaching, and its tentacles reached out accordingly.

The scout's tentacles touched Rowan, probing back and forth on him. Rowan was nervously waiting for the result. He didn't know if something would go wrong when he used this ability for the first time. He was ready to fight back at any time.

Fortunately, the scout probed for a while and found nothing unusual. Because Luo Wen didn't show any more information and only brought his ID card, the scouts ignored him and continued to search forward after passing him.

Rowan thought for a while, moved his body, and blocked in front of the scout again.

This time he not only brought his ID card, but also showed an additional message "There is food over there, follow me".

The scout's tentacles swayed for a moment, and actually chose to follow behind him.

So, after walking a certain distance with it, Luo Wen showed it a set of Luo's fighting skills after being a little away from the ant nest. The scout didn't know why the "own man" would suddenly attack it, and he didn't make an effective counterattack until he died.

Rowan's eyes lit up, as if he had discovered a new hunting mode.

After dragging the scout's body to the rendezvous point with the transport team, Rowan left a "take it back" pheromone on it, of course it was left by the hive ID card.

This is in case he runs away and doesn't come back in time. The transportation team did not receive a new mission after returning, but ran around. The distance from the ant nest here was less than 20 meters. If they ran in the wrong direction, they would be seeking their own death.

Although there are more and more younger brothers in Luo Wen, they are not so well-off. If you can save, you can save, and take precautions if you can consider the situation in advance.

The transport team made such an extra round trip, leaving more time for Rowan to experience his first infiltration journey slowly.

After posting his fake ID card, Luo Wen swaggered towards the door of the neighbor's house.

There were more and more black ants on the road, but they either ignored Luo Wen at all, or ignored him after they touched him with their tentacles.

Rowan easily crossed layers of defenses and arrived at the entrance of the ant nest.

Looking at the dark hole, he didn't rush in. There were combat units like soldier ants hidden in the ant nest before. Who knows if there are other strange types of troops hidden.

Although Huang Chong'er swaggered in before, Huang Chong'er's life is definitely not as precious as his, so he still has to be more wretched, wrong, more cautious.

He dug a place under the ant nest first, and the fluff on his body could sense that there were a large number of densely packed underground passages in this area.

Around the ant nest, he dug several passages, which were not wide enough for him to pass through. In such a dangerous situation, he can dig the nearest escape passage. It is difficult for small worker ants to pose a threat to him now, and it is difficult for large soldier ants to pass through these passages.

After finishing it, Rowan returned to the surface and came to the entrance of the ant nest.

I took a deep breath in my heart to relieve some nervousness, and then got into the ant nest.

There were messy pheromones left at the entrance of the ant nest, and a large number of black ants came in and out, making the originally spacious entrance look very crowded.

Although Rowan does not look like the same species as them except for the color, but here only recognizes the ID card, not the shape and breed.

As long as you have our ID card, then you are one of our own, it's as simple and rude as that.

A soldier ant crawled out of the cave. Its huge size came oncoming, blocking most of the tunnel, causing a great sense of oppression to Rowan. Moreover, the terrain here is not suitable for flexible combat. If it is found that it has been hacked, it will end badly.

Fortunately, this soldier ant did not show any abnormalities. Like other black ants, Luo Wen stepped on the soldier ant's head and body to climb over it and crawled deep into the ant nest.

The ant nest gradually branched out into many forks, some spacious and some narrow. Rowan couldn't pass through those narrow passages with his current size. This was his first time visiting a neighbor's house, and he didn't know if it would be impolite to help others widen the passage rashly, so in the end he continued to walk along those spacious passages honestly.

The internal structure of the ant nest is very complicated. Luckily, Luo Wen has no specific goals. The first time he came here was just to visit, so he just randomly searched for a way inside.

However, the passages that allow him to pass are all the main roads, and after going around, he slowly came to a huge empty shell hole.

This is the hatching room of the neighbor's house. The hole is covered with a layer of eggs and pupae, and some larvae are wriggling during the period.

Some soldier ants are patrolling around, and there are densely packed worker ants, they come in and out to carry all kinds of food here, and some are burying their heads in arranging the food, swallowing the food and spitting it out after a while to feed the larvae.

And there were also a few yellow worms mixed in, their yellow-brown body a circle larger than worker ants was unusually eye-catching among the pile of black figures.

But the ants didn't think they were abnormal. The yellow worms are like some worker ants, devouring the food on the ground. But they omit the process of spitting out the food again to feed the larvae.

Luo Wen watched from the side and yelled six six six, is this yellow worm so coquettish? Sneaking into other people's houses and still eating and living here, it's no wonder that he only saw yellow worms entering the ant nest before, but did not go out, which made him a little nervous about sneaking in this time, for fear of some secret weapon hidden in the ant nest.

Unexpectedly, when these guys came, they didn't even think about leaving, they just stayed here.

Rowan picked up a piece of food on the ground, which seemed to be the muscle of some kind of bug. After eating, he picked up another piece, which Rowan had never seen before. It looked like it might be some kind of bug or plant secretion, and it was a little sweet.

The one on the left and the one on the right are full of food. This is the accumulation of an ant nest with thousands of members.

Rowan also didn't want to leave.

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