I Am the Swarm

Chapter 389 Origin Zerg

As for? Blair couldn't help complaining. He didn't know if the other party really lived in this kind of environment, or if he deliberately arranged the venue like this to express something like primitive worship.

Brar guessed it was the latter, because of the advancement of technology, one of which is to make life more convenient. If civilizations have grown to the point of conquering the star system, but the living conditions are still primitive caves, if it were Brar, he would Can't stand it.

If it were the Trojan civilization, it would definitely be a mighty and solemn metal hall. Loudspeakers, translators, and large videos must all be arranged, and there must be hostesses, tea and drinks... Even if there are differences in other civilizations, But it won't be as simple as it is now.

Brar could only comfort himself that this was the other party's tradition, a very high standard of hospitality. When he withdrew his gaze and focused his attention on the Zerg again, that feeling of something wrong came to his face again.

Brar frowned slightly, a thoughtful expression appeared on his resolute and angular face. Suddenly, he finally realized what was wrong.

The opponent's figure is too coordinated!

Yep, that's where Brar gets awkward. According to common sense, even if the protective clothing sacrifices some functions and makes it light and close-fitting, you can still see some clues from the interface.

For example, if he took off the helmet mask now, against the backdrop of the protective clothing, his head would appear smaller, and he could clearly see the marks on the collar of the protective clothing.

But the male Zerg who had already sat down in front of him looked up and down, left and right, but he didn't find any traces of wearing the armor. It was completely as if it had grown onto the opponent's body, without any flaws, even if he stared at the opponent's neck for a long time, he didn't find anything abnormal.

Could it be that the armor of the Zerg was not worn the day after tomorrow, but it was born like this? Those gaudy horn barbs are not useless decorations at all? An unreliable idea suddenly popped into Brar's mind. He shook his head hastily.

This is impossible. Even if the species was aggressive in the wild period, with the development, mastery and application of tools, brain development, and the development of technology, the body will inevitably degenerate, and the strength, endurance, and speed will all be reduced. Weakened, not to mention those exposed aggressive organizations, usually such things as fangs and claws.

This situation will continue until the biotechnology of the group achieves a breakthrough. With the help of some pharmaceutical adjustments, the group will regain qualities such as strength, endurance, and speed, but there is a high probability that those aggressive organizations will no longer want them. Is it so wild to take the biological route? Even these things are brought back?

Good guy, this is too wild. Even if this armor looks like their ancestors in ancient times, what kind of harsh environment does this armored fighting force need to be equipped with?

It is possible that the other party can breathe directly in this room, which means that this is their living environment. In this case, it seems reasonable for them to be able to move around here naked?

No, is there any strange word? If this idea is true, wouldn't it mean that this armor is the other party's skin, wouldn't they be wearing no clothes now?

No, no, how could they do such a thing on such an important occasion? No matter what race, it should be able to understand the meaning of clothing to cover the body when it has evolved to the stage of civilization, right?

But the other party seems to have nothing wrong with this body? No, this should be due to the different understandings of different races. If I stand here naked now, they should not be able to find out. Which places should not be naked? perhaps?

Brar's thinking was a little confused. He had an intuition that this was a very important question, but he couldn't figure out why. He trusted his intuition, which was always accurate.

Denton, who was sitting across from Brar, felt a chill on his neck from Brar's staring eyes. He touched his neck unnaturally, wondering if the Trouts were sick,

From Denton's actions, Coy sensed something was wrong. The major general she admired was a bit rude. She hurriedly tugged on Brar's protective clothing lightly, bringing his mind back. But she looked at the other side in doubt, what could make the major general lose his mind?

Looking at the ferocious horned barb, the wild and violent horned bone armor, Kaoyi thought to himself, could it be these things? The major general likes these? She secretly wondered if she should order a set later...

It has to be said that although the Tero people are all muscular men regardless of their appearance, their various thoughts are wild and extremely divergent... Is this considered a racial talent?

After regaining his composure, Brar also noticed his gaffe, and hurriedly cleaned up the messy things in his mind. After coughing twice to cover up his embarrassment, he took the initiative to say, "I don't know what to call you and nobleman?"

In fact, the Star Sea Science and Technology Alliance does not know what the Zerg Swarm is called until now. The name of the Zerg was given by the Rikens, and it was adopted by everyone later. But in formal diplomatic occasions at this time, you still need to ask the person concerned what their name is. You can't give someone a nickname, so just use the nickname directly.

"You can call us the origin, and you can also add the Zerg. We like this name very much. As for me, my name is Denton! The rank of major general is in charge of this diplomatic affairs." Denton's voice seemed to be reverberated , low, hoarse, powerful.

As for the name of the race, although Luo Wen likes the name Zerg, a race that develops normally will definitely have its own name. It is impossible to use a nickname given by someone after years of development. It will appear very unprincipled and be underestimated.

Therefore, Zerg can be added, but the prefix must be different. At first, Rowan wanted to call Ife Ash and forget it, but then he thought, this is his old base. Although there is a high probability that this space-time universe is not the same as the one where the Wizarding Continent is located. But what if?

Even if there is really not one, but since he can come, there may be other messy things coming. If there is any record about Ife Ash, it will not expose his background and origin. Although even in the Wizarding Continent, Ife Ash is still a legend, there are basically no reliable records.

Rowan has always been very guarded against any eventuality, so after careful consideration, he simply used origin as a prefix. The origin star and origin galaxy are both names within the swarm, and the outside world has its own name for the origin galaxy, for example, the T83 galaxy on the Riken tribe.

Therefore, nothing will be exposed too much.

"Origin? Zerg?" Brar murmured again.

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