I Am the Swarm

Chapter 281 Situation

In this war, the swarm has gained a lot.

A large number of Riken warships were seized. Although some captains with strong temperaments turned into ashes together with their cars in the end, there were always those who were greedy for life and afraid of death.

Among them, the personnel and materials are second to none, mainly the technology developed by the Riken tribe over the years, which can greatly inspire the swarm.

With the help of the researchers of the Riken tribe who had been transformed into intelligent bodies, the swarm quickly digested all of this.


"General, it has been confirmed that they did not come after them."

"It seems that their engine technology is indeed a shortcoming." After pondering for a while, General Massai sighed: "But now, we personally help them make up for this shortcoming. Maybe, we will become Riken family of sinners."

The Riken tribe now firmly believes that although the T85 civilization is powerful, it has not expanded to the Riken galaxy because of the limited navigation speed.

The warships abandoned by the Rickon tribe, those that were seriously damaged in the early stage, had their personnel transferred and their engines blown up before they were abandoned. But the latter ones, according to the last picture, are estimated to have been captured by the T85 civilization.

With the actual battleship engine, and with the help of the traitor, perhaps in a few decades, the other party will attack the Riken galaxy.

General Masai has some regrets. He should have rationally destroyed all those warships in the first place, even if hundreds of thousands of people were sacrificed for this, and he would be crowned an executioner in history.

It's a pity that such a cold-blooded order will probably not be carried out before the bad consequences are really shown.

General Massai felt powerless and did not know what the future would hold.

But things have come to this, let's find a way to continue to protect ourselves, as long as we still have military power, there will be opportunities in the future.

"Everything that Dr. Balter needs, except for going into hibernation, as long as it can be done, try to satisfy it!"



More than 20 years later, the Rickon fleet finally returned to their home galaxy after a long voyage, passing through the endless void between the Proxima Galaxy and the west of Rickon Star.

As soon as we arrived at the outermost meteorite belt of the Riken galaxy, we found that there were many artificial creations here. Judging from the appearance, most of them were some observation devices, with only a few weapon facilities.

After passing through the meteorite belt and entering the interior of the Rickon galaxy, the changes here are even more obvious.

Observation equipment that can be seen everywhere floats in space, monitoring every corner of the galaxy. And on those planets and their satellites, there is even more construction going on.

This situation is more obvious the closer it is to the mother star of the Rickon family.

Starting from the sixth planet, there are a large number of space factories floating in its orbit, and various transport ships come in and out of it. They carry various smelted parts to the corresponding locations for assembly.

Metal space fortresses and turrets are scattered all over the orbit, and the surfaces of planets and satellites are full of various weapons, and they are still increasing.

At this time, the speed of the Ricken fleet has dropped to 10KM/S, and the speed is very slow. There are a lot of obstacles floating in the space, which makes their speed impossible to speed up.

Although many of those facilities are still in their infancy, all of these facilities cannot be achieved in just a few years.

"It seems that the current speaker is quite a courageous person." General Masai sighed a little. It has been more than 50 years since the expedition team left the home planet.

When they left, the then Speaker, His Excellency Delrin, had served three terms, followed by a successor who served for 30 years, and finally the current Speaker, His Excellency Antonio.

Before the Ricken race built their fleet, their technology advanced very fast.

Therefore, they no longer need to consume the energy accumulated by the light sail for several years every time they communicate like the original cat ear spacecraft, and because of the progress of the energy system, the communication between the fleet and the parent star can be more frequent.

But it is a pity that communication equipment has not achieved a qualitative breakthrough. Their transmission speed is still limited to the speed of light. Therefore, although the communication is more frequent, the time for information to be on the road is basically the same as that of the cat ear spacecraft.

As early as when the expeditionary fleet was defeated and fled in despair, General Massai sent the battle situation back to Riken's home planet.

Calculating the time, when the news arrived, it happened to be the time when the current speaker took office. I'm afraid he didn't expect that he would take over such a huge mess right after he took office.

Over the past twenty years, as the expedition fleet has gradually approached the parent star, the time required for communication has become less and less, from a few years to a year or two, and then to a few months...

The leader of the Rickon tribe has always been this Don Antonio.

Under such circumstances, he was able to serve two consecutive terms. I have to say that he is really a very capable person.

You must know that it took more than 20 years to build the fleet, so in those years, the quality of life of the Riken people dropped a lot.

If it weren't for the ideals and sense of honor of defeating the aliens and colonizing the outer galaxy, I am afraid that civil strife would have erupted within the Riken tribe for so many years.

Finally, the fleet was completed, but just after thirty years of good life for the Riken tribe, they had just rested and recuperated, when news came that the expedition fleet was defeated and fled in embarrassment.

And, most importantly, the opponent may fight back.

This shocked all the members of the Liken tribe. Antonio, who had just taken office, was full of ambition and planned to lead the Liken tribe towards a better tomorrow, but he was given a slap in the face.

It is impossible to resign from office. If he resigned at that time, then Antonio would have been a proper deserter. If the Rickon tribe had finished playing later, it would be okay. If he survived, he would be nailed to the pillar of shame.

Antonio, who was broken and broken, immediately started drastic reforms. Everyone else understood the situation at the time, so even though Antonio went too far, everyone gritted their teeth and endured it.

Slowly, Antonio's power grew more and more, especially the military power was captured by him, and the federal parliament gradually turned into military control.

By the time the rest of the people found out, it was already powerless to recover.

Subsequently, more and more instructions were promulgated, such as imposing high military expenditures, compulsory military service, conscripting labor, restricting the development of entertainment and other industries, and so on.

At the same time, publicity has been stepped up and all information has been made public, although it has caused panic among the public for a period of time. But as time passed, the panic gradually subsided, and everyone understood a lot about Antonio's actions.

Antonio's approval rating, which had dropped to a freezing point, rose gradually.

The setting of aliens being cruel and not taking prisoners has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people after years of publicity.

If they really let them call, in the face of the crisis of genocide, what else is it.

Thank you for the reward of 3,000 starting coins for Lai Yao, and thank you for the reward of 150 starting coins for Yuan Zhiorder.

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