I Am the Swarm

Chapter 299 Reappearance

You must know that space octopus is a variant of creep, and each strain in their body is a creep seed.

When the adults bombarded the land-based cannons, many larvae had already fallen to the ground.

The flexible arms and legs make them not slow to dig holes. After a while, the larvae have disappeared on the surface of the planet.

The Cross family has transformed more than a hundred intelligent bodies over the years, and their public identities are all prominent figures.

Among the senior generals in the three major fleets of the Ricken tribe, there are several such intelligent bodies, and they transmit the real-time dynamics of the fleet command to the blades.

Sarah almost burst out laughing after learning what the Rikens were amazed at. This is a joke caused by information asymmetry. The Rickon tribe thought that their plan had been achieved, but they didn't know that the swarm might be following their tricks, and the initial target might be the Lazer planet.

The surface of the planet is vast and traceless, and tens of thousands of land-based cannons are concentrated in more than a dozen areas, which is conducive to the supply of energy and can reduce many engineering difficulties.

A small part of the materials used in these metal creations are asteroids with high metal elements dragged from the meteorite belt, and after being smelted in space, they are directly airdropped onto the surface of the planet.

But most of them are mined directly from the planet Lazer.

Lazer Star is a planet with a high content of metal elements, and is very rich in mineral resources. Even many minerals are on the surface of the planet, and the mining difficulty is extremely low.

The Rickon tribe currently has dozens of bases on Lazer Star, with nearly 100,000 land-based cannons. The ability to have such a large-scale defensive measure has a lot to do with the ease of mining Lazer Star minerals.

In the underground of Lazer Star, resources are even more abundant, and there are even huge reserves of radioactive minerals.

If the Zerg Swarm wants to fight and consume the Rikens, it is impossible to send troops from the neighboring galaxy all the time. It is imperative to establish a frontline base in the Rickon galaxy.

And Lazer Star, a resource-rich mineral planet located on the outskirts of the star system, is a very suitable target. The rich metal minerals on it can ensure the firepower of the swarm troops to pour in willfully.

The radiation minerals inside can also accelerate the growth of larvae and adults, and even provide more atomic furnaces.

Therefore, the initial goal of the swarm was to occupy Lazer Star.

However, if the strategic intentions were exposed from the very beginning, then they might be faced with the joint resistance of the three major fleets of the Riken clan with more than 2,000 warships and the land-based firepower of Star Lazer.

In the face of such ferocious artillery fire, the losses of the swarm troops are bound to be doubled.

If this is the case alone, it doesn't matter to the swarm, but if the three major fleets of the Liken tribe are disabled, that would be bad.

You must know that the Rickon tribe only has so many warships in total now. Once they are damaged here, it might cause some despair, and it would be bad if they do something like burning everything under hysteria.

Now that the "seed" has been planted, the Rickon tribe is a production base of high-quality materials. In Luo Wen's eyes, they already belong to the property of the swarm, and they cannot be allowed to abuse themselves.

If it wasn't for avoiding being too abnormal and attracting the attention of possible chess watchers, Rowan wouldn't even attack the Riken tribe.

When Sarah was waiting for the blade to have a headache, she learned about the Rickon tribe's tactical plan, so she planned to act out this big show.

It is equivalent to the Riken tribe letting go of the road by themselves, allowing the swarm to occupy Lazer Star.

This occupation is not just talk, there are hundreds of strains in a larva with a body length of ten meters, and the larger the body size, the number of strains doubles.

Each strain is a creep seed, and a creep seed, as long as there is enough time, can start a prairie fire, let alone so many seeds working at the same time.

A larva falls on the pedestal of a land-based cannon, and the strain siphons the larvae's body tissues, converting them into the first wave of nourishment for growth.

Soon, some rhizomes emerged from the strain, climbed up the metal base, spread into the ground, and continued to take root.

The base of the land cannon was gradually corroded, and its structure changed so that it could no longer carry the weapons on it. The thick and long barrel pulled the cannon body downward, and the barrel was stuck on the ground, temporarily maintaining its balance.

But soon, the main body of the purple-gray creep has spread along the base to the gun body, and then spread to the barrel, rendering the entire land-based cannon and the surrounding area purple-gray.

This kind of scene was happening everywhere on Lazer Planet. If it was just one or two places, it might not be noticeable on such a fierce battlefield.

But at this time, tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of larvae were activated at the same time, and the chain reaction caused was really eye-catching.

"Look at screen No. 63! What is that!" A captain exclaimed as he watched the gradually spreading purple-gray on the video.

"My God, what the hell is this!"

"It looks familiar, as if I've seen it somewhere before."

Hearing the exclamation, other fleets in the communication channel also switched to related videos, discussing the scene above.

"This? This is?! Stop them!" a staff officer suddenly yelled in horror.

"Mott! Do you know what this is?" Khamis asked hastily.

"Before they attacked our expeditionary fleet, T855 was like this. The original normal planet slowly turned purple-gray."

The Mott who spoke was once a captain of the long-range fleet. Like Massai, he was also relieved of his real power after the defeat and became a senior staff officer with the army.

At the beginning, the changes of T855 and its satellites were far less shocking and impressive if you just watched the data video.

The captain and staff officers present should have seen the video data at that time, but they just felt familiar, and Mott, who witnessed it, immediately recalled the original fear.

After Mott's reminder, many Rikens remembered that the satellite of T855 was dyed purple-gray in a short period of time, which looked so weird.

"Their target is Lazer Star!" Khamis was a little frightened and angry, and he realized at this time that the previous abnormal behavior of the other party was not a sign of intellect.

It turned out that they were the ones who thought they had their way all along, and they were the clowns.

Why did they still make such low-level mistakes as underestimating the enemy, even though they had the example of Massai first? He fell into deep thought, could it be that the other party's appearance really couldn't be connected with wisdom?

Or, does the other party have some weird technology, such as wisdom-reducing aura?

Think about it, compared to the second case, the first case is more reliable.

The opponent's technology tree and the opponent's arms will unconsciously connect people to beasts, and beasts have no wisdom.

When one is surrounded by steel creations and looks at races that still use their bodies to fight, an inexplicable sense of superiority emerges spontaneously from nowhere.

At times like this, they always inadvertently ignore the fact that the other party is also an intelligent civilization.

"Damn it!"

Thank you for the reward of 100 starting coins from Shemeng Sweetheart.

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