I Am the Swarm

Chapter 374

During the Dark Era, apart from the speed of the spaceship and communication delays that bothered the Ji Clan, there was another problem that bothered them.

Compared with the long interstellar voyage, the life limit of an individual is as short as fireworks. Although dormancy technology is standard equipment when stepping into the civilization of interstellar colonization, which can greatly delay the aging speed of passengers, but in a civilization, the concern and bond between individuals is also an indispensable part.

When the young man of the Ji clan, after rigorous training, bid farewell to his parents and brothers and sisters, and embarked on an interstellar journey, his young heart underestimated what he was about to face in the future, and overestimated his ability to bear it.

After hundreds of years of voyage, when the boy woke up, he seemed to have just slept for a long time, and the concept of time has been blurred. The hail of bullets, the roar of naval guns, and the wounded and killed in battle are commonplace. When he grew up through the training of the war and survived to the end, the joy of returning home filled his heart.

Another hundreds of years of travel, for a weak individual, the unreachable distance is simply not worth mentioning in the sea of ​​stars in the universe. Therefore, outside the cabin, the distant stars are still those stars, and most of them have barely changed their positions.

Finally, the joyful boy returned to the place where he grew up. But thousands of years have passed since the former homeland, and familiarity has become strange. The time of the boy's dormancy and deep sleep was actually experienced by other people. His parents did not dormant, and his brothers and sisters did not dormant. Therefore, when he returned, those figures who saw him off at the beginning had long since passed away.

He somewhat understood what was in their eyes when he saw his parents for the last time.

The teenager collapsed, what was the purpose of everything he did?

The youth is just the epitome of that era. A large number of Ji clan fighters became walking dead because they lost their spiritual sustenance and couldn't bear the blow. They are involved in wars everywhere, and they live to die.

Because of the war, the history of that era was missing too much, but the Dark Age can last for more than 20,000 years, and it has an inseparable relationship with the "boys".

After that, the Ji clan solved the problems of speed and communication, and ended the war. But the Ji clan developed rapidly, and the problems of the "young people" were on the spiritual level, even in peacetime, it was unavoidable.

As long as the Ji Clan continues to expand, the speed will become a shackle again, and "boys" will continue to appear.

The Ji clan quickly found the crux of the problem. The main reason for the emergence of "boys" is the life span of individuals and various bonds. If so, then, solve this problem.

As a masterpiece of natural evolution, life forms hide too many secrets, and rash changes will often cause unpredictable consequences. However, the Ji clan's technological level is advanced, and there are many "foreign aids", and some results have been researched very quickly, but the increased life span of these results is not enough to solve the problems of the "teenagers".

The Ji Clan soon understood that the Xinghai was too vast, and unless they lived forever, it would never be possible to solve this problem from the perspective of longevity.

Then, only from other angles.

After an iron-blood reform, the Ji clan no longer has a natural-born population, and all newborns are artificially bred and brought up by the collective.

Every six newborns form a family. They have no concept of parents, only brothers and sisters. They are about the same age and are assigned work as a family as adults.

Whether it is rear production, scientific research, or expedition exploration, family members advance and retreat together. Family members have no parents or partners, and they will stay in the same position and stay with each other until they grow old. In this way, there will no longer be troubles with excessive life span gaps.

The Ji family, from the perspective of bondage, solved the problem of the "boys". Although at the expense of obliterating many emotions.

The Ji clan has entered a period of steady development, but although the problems of the "teenagers" have been resolved, the Ji clan has not given up on the exploration of life.

Not only in terms of life expectancy, but also in other aspects, the Ji family has also carried out all-round research. For example, during the initial cultivation process of the seeds of life, certain aspects are tilted so that they can better adapt to the assigned work after they are born.

Stronger fighters, smarter researchers, etc., but these are only sidelines.

Constantly challenging the restricted area of ​​life and achieving results made the members of the Ji tribe begin to swell, and they became even more crazy without certain emotions. This reminded Luo Wen of a certain green-haired dwarf.

They have become a little radical. The original average lifespan of the Ji clan has been lost. Many civilizations in the Star Sea Alliance speculate that the start should be around 200 years.

But by the time the Ji clan died out, their average lifespan had been close to 2,000 years, a tenfold increase.

Yes, the Ji Clan has disappeared, and the challenge of the forbidden zone of life hides infinite hidden dangers. With the continuous modification of the genetic level, the Ji family whose lifespan is gradually increasing has become more and more rational, and it can even be said to be cold and ruthless.

Moreover, the survival rate of the modified life seeds is getting lower and lower, which leads to fewer and fewer new populations of the Ji clan, but the Ji clan people who have already gained affection don't think there is any problem at all.

Until... last modified...

There have been no new members of the Ji clan for thousands of years. As the members of the Ji clan get older, the population of the Ji clan is getting smaller and smaller. Although they still have the genes of the Ji people before the modification, the surviving Ji people have refused to admit that they are their own people.

As the population of the Ji clan decreased, more and more foreigners lived in their territory. But even so, the Ji Clan did not lose control of the territory, not even the slightest wavering.

Although the Ji Clan's long-standing policy is the basis for this, another hero has to be mentioned—"Ying".

A long time ago, maybe even before the Dark Age, as the territory of the Ji Clan became larger and larger, the difficulty of management also increased day by day.

Not only technological limitations, but also human factors.

The highest authority of the Ji clan is the Presbyterian Church, an organization left over from the ancient mythology period, which controls the affairs of the Ji clan to this day.

But with the passage of time and the increase of colonies, the size of the Presbyterian Church has become larger and larger, and its personnel have become more and more bloated. At that time, the Ji clan was still full of emotions, and everyone had their own ideas.

Maybe having ideas is a good thing most of the time, but in some places and times, it's just the opposite.

Although the elders are generally for the benefit of the ethnic group, there is more than one path. Each elder insists on his own ideas, forms cliques, and forms camps.

As a result, some things fell into protracted disputes, and the efficiency gradually drifted away from the Ji clan.

Fortunately, they discovered this, although it took a long time.

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