I Am the Swarm

Chapter 293 Disappear

The encounter was sudden and ended quickly. The two sides fought each other for less than two hours. They fired more than a dozen rounds of shelling. The swarm lost more than 30 Taikoo-class ships, while the Rickens lost 8 warships.

From the quantitative point of view, it seems that the insect swarm lost more.

But the Primordial Grade of the Zerg Swarm actually grew out of larvae slowly, and most of the cost was time. As long as there is enough time, there are as many Taikoo grades as there are.

And after this battle, none of the Taikoo-levels were really dead. They only need to lie down for a while before they can be repaired and put into the battlefield alive and kicking again.

In contrast to the Riken tribe, the construction of warships requires a complicated process and a lot of manpower and material resources. Each warship also needs to be equipped with hundreds of operators.

The training of these personnel also requires a large amount of resource investment.

Therefore, judging from the actual battle losses, the swarm earned blood.

On the other hand, the Riken tribe thought that they were not losing money, and even made a small profit. They lost a few warships, obtained an important piece of information, and even destroyed more than 30 enemy warships.

After a battle, both sides actually thought that they were not at a loss. As for the specifics, it is up to the benevolent to see the benevolent and the wise.

Since the Rickon fleet voluntarily withdrew from the battlefield, the wreckage of several warships that were blown up became the trophies of the insect swarm. The Taikoo-level cluster slowly swayed over, surrounding the wreckage.

The space octopuses launch electromagnetic guns without loss, and the projectiles they use need to extract the metal elements stored in their bodies. So even if the atomic furnace can supply the consumption of the electromagnetic gun, the projectiles are not endless and need to be replenished from time to time.

And these warship wrecks are good raw materials.

The space octopus itself is the product of the creep template, and can even be transformed into a creep when necessary, so it is also a routine operation for them to grow some roots.

The wreckage of the battleship surrounded by groups is covered with root tentacles, and the special liquid it secretes continuously corrodes these wreckage, and then absorbs the solution and transports it back to the Primordial Class.

By the time the Taikoo-class swarm left, the wreckage that was on fire and occasionally exploded had disappeared, and even the armor plates that had been blasted out disappeared without a trace.

The Riken tribe, who had been observing the battlefield through optical devices, thought that the swarm had dismantled these battleships, but they couldn't understand why they could be cleaned up so cleanly.

"Those wreckages of battleships are even more difficult for us to dismantle. The opponent is a biological civilization, what do you want those wreckages for?" Just as the First Space Fleet Legion left the battlefield, a voice conference was held urgently.

"Maybe it's dragged back for research. After all, whether it's a mechanical civilization or a biological civilization, the basic theories are interoperable." Novaru of the Second Legion replied.

"But haven't they already captured the warships of the expedition team before? There should be no need to capture more, after all, the wreckage is not easy to transport, and our technology has not improved qualitatively over the years." A captain asked a question.

"But they don't know! If it were me, I would have to drag it back to see if there was any change." Another captain choked.

"You didn't look carefully. Even if our battleship is destroyed, the wreckage of the main body of the battleship is hundreds of meters in size, which is larger than the opponent's combat unit. But if you look at the current reconnaissance map, you can't see any traces of the wreckage at all. .”

"Hehe, maybe they were eaten. Those combat units may be alive, so they will be hungry, and they will eat when they are hungry." A captain joked.

"Maybe your guess is really correct. We know too little about their technological system. In the next battle, we must capture some of the opponent's combat units and find out what they are."

"What is the reason for the suspension of the operation?" Suddenly, a strange voice sounded, it was an inquiry from the operation command room of Riken's home planet.

Because the combat location is far away from Riken's home star, even if the communication signal is transmitted at the speed of light, it will take about half an hour. The three major armies on the front line discussed on the communication channel for a long time, and the communication from the mother planet's combat command room has just been transmitted.

It was only then that everyone remembered that what should be discussed now was not where the wreckage went at all. But the opponent's supercomputing technology is far beyond imagination.

At the level of the two sides, the weapons and equipment between each other have not achieved the effect of crushing each other, and what is being fought is a war of computing power.

Just like when the two sides fired at each other just now, although most of the shells missed, each shell has been carefully calculated, otherwise, it would not even be possible for the other party to evade.

"The plan must continue. It is impossible to give up the operation that has been prepared for so long because the opponent's computing power exceeds expectations." After discussing for a long time, the commanders of the Riken tribe did not think of any countermeasures.

There is no way, this kind of hard power is difficult to be targeted, and the two sides can only go head-to-head in this field.

"Just do it and it's over. Our weapons fly fast, even if the opponent's computing power is stronger, we should have the advantage."

"That's right, not to mention that the opponent's computing power is probably not as good as ours."

"However, the opponent also has another advantage. That is, their weapons are not standard, and they have various specifications. We can only use an average value for calculation, which allows us to calculate the opponent's trajectory. Some deviations." A staff officer in charge of supercomputer maintenance said.

He was right, this is indeed the advantage of the swarm.

The warships of the Riken tribe are all assembled products from the assembly line. All the modules and parts of the same model warship are the same size. So their weapon parameters are the same.

It is said that the limit range is 50,000 kilometers, and there will be no 51,000 shots. If the diameter of the shell is 50 centimeters, there will never be 51 centimeters.

But this is not the case for the swarm archaic class, because they all grew up from their own larvae, and because of the different hatching and development times, even though they are all archaic class, their actual sizes are slightly different.

Even if they are exactly the same size, but the electromagnetic gun is an independent component, the growth of the body will not be exactly the same.

The speed of the shells fired by the 300-meter electromagnetic gun and the 350-meter electromagnetic gun will not be exactly the same.

Even the material and size of the shell will affect the relevant data.

For each salvo of the Primordial class, the time for the shells to reach the target position was different, but this did not have much impact on the swarm, but it increased the amount of calculations for the Rikens and caused them some trouble.

"I really can't figure out what the other party is, and how to manufacture so many weapons without mass production."

"The other party may really be a living creature. According to their previous performance in the meteorite belt, some individuals have really grown up a lot."

"Ha, do you want to say that the other party grew up to be so big?"

"That's not sure, you haven't found that the opponent's combat units, regardless of size, have the same appearance?"

Thank you for the reward of 500 starting coins in Spring and Autumn, and thank you xiaotang246 for the reward of 100 starting coins.

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