I Am the Swarm

Chapter 337 Target

"It's kind of interesting. If this is the case, then we should make a move and let them understand the reality." Seeing the referendum where the Riken tribe has become a trifling matter, Sarah laughed.

Screeching sirens sounded from the civil and military double-star defense line, and all the Rikens were ready for battle. The engines of the battleships had already warmed up, emitting red and blue lights, and the land-based cannons and orbital guns also began to recharge.

Under the vigilant eyes of the Rikens, the ancient swarm of the swarm slowly accelerated. But just as they were approaching the range of the energy cannons of the civil and military defense line, the whole group suddenly turned around, bypassed the defense line, and headed behind them.

This frightened the Liken tribe. The Zerg tribe didn't talk about martial arts, and they agreed to confront each other head-on, so why did they suddenly go back.

The three major fleets launched urgently, but just as they were about to catch up, they took off another 20,000 Taikoo-class from the direction of Izumo. At the same time, more land-based electromagnetic cannons appeared on the more than ten satellites of Izumo, and the instantly increased firepower put the suppressed Riken commanders in a dilemma.

If you want to pursue them, let’s not talk about whether the number of more than 3,000 warships can pose a threat to the 20,000 Taikoo-class, just say that the civil and military dual-star defense line lacks the firepower of more than 3,000 warships. Even if it is blocked, the loss will be heavy.

But if you don't chase, the rear base camp will face a huge threat. Once the home planet is besieged or captured, their troops on the civil and military double-star defense line are still in an awkward situation.

This kind of backtracking tactic is theoretically difficult to realize, because confrontational civilizations will be produced, and basically the technological level and military strength are not much different. At this time, if one side disperses its forces, it is likely to be divided and eaten by the other side.

The civil and military double-star defense system spans tens of millions of kilometers. It seems that the distance is very long, but it is not impossible to bypass it in the vast space. However, the civil and military dual-star defense line and the defense circle of Riken's parent star behind it, and the No. 3 planet Guiyun star defense circle of the star system are connected in a line, watching and helping each other.

If the swarm adopted this tactic when they first captured Izumo, the troops that were sent out might not have reached the strategic position. The star defense system then eats up the branch troops.

But the swarm cannot be inferred according to common sense. The powerful ability of violent soldiers makes the comparison of combat power between the opposing sides seriously unbalanced. Now not only can suppress the Ricken mobile units that are able to suppress the civil and military double-star defense lines, but they can also send out a large number of troops to fight guerrillas.

"What should I do? Admiral Heaton?" Khamis asked, the situation is really a dilemma.

Admiral Heaton was the old general who spoke harshly to the congressmen. He was the person with the highest military rank in the civil and military dual-star defense line, and he was also the highest commander on the surface. In the past, there were many factions in the army, and each general represented a different faction. Sometimes his words were not very easy to use.

But after the secret meeting of Colony No. 2, his title became much clearer, and his tough attitude was supported by more officers. Including the commanders of the three major fleets, they will now take the initiative to consult his opinions.

"Our line of defense is too dangerous if we chase after it." Admiral Heaton pondered for a moment, and continued: "Although it is impossible for all warships to go after them, if there is only one fleet, it should not be a big problem. If the opponent attacks the mother ship If there are stars, the fleet can also play a certain role in harassment and involvement.”

"Let me go!" The three army chiefs looked at each other, Khamis nodded and took over the task. Now there are only about 1,000 individual fleets. Compared with the Zerg 20,000 Taikoo swarm, even if it is just tracking and monitoring from a distance, dragging and harassing, the catching up fleet is equivalent to dancing on the tip of a knife, which is very dangerous.

Seeing that Khamis took the initiative to take over the task, Arser and Novaru secretly breathed a sigh of relief. After all, if they were asked to take over this kind of task by name, they would not refuse, but intelligent creatures always instinctively avoid risks.

Rikken's First Fleet, which left the civil and military double-star defense line, did some cover-ups, but it couldn't escape the detection of the worm worms at all. However, after seeing that most of the warships did not move, the swarm no longer cared.

Commanders Rickon watched the Izumo Zerg nervously, and after realizing that they had not acted aggressively, but simply made a deterrent gesture of force, Qiqi breathed a sigh of relief.

They are really worried that the swarm will take the opportunity to attack the civil and military double-star defense line. The guns on the battlefield have no eyes. It doesn't feel good.

After bypassing the civil and military double-star defense line, the Zerg branch cluster troops that had gone far away did not directly attack the home star of the Riken tribe, but kept the course and continued to advance.

"Where are they going?" Because this is the home ground of the Riken tribe, there is no secret about the movements of the swarm's branch clusters. Not to mention the large monitoring equipment in several major defensive circles, the Riken First Fleet that fell behind the cluster alone , without letting them out of view.

"Maybe they want to go around and attack on the other side of the parent star. After all, if they attack directly, they are still within the attack range of our defense line, and we can still provide some support."

A few days later, the swarm troops approached the defense circle of Riken's home star. The Riken army here is already in full swing. The home star plus the two satellites have a large number of land-based cannons and orbital guns, and densely packed smart mines. Except for no mobile fleet, the defense The rigor even exceeds the civil and military double-star defense line.

This is understandable, after all, this is the stronghold of the Riken tribe. All the weapons have already entered the state of being ready, and it is only waiting for the swarm troops to enter the strike range to give them a head-on blow.

However, the bug swarm troops only bypassed here far away, and did not turn around to attack, and continued to advance at the same speed.

"Their target is not the parent star!"

"We have been cheated again!" Why is it double?

"Their goal is Guiyunxing!" Since Guiyunxing's defense circle is the closest to the star, its defense level is not as strict as the other two defense circles, and there is also a colony No. 3 built there, and there are a lot of Riken , Even if the support is a bit of a mouse-hunter.

"Hurry up and organize the evacuation of the personnel there. If we act quickly, we should be able to reduce some personnel losses!"

The transport ship returning to Yunxing took a large number of Rikens and fled to the home planet. Because of the pursuit of transportation efficiency, the ride experience of the escaped Rikens was not good. Let alone sitting, you have to stand on your feet, and all the weapons of the spaceship were unloaded. , causing them to have no power to fight back once they are attacked.

Many Rickens wept bitterly in the cabin once they gave up their careers that they had worked so hard for for many years. However, compared to their fellow clansmen who remained on Guiyunxing due to limited transportation capacity, they were already extremely lucky.

Those of the same race had to wait until the second round, or even the third round, before they could evacuate, but by then the war might have already begun.

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