I Am the Swarm

Chapter 339 Transit

The fourth colony of the Rickon tribe is located on Riven, and it was built a little later than the other three colonies. After the construction of the first two colonies was completed, whether the third colony was returning to Yunxing or Liwenxing had caused quarrels among the Riken tribe.

One of the two planets is the third planet in the star system, and the other is the fifth planet. They are about the same distance from the Riken parent star in the middle, and each has its own advantages.

In the end, Yunxing won because of the relatively low difficulty of transformation.

The three colonies drained the foundation of the Rickon tribe, making them unable to continue to expand in a short period of time, and when they had just eased up and planned to build a fourth colony, the Zerg tribe appeared.

Afterwards, the resources of the Ricken people were put into focus. Except for continuing to expand the previous three colonies, the rest were put on the construction of the fleet, and the construction plan of the fourth colony was shelved again.

Subsequently, the expeditionary fleet failed, and a large number of land-based defense weapons and orbital defense weapons, as well as related energy supply facilities, were added to the construction list of the Riken tribe.

In this case, the plan to build the Fourth Colony, which had been put on hold, was launched instead.

This is not because the resources of the Rickon race are already so rich, but because the outer circle of the star system urgently needs a supply base. A large number of troops are stationed on Lazer Star and Civil and Military Double Star defense lines. If the food and clothing costs of these Riken are transported from Riken’s home planet, the Civil and Military Double Star side is better, but Lazer Star is too far away, and the supply line will be pulled. If it is too long, it will cause a serious waste of resources.

Moreover, the supply of civil and military double-star defense lines can be transported from the parent star for a short period of time, but it can't bear it for a long time.

In this case, the fourth colony settled on Riven in the binary star system. This colony is very different from the previous three colonies. Many of its infrastructures are not perfect, because it is positioned as a large production base.

From this colony, all kinds of daily necessities are mainly produced to be used by the front-line bases, so there are not many Rickens here, only a few million. Compared with the 200 million people belonging to the Yunxing Colony, it is simply Not even a fraction is enough.

As expected, the Zerg Swarm troops headed straight for the star as predicted by the generals of the Rikens. When passing by the second planet in the star system, the Rikens only had a few orbiting satellites to collect data here, so The swarm unceremoniously sent out 5,000 Taikoo-class to destroy them and occupy this place.

"The adaptability and integration of Swarm is truly amazing."

The second planet is already very close to the star, so the normal temperature here can reach hundreds of degrees. The reason why the Riken tribe doesn't have many facilities here is because it consumes too much energy to arrange things here, and the cost performance is too low.

However, this octopus monster of the Zerg can not only easily resist high temperatures, but can even fly in a vacuum close to absolute zero, and can also genetically mutate into various other types of units. I have some yearning for the biotechnology route.

After passing over planet No. 2, the swarm troops continued to move forward, and stopped when they reached the orbit of Planet No. 1. They relied on Planet No. 1 and established a new base here.

Thanks to the greater radiation energy here, I believe that it will grow to a larger scale than the Izumo Star Base in a short time.

The Riken First Fleet, which had been following it all along, had already stopped when the Zerg divided up to occupy planet 2. In the next journey, not only the overheating environment will accelerate the aging and wear of the battleship hull, but the extreme output power will even cause the equipment to overheat and malfunction.

More importantly, there are 5,000 Taikoo-class satellites stationed on the second satellite. If they want to keep following, they have to pass them, and if the Zerg army in front turns back, they are likely to be caught in a situation where they are attacked from both sides.

Therefore, it is too dangerous to continue to follow. However, the purpose of the swarm was extremely clear and obvious, there was no cover at all, and there was no need for them to continue to follow, and they couldn't stop it anyway.

"If things go on like this, soon we won't even be qualified to fight a beautiful battle." Seeing such a scene, some General Liken said worriedly.

"Then what should we do? We are not strong enough, we can only endure it."

"It's a terrible feeling."

"Since the Zerg have put on a posture to persuade them to surrender before, why haven't they made any substantive moves? Don't they want to give us all the face and face, and don't even give us the most basic decency? Can you really do whatever you want if you are strong?"

"The weak have no diplomacy, and it is true."

The swarm troop swaggered through the three major lines of defense of the Rickens, and after settling in the direction of the stars, they continued to calm down and develop silently. But the Ricken tribe became lively again.

Not to mention that the 20,000 Taikoo-levels did not all use optical invisibility, and when they crossed the Riken parent star, the closest distance was even only 10 million kilometers. Many folk Riken astronomy enthusiasts can use civilian astronomical telescopes to observe this huge force.

Because the space octopus was basically in a state of optical invisibility during previous battles, the published photos are all color line drawings observed by various instruments. Afterwards, the swarm lifted its stealth status, but the implication of that was quite bad. Coupled with the control of the military and the parliament, almost no complete high-definition large-scale images of space octopuses flowed out.

The people of Rickon knew that the Zerg was coming, but in fact they had no idea at all. This time, the swarm troop crossed the Riken home planet, and the Riken Council and the military were unable to control the massive civilian observation equipment at all. Fans in related fields have taken a large number of ancient photos and uploaded them on the Internet. The strange shape of the space octopus is the clearest display.

The ordinary people of Rickon did not really realize the horror of the alien creatures until this time. The huge number was in stark contrast to the own fleet following behind.

The alien troops passed through the defense line of the home planet at close range, but they could only watch in fear, and they didn't even dare to fire a warning, for fear of causing unnecessary misunderstanding.

This made ordinary Riken people dissatisfied with the parliament and the military, and at the same time, panic broke out again. This time no force came out to bring the rhythm, but the panic was far higher than before.

After all, what you hear is never as real as what you see with your own eyes.

The major shopping malls and supermarkets were swept away in a short period of time, and the people of Rikken who did not have supplies took to the streets, and large-scale protests broke out again.

They asked the parliament and Antonio to give a solution and speed up the supply of materials. These requirements are not harsh, but production takes time. But what the panicked people lack most now is time. Various conspiracy theories were rampant, and peaceful demonstrations gradually turned into violent protests. Not only did they clash with the security forces maintaining order, they even began to attack military supplies warehouses.

If the development continues like this, without the Zerg doing anything, the Ricken themselves will collapse from the inside.

But at this moment, something happened.


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