I Am the Swarm

Chapter 381 Tello

In fact, before the Star Sea Alliance was discovered, Rowan had already discovered signs of life race activities in this direction.

In the early years, the swarm launched countless swarm meteorites in all directions, even if most of them were destroyed, but with the continuous upgrading of launch technology, and even the electromagnetic megastructure later, the survival rate of the swarm meteorites has increased. times.

And some meteorites launched earlier, after a long flight, they passed the small partners around the galaxy of origin, and flew towards the outer periphery, while extending the nodes of the swarm network.

Through observation, Rowan discovered at least two different civilized races, but because the previous focus was on the Proximity and Riken galaxies, plus various restrictions, the swarm had no contact with them.

Until now, it has been learned through intelligence that the civilizations in that direction all belong to the Star Sea Alliance.

And the alien fleet discovered this time came from the outer direction of the White Worm Galaxy. They just entered the monitoring range of the swarm network, and were immediately discovered by the eye worms.

Judging from the appearance of their warships, it is probably because they also mainly follow the route of mechanical technology, coupled with the influence of Ji clan spaceships, their warships are similar in style to Riken and Doki, but there is a more obvious difference in painting.

Based on the pictures observed by Euglena in various directions and the calculations of biological computers, the number of this fleet is about 200,000, which can be said to be huge. Even in the vast sea of ​​stars, there are many Big pile. If this is really fought, the level of warfare will far exceed any previous battle of the swarm.

"This is really a big deal!" Rowan exclaimed, not to mention how much manpower and material resources a legion of 200,000 warships needs to gather, and how much food and energy it needs to consume every day. Just to make them, I don't know how much time and resources are needed.

You have to know that the Riken tribe who occupied a galaxy at the beginning only saved more than 2,000 warships after decades of accumulation. Although there are reasons why their technology is relatively backward and they are building other defense facilities at the same time, they can still experience it. What is the concept of 200,000 ships.

According to the information of Duoqi's intelligent body, Duoqi occupies three star systems. After thousands of years, the whole family does not add up to 200,000 warships. After all, the maintenance of these mechanical creations is also a huge expense. If you don't have any strength, you really can't afford much.

Judging from these comparisons, we can see how powerful the civilization that appeared at this time is.

As for this civilization, Rowan is really not ignorant. Coincidentally, this civilization has some connections with the Duoqi civilization. The Duoqi civilization joined the Star Sea Alliance at the beginning, and it was this civilization that went to invite them. At that time, the warships of the Duoqi Civilization were cleared by the "Flaming Red Lips", and then a lot of talents and resources were searched, and they suffered a big loss.

Of course, this is the correct way to open the invitation, and every civilization that joined the Star Sea Alliance later went through this process.

Although the invitation ceremony has passed thousands of years ago, the relationship between the two civilizations seems to have improved a lot, but judging from the way the third prince Doki never forgot, these are just superficial, deep-seated hatred Which is so easy to resolve.

However, this civilization named Troo is a certain distance from the swarm, and there is at least one race's territory in the middle. How could it be their turn to play? It seems that there should be something happening that Rowan doesn't know about.

"Master Juggernaut, what should we do? The opponent's goal is very clear, and they are coming towards us."

Indeed, now the Troo Legion is only one Arcturus galaxy away from the origin galaxy, and the Arcturus galaxy has no life planets. For the Trolo civilization, this is just a mineral galaxy. Even if you want to establish a colony, there is no need to dispatch 200,000 battleship.

According to the information of Duoqi Intelligence, the Troo civilization occupies nearly 20 star systems, and the history of civilization is close to 100,000 years. In the outer circle civilization, it can already be regarded as the existence of a giant. But they only have about 500,000 warships in total, and it is not an easy task to take out 40% of them at once.

Because these warships are usually scattered in more than a dozen star systems, guarding a very long border line, and maintaining internal law and order. Although the Turo civilization is powerful, they have done a lot of immoral things over the years. If there is a chance, they will never mind being stabbed if there is a chance.

The Xinji clan understand that even a feud will be wiped out by time. Only by conflicting from time to time can the memory be strengthened and the hatred stabilized. Therefore, they revised a lot of regulations. For conflicts below a certain scale, the Ji clan will not intervene. The name is to give foreigners greater autonomy to resolve conflicts by themselves.

Not only did they not stop them, they even secretly provoked and encouraged such conflicts. More than 80% of all the conflicts in the Star Sea Alliance in the past hundreds of thousands of years were caused by them.

Therefore, it is already their limit for the Trojan civilization to withdraw 40% of its combat power at once. If there is more, hidden dangers may arise.

"They didn't go into Arcturus."

"Are they planning to pass between the Arcturus and White Worm systems?"

"They want to attack the origin galaxy directly?" The intelligent body watching the information with Rowan exclaimed a few times.

Luo Wen shook his head. It is absolutely impossible for the other party to be in the outer circle surrounded by a pack of wolves, and to be able to get into this state like this. In addition, this time the fleet has been considered to be half full, and the leader of the army cannot be a person with a flawed personality like the third prince Doki.

That being the case, they must know something about the swarm.

Many of the Zerg Swarm's troops are now lying in close orbits of the stars, and they can be investigated with a little thought. If they really traveled between the Arcturus galaxy and the White Worm galaxy in such a big way, it would be equivalent to handing over the initiative to the Zerg Swarm.

Once they really enter the galaxy of origin, if they really go to war, they will be besieged by the army of the four galaxy swarms of Sandstorm, Big Horn, White Worm and Origin. And once it is entangled, the swarm armies from the two directions of Proxima and Red Ant Galaxy will also come to support.

Although the development time of the swarm is still short, and the number of galaxies occupied is not as good as that of the Trojan civilization, but the swarm does not have a useless population. It is not an exaggeration to say that all members are combat units. In addition, the extremely high hatching rate speed and resource utilization.

At present, the number of Taikoo grades above 500 meters is exaggerated and frightening, not to mention that there are many giant facilities in the unscrupulously built base camp.

It's not that they look down on the Trojan civilization, they want to rely on 200,000 warships, and they want to challenge the base camp of the swarm, which is really not enough.

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