I Am the Swarm

Chapter 271 T855 Ursa Major

Although the life-extending plant is also a creation of the swarm, on the bright side, it is a wild species and has nothing to do with the swarm.

As a force that has been running the Big Venus for many years, it is impossible for the insect swarm not to notice such a big movement like the previous battle between the Riken tribe and Godzilla.

And when the bug swarm discovered this, if they didn't make use of it, the play would have passed, and it seemed too deliberate. This not only lowered the IQ of the swarm, but also humiliated the IQ of possible chess watchers.

Therefore, it is reasonable for the insects to mix creep seeds in the life-extending plants.

Although there are some flaws in this, for example, this Godzilla is now a product of the swarm, and the scene of the wild being killed by the swarm was not monitored by the chess spectators.

Although the swarm is a biological civilization, it is reasonable to copy a Godzilla. The reason for duplicating it can also be said to prevent the Rickens from finding anomalies. But why is it popping up? Why are there life-extending plants in the nest and so on.

There is nothing Rowan can do about it. He can only hope that the swarm at that time is not worthy of attention. After all, at that time, with Luo Wen's knowledge and height, he never guarded against these things at all.

As for whether the swarm's response will be noticed by the chess spectators, Luo Wen thinks that if they exist, they may be aware of it, but sometimes who can tell whether it is true or not? By exposing some and then hiding some, you might be able to scare the snake away. After all, hidden enemies are even more terrifying.

Through the lurking intelligence in the Riken tribe, especially with Klos as a high-ranking member, the worm swarm is well aware of the Riken tribe's movements and decisions.

The special forces team went back and forth to Godzilla's lair many times, and picked a large number of life-extending plants. With sufficient experimental products, Dr. Barter's research has also made considerable progress. Maybe in a few years, he will really be able to come up with Life extension medicine without side effects.

It's a pity that all the foreshadowing for the swarm has been completed, the strategic goal has been achieved, and there is no need to waste any more time. Rowan already wants to urgently enter the next stage of the plan.

"Master Master, according to calculations, the Great Bear will reach the closest position to the Great Venus in eleven days."

"Very well, the Rickens have been here for a long time, it's time to send them home."


"General, our scout ship at T855 has been attacked." A crew member suddenly reported.

"What's the situation?!" General Massai said in surprise.

"Our unmanned spacecraft and satellites are now out of contact, and this is the last message they transmitted back."

On the screen in front of General Massai, several pictures and text messages were projected. They were all similar in that they were detected to be locked, and then the pictures disappeared suddenly when no attacker was found.

"Have you figured out their attack method?"

With the help of artificial intelligence, the crew quickly compared various data. After a few minutes: "General, we found a projectile after slowing down a video by 20,000 times. According to the opponent's attack energy level and speed It is estimated that the opponent is using an electromagnetic gun with a high probability."

"A very different technology system." General Masai sighed, the other party has adopted a technology that is completely different from that of the Riken tribe. The weapons of the Riken tribe are developing towards the energy system, while the opponent is developing a path in the physical system.

After the Riken fleet set up camp on T853, which is the orbit of the Great Qixing, they dispatched several unmanned scout ships to T855 and dropped some satellites in its orbit.

However, these detection equipment did not find any abnormality on T855, as if there was no hidden force there. If it wasn't for the fact that the cat-eared spaceship disappeared there and sent back the news, General Massai would have almost believed it.

But the purpose of their coming here is not to occupy the barren planet T855. Since the other party won't come out, they don't need to worry, just develop T853 with peace of mind.

The longer the time, the greater their advantage. After they have established all the ground facilities and space factories, and the satellite cannons have been erected, it will not be easy to kill the opponent.

During this period of time, his focus was all on the research and development progress of the life-prolonging potion, and he almost forgot about the T855 faction. He didn't expect the other party to make a move suddenly.

Why is it at this point in time? Is it because the two planets are close? If this is the case, then what the opponent cares about is the attack distance.

Why do you care about distance? Unless this is the opponent's short board. Based on this, it is speculated that the opponent's flight speed should not be fast, and the engine technology is relatively backward. This is a common problem among nascent space civilizations, and the Riken tribe would also be troubled by this problem if they had no external force. General Massai thought to himself.

But T853 and T855, even if the distance between the two planets is the shortest, there are nearly 600 million kilometers. Judging from the fact that the other party has not yet explored outside the star system, the speed of the other party probably has not yet reached the escape velocity for leaving the star system.

According to the calculations of the Rickon family, the escape velocity of the T85 galaxy is 17.2 km/s. Even at this speed, it will take more than 400 days for the other party to take off from T855 and reach T853. If the two planets are gradually moving away, the day lily will be cold for several crops by the time they fly over.

In this case, why should the opponent take the initiative to attack? Wouldn't it be better to continue to ambush at T855 and wait for the Riken troops to go over and launch a sneak attack? According to the information just now, the opponent's stealth technology is very advanced. If they really lay an ambush, it might cause the Riken tribe a big loss.

Doesn't the other party intend to attack the Riken army? Just simply destroying their detection equipment? But why not fight earlier, but wait until now?

General Massai couldn't figure out the reason anyway, including the other captains and think tanks who couldn't understand the operation of alien civilizations, but since the other party is a force capable of spaceflight, they certainly wouldn't be so stupid, they must have their own idea.

But no matter what, since the other party dared to attack them first, they must be taught a painful lesson.

With one order, all the battleships of the Riken tribe started pre-war preparations. For a while, there was a lot of turmoil, checking energy, weapons and equipment, and recovery training for armed personnel, etc., it was a busy scene.


On several satellites of Ursa Major, the ground rolled, and purple-gray flesh-sack-like plants seeped out from the surface, and then wriggled continuously, as if trying to pull the whole body out of the ground.

Gradually, they really pulled out sections of body tissues as tall as city walls from the ground.

This is the electromagnetic ejection device that the swarm has been hiding underground all the time. They were originally developed on the basis of the creep template, and they are the ground version of the electromagnetic giant structure on the star orbit of the origin galaxy.

Since the swarms have mastered the bio-controllable fusion organs, under the energy supply of these "little suns", they can grow very quickly even underground.

And because they are equivalent to creep's pendant mod, they can move slowly within the creep's body.

Electromagnetic ejection devices are raised to the ground. Their sizes and shapes are different, but they are generally more than 100 kilometers away. On a few small planets, some of them can even span half a planet.

A large number of space octopuses flew out from their hiding places, and the larvae and some small adults burrowed into the bodies of the ancient-level space octopuses.

These big guys with a body length of more than 500 meters lined up to enter the electromagnetic ejection device, and then were launched.

Thank you xiaotang246 for the 100 starting coins.

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