I Am the Swarm

Chapter 371 Responses from all parties

A group of Ricken councilors had a heated discussion for a long time, and one of them, Ricken, finally remembered that there were some military leaders present, so he hurriedly asked, "Admiral Heaton, what is the military's opinion on this?"

As soon as these words came out, the audience fell silent.

More than a dozen people from the military participated in the meeting, all of whom were lieutenant generals or above. After the Rickens shook hands with the swarm, Admiral Heaton also withdrew from the front line and temporarily returned to his home planet to recuperate. With his huge reputation, he is naturally qualified to participate in this meeting, and he is also the leader of the military.

They were silent on the sidelines just now, but when they heard someone ask for advice, General Heaton didn't take his identity seriously, but thought for a while before slowly saying: "I think it's the best choice not to do anything."

"Why?" A congressman asked anxiously, his tone blunt: "If nothing is done, will the Doki clan and the forces behind it be misunderstood?"

The eyes of several congressmen and generals attending the meeting flickered, secretly wondering if they should find a reason to give this guy a seven-day vacation.

Admiral Heaton didn't care about the offense in this Liken's words, and continued to say slowly: "Before doing things, you must first consider your own strength. Do you think those giant octopus monsters in the swarm are really idle? Stars and Izumo Hoshi scurrying back and forth?"

Seeing that Zhongliken was lost in thought, Heaton continued: "The middle of these two Zerg bases is our territory. Every time they pass by, it is a show of force. The intention is quite obvious, that is, to let us live our own lives. , don’t worry about nothing.”

Seeing a few young congressmen, generals, and staff officers a little bit angrily, Heaton chuckled: "Don't feel humiliated, I think the Zerg is a kind reminder. Because with our current strength, No matter in the eyes of Zerg, or in the eyes of this Star Sea Alliance, they are insignificant little characters, and these two behemoths will definitely not come to deliberately target us. It is the Dorchi civilization, so be careful."


"What! Haven't the Zerg responded yet?" Diallo was a little annoyed. It has been a while since the information broadcast, and he has changed from being full of confidence to worrying about gains and losses.

He originally thought that even if the swarm disagreed temporarily, they would send a message asking for something more specific. As long as they established a connection, had an information advantage, and relied on the eloquence developed by him and the little girl, the Zerg would not let him fool around.

Unexpectedly, the swarm seemed to have no interest in the news he released. The actions of the swarm interrupted his train of thought, making it impossible for him to implement the next series of plans.

"Your Highness, we are running out of supplies. According to the current consumption, we can last up to three months." Ashlit reminded from the side. Losing the supply ship puts them in a very difficult situation.

"Is there a reply from the Rickon tribe?" Diallo scratched his hair irritably and asked.

Asrit, who knew Diallo's temperament well, knew that the answer would continue to irritate Diallo, but she still had to shake her head slightly.

"Didn't you tell them our price?"

"Speaking of which, I proposed to trade with carrier-based aircraft, but the Rickens are not interested in them. Later, I mentioned the price as part of the information on improving the range and power of the energy cannon, but the Rickens showed little interest in it. , but they don’t want to trade with us. What they mean is that there is no need to offend the Zerg for such a little thing.”

At the beginning, the Ricken tribe friendly supported a batch of food for the Doki tribe, and then cut off the connection with Diallo. Diallo couldn't do prostitutes for free, so he could only offer to barter, and the Riken tribe immediately resumed communication...

However, judging from Asrit's words, the result of the negotiation was not satisfactory.

"Heh, a little something? Greedy Rickens! Then what's their price?" Diallo's expression gradually changed.

Now that the communication is restored, I naturally want to talk, but...

"They want our exclusionary stance."

"What!?!? Too much bullying! Too much bullying! Just a little food, you dare to ask for the most cutting-edge technology of our Duoqi tribe! Aren't they afraid that our Duoqi tribe will destroy them? I'm so mad!" Asrit's answer, Diallo first showed a puzzled, shocked, and unbelievable expression, and then he broke out completely. Claring in his mouth that he wanted to go back and refill the "Red Flaming Lips", he mobilized all his troops and came back to destroy the Rickon tribe, while scanning left and right, looking for something to vent.

It's a pity that the surrounding area is empty. Maybe there will be some decorations on his original flagship, but how can there be extra things in an ordinary battleship.

Seeing Diallo like this, Asrit quietly stepped back two steps, but it was this movement that attracted the attention of Diallo who was almost irrational.

Stepping forward, Diallo snatched the small computer from Ashlit's hand and threw it on the ground, finally venting his depression a little.

The small computer bumped left and right on the ground, then rowed forward for more than ten meters, finally hit the metal bulkhead, bounced back and rowed for a certain distance. But Duoqi's military manufacturing is quite trustworthy. After the small computer stopped, it was unscathed.

Diallo, who had just vented a little, became even more angry.


"General Heaton, is it really all right if we do this?" Speaker Milton was a little worried, and put himself in the shoes of others. If he were Diallo, he wouldn't be able to bear this kind of blackmail from the Ricons.

"Don't worry, Your Excellency the Speaker. I will continue to be disturbed by it. In order to prevent the Doki tribe from continuing to be entangled, it is better to put forward a condition that they cannot afford to silence them." No awareness of offending people.

"But if this is the case, will you be retaliated by the Doki tribe? You said before that you should be careful of the Doki civilization."

"The thing to be wary of is that now, with their current fleet size, the probability of attacking us against the Zerg troops and our defenses is very low. But be careful what tricks they play, such as separating us from the Zerg. That’s why I suggested to directly anger the Doki tribe and submit a certificate to the Zerg tribe.” Heaton’s tone was quite firm: “As for the revenge you mentioned, that’s a matter of the future.”

"Please advise?" Milton asked humbly.

"In the final analysis, our current identity is the vassals of the Zerg race, and the Doki race is the horse boy of the Star Sea Alliance. Although the names are different, they all mean the same thing. And the current situation is not at our level at all. We can participate. If the Zergs join the Star Sea Alliance in the future, we will have the protection of the Zergs, so we don’t have to worry about the revenge of the Dokis. And if they don’t make an agreement and a war breaks out, then the Dokis will be the border of the Zergs’ sphere of influence. At the front line, if you don't die, you will be half disabled. At that time, they will naturally be useless. Even if the Zerg is too stretched to stop the Star Sea Alliance, but at that time there will definitely be big bosses, and it is better for us to attach to one at will. Qi Wenming is much stronger, so naturally there is no need to worry about the so-called revenge."

Milton nodded, feeling that what General Heaton said was very reasonable.


Just like that for a while, Diallo lost his hair because of the looming food crisis, and when the old gods of the Rikon tribe were around, they could respond to all changes without moving. There is good news for the swarm. The first intelligent body transformed from the spiritual body of the Doki tribe has been successfully produced.

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