I Am the Swarm

Chapter 356 Attack and Defense

On the front, although there will be some losses, as more and more units are damaged by the swarm and the firepower density decreases, the Dorchi fleet can actively adjust its position and change different parts of the reactive armor to face the attack, just like it did just now.

But because he missed the information, the entire fleet now has to use their butts to hard-wire the electromagnetic guns of the swarm, which makes the very narcissistic and arrogant Diallo crazy.

"Huh...huh...huh..." He took a few deep breaths forcibly, calmed down his depressed brain, and returned to his IQ: "Send half of the drones out and block behind our buttocks! All speed up and leave!"

Although drones have no resistance to high-penetrating energy main guns, they can still block physical collision attacks such as electromagnetic projectiles.

Although they are still as brittle as paper when facing electromagnetic main guns, unlike energy beams, electromagnetic projectiles can be redirected.

As long as the trajectory of the electromagnetic projectile changes slightly when it collides, even if it is only 0.001mm, when they continue to fly for hundreds of thousands of kilometers, they will not know where they will deviate from their original target.

The blue electric arc flickered, even the void became anxious, and the electromagnetic cannon that had fully charged fired its first round of attacks.

Although the Duoqi fleet has been retreating, because the power of the front thrusters cannot be compared with that of the main thruster, and the shields must be opened to operate during the shooting interval, the efficiency is very poor, and it has only retreated less than 100,000 kilometers for such a long time. .

At this distance, even if the flying speed of the electromagnetic projectile is several times slower than that of the energy beam, the base number is too small. Even if it is multiplied by ten times in ten seconds, it will still be less than two minutes. Such a short period of time is not enough for the Duoqi fleet to effectively evade, especially when they are changing direction at this time, and their mobility has been reduced to the extreme.

Fortunately, the Doki drones have been deployed in place, densely packed, more than half a million drones, blocking the shooting channel between the swarm and the Doki fleet.

In the pitch-black space, flames exploded, drones were constantly being torn apart, slightly changing the trajectory, but the electromagnetic projectile with almost no kinetic energy continued to tear apart other drones.

The wreckage and fragments produced by the impact blasted in all directions, causing a certain amount of damage again. The huge machine group was knocked out by 60% in the first round of salvo by the insect swarm.

After the bombardment ended, only a few or a dozen warships were hit by electromagnetic projectiles, which means that the mission of the drone was completed very well. In addition, the wreckage of 300,000 drones torn apart formed a barrier in the middle of the battlefield. They will still play a role in the next round of bombardment by the swarm.

"Fire out all the remaining flaming red lips!" Diallo ordered, his serious face paired with cracked dark red skin made him look even more ferocious.

The Duoqi fleet is composed of various types of warships. The smallest warship is about 1,600 meters long and has the largest number. The number of "flaming red lips" is eight. However, larger warships carry more "flaming lips" because of the larger cabin space.

For example, Diallo's flagship and two frigates carried sixteen "Flaming Lips".

At the beginning of the war, a total of two rounds of these super missiles were launched, and each warship fired four rounds. The small warships had already exhausted their inventory, but the large warships still had some left, but not many, and the rest of the entire fleet came together to Together, there are only more than five hundred pieces.

After Diallo's order was issued, the silo on the Dorchi warship was opened, and the missile was ejected and flew into the distance with white smoke.

Although the channel has not been cleared, and the middle of the battlefield is covered with wreckage and debris, "Red Flaming Lips" has its own enemy detection radar and thrusters, and the artificial intelligence calculates a new channel, making it easy to turn around.

And as long as it doesn't increase its speed too fast, and it is hit by some small particles a few times, there is no problem with its protection.

More than 500 "Red Flame Lips" bypassed the wreckage area in the center of the battlefield, and flew towards the land-based electromagnetic gun of the swarm on Izumo.

The reason why Diallo gave the launch command immediately after finishing the shelling is because the charging time of the electromagnetic gun is very long. Taking advantage of this gap, even if the missile flies a little slower, it is enough for the missile to fire before the electromagnetic gun is fully charged. Hit them.

Without the interception of electromagnetic guns, if they are really allowed to reach the designated position and explode, there will be more than 10,000 tactical nuclear warheads, which are enough to severely damage the ground facilities of the swarm.

However, the swarm will not sit still. As early as the moment the "Red Flaming Lips" were ejected from the launcher, the swarm, which was always watching the movements of the Dorchi fleet, discovered them.

At the same time, tens of thousands of laser eye worms took off into the air. These functional worms that originally intercepted electromagnetic projectiles now formed a new line of defense.

They did not immediately attack the projectile of "Red Flaming Lips". Firstly, they thought the distance was too far, and secondly, due to their power, they could not penetrate the projectile in a short time.

When the missile magazine exploded, the tactical nuclear bomb reselected the target with the help of the sub-guidance device, and the tail propeller ignited and spread out in all directions. At the same time, tens of thousands of red silk threads run through the sky.

The number of laser eye worms should be at least double that of tactical nuclear bombs, so each nuclear bomb should be taken care of by at least two laser eye worms.

The laser quickly burned through the body of the nuclear bomb. This kind of precision weapon, whether it is a fire control device, a propulsion engine, or an excitation device, as long as a little bit is destroyed, they lose most of their threat.

"Damn it! Just detonate it remotely!" The goal couldn't be achieved, and Diallo ordered in a panic. The order was quickly conveyed, and the tactical nuclear bombs exploded one after another.

Small suns lit up in the sky, and the gorgeous nuclear explosions radiated light and heat to their heart's content. Unfortunately, these nuclear bombs are "clean" nuclear bombs that have been detonated twice and do not produce radiation. Otherwise, if a piece of radiation can be left Zones are also excellent for swarms.

However, many nuclear bombs whose excitation devices or communication devices were destroyed were not detonated remotely. They would be collected by the swarm after the war and used as "foodstuffs".

Although the nuclear bomb did not destroy the ground facilities of the swarm, it still paralyzed the optical observation device. And each nuclear bomb can be said to be a large EMP. If the swarm is a civilization dominated by machinery, such a large-scale nuclear explosion at such a close distance will paralyze more things. But even so, the radar devices of the swarm were greatly disturbed.

Fortunately, even if the radar guidance was lost, the intelligent bodies adjusted the shooting angle of the electromagnetic gun based on experience, and the second round of shelling was launched shortly after the nuclear explosion.

Although the Duoqi tribe is mainly mechanical, but because it is far away from the nuclear explosion, and it also has protection in this area, other than the optical device is also abolished, the other things are not affected much.

The drone swarm is adjusted to focus on the weaker areas of the wreckage.

Thank you for the reward of 100 starting coins from Kaida Barbarian King.

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