I Am the Swarm

Chapter 350 Fire

After finding that the attack was ineffective, the swarm stopped firing. After discovering this, Diallo thought that the swarm had given up their resistance and thought he was invincible, so he immediately ordered the entire fleet to maintain their formation and move forward at full speed.

"Your Highness, I think it's better to be cautious."

"Don't worry, Ashlit, in intelligence, electromagnetic guns are the only long-range attack method for the swarm. Oh, I forgot, they also have a very primitive projectile device? Haha, please forgive me, I didn't forget it on purpose, But I thought that stuff only existed in ancient times, and I really can’t imagine that the Zerg who entered the space age would still use such primitive things.” Diallo was in a good mood, and laughed: “I heard that The accuracy of the thing is not very good, and the hit rate is ridiculously low."

In fact, Asrit is also confused. The things like catapults shown in the information are too unreasonable, and this is where she is puzzled. Such a low-level mistake.

She told Diallo about her worries, and Diallo thought about it for a while, and comforted him again: "Don't worry, even if that thing actually has a 100% hit rate, but that kind of physical blow, in the face of our rejection stance , completely useless. And the appearance of that kind of thing cannot be hidden at all, looking at the current deployment of the Zerg, I don’t think they can deceive our observation devices at such a close distance.”

"What if they have other weapons? Like bugs that shoot lasers."

"Athrit, as a great Doki, you shouldn't ask this kind of question! Even if we haven't solved the problem of long-range power supply for laser weapons, do you think Zerg will solve it? I admit that they do There are some unique features, and the future can be expected, but now, in front of my fleet, they must lie on their stomachs!" Diallo said seriously, and then stopped talking to Asrit, silently looking at the approaching Izumo in front of him star.

The speed of the Doki fleet is very fast, whether the Zerg can fire or not, it has not affected their speed. Under Diallo's command, they quickly approached to the position of 500,000 kilometers away from Izumo.

This distance is a little exaggerated in space, it is said to be hand-to-hand combat, but it is indeed too close. With the current level of technology of the belligerents, this is a very dangerous distance. Energy beam weapons can cross this distance in just over ten seconds.

This means that the two sides are about to start an extremely tragic war, and the loser will be wiped out, especially for the party with a disadvantage in speed, there is almost no option to escape.

Seeing the corners of Asrit's mouth twitching, about to open his mouth, but finally holding back, Diallo smiled slightly and said, "Athrit, what do you want to say?"

"Your Highness, is this position too close? Our repelling position can only cover a small area at the front of the bow. If the Zerg find this and attack us from both sides, it will be difficult even with our protection." Withstood the attack of the large-caliber electromagnetic gun."

This is indeed a shortcoming of the Doki clan's exclusion of stances, and the stance generators cannot be miniaturized.

Even if all the space in the battleship is used to place the stance generating device, it can only cover 30% of the entire ship's area, so in the final analysis, it is still an auxiliary device, but it just restrains the swarm.

"Of course I know this, but the Zerg doesn't know." Diallo pointed to the two display screens and said, "The Zerg has sent support here from the bases on Lazer Star and the close orbit of the star."

The picture on the screen was enlarged, revealing several giant pictures, and the background was in the near orbit of the star.

The largest electromagnetic giant structure of the Zerg Swarm in the Riken Galaxy is located on Izumo, and the Zerg has stayed here for a long time, so the giant structure has grown the longest. But it was taken care of in the missile attack just now. But even so, the giant structure of more than 200 kilometers cannot be destroyed by hundreds of small-yield tactical nuclear bombs. Although it was riddled with holes and its functionality was severely damaged, most of the strains in it still survived. , is currently working on self-healing.

The picture shown by Diallo is a giant device in the near orbit of the star. Although the energy there is more abundant and the giant structure grows faster, because the near orbit base has just been established, the growth time is too little, so they are currently only tens of kilometers away. . However, compared to a battleship of about 2,000 meters, these are still giants.

"The Zerg base in the near orbit of the star is using these giant electromagnetic ejection devices to continuously launch combat troops here. These troops will reach the battlefield faster than those Zerg troops that rely on autonomous power. Although the number of giant electromagnetic ejection devices is relatively small It is difficult for these forces to scale, but once they arrive, we will face multi-angle operations, and once we get into that situation, the disadvantages of the exclusive position will be exposed very quickly."

"What does your Highness mean?"

Seeing that Asrit seemed to understand his meaning, Diallo nodded and continued: "Yes, although we are very close to the Zerg army now, this distance will also greatly reduce the flight time of the energy beam. , more than ten seconds is not enough for the Zerg troops to dodge effectively. And we have a repulsive position, as long as we keep the angle, it is equivalent to invincibility."

"In this case, as long as we fire with all our strength, we hope to destroy the Zerg troops in front of us in a short time. At that time, we will turn the angle and attack the Zerg troops coming from the near orbit of the star head-on, and then use our speed advantage to fight all the way to Go to the near-orbit base of the Zerg. It has not been long since it was built, and there is not much reserve of troops. As long as we can quickly destroy them, and then turn around to meet the Zerg reinforcements on Star Lazer, it is only a matter of time before we solve the Zerg here in the Riken galaxy. "

"When the time comes, let's take care of the Riken tribe first, and then go all the way to M580 (the number of the Proxima galaxy of the Doki tribe). I believe that by then, the Zerg will fully realize my greatness, and I will have more right to speak!" Di Yalo opened his arms, as if he had won the battle.

It sounds reasonable, but Asrit always felt something was wrong, she thought hard, and finally found a little flaw: "Repelling the position to resist physical impact also consumes a lot of energy. While resisting Zerg electromagnetic guns, We simply couldn't fire at full strength."

"So now I just want an information gap. Didn't you see that the Zerg has stopped shooting? Seeing them like this, I will choose such an aggressive tactic. The longer we hide the disadvantages of the repulsive force field, the greater our advantage .”

"But Your Highness, I always feel that something is wrong."

"Don't say it, Ashlit, although relying on our technological advantages, we can still consume the Zerg slowly, but that is far from the shock of annihilating them in a short period of time. If we want to get more, we must calm down." They do."

Asrit moved her lips, and finally chose to shut up obediently.

Seeing that he "convinced" Asrit, Diallo smiled triumphantly: "Fire!"

On the other side, at the double-star line of defense not far from the battlefield of the Duoqi tribe and the Zerg Swarm, many senior generals of the Riken tribe saw everything that happened just now.

The magical repelling force field of the Duoqi tribe abolished the Zerg's main long-range strike weapon when it came up. This made the Riken secretly wonder whether the Zerg was dead, and at the same time lamented the powerful third-party technology that entered the field.

However, what happened next made them unacceptable.

Thank you for the reward of 450 starting coins for the order of Yuanzhi, and thank you for the reward of 100 starting coins for Pili Zhutian and Shuke Haogege.

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