I Am the Swarm

Chapter 401

In the blink of an eye, twenty years have passed, and the negotiations still have not progressed. Even the members of the Trojan civilization who came to the meeting have changed several rounds.

For some civilization members, it may be normal to sleep for more than ten years or even hundreds of years. Anyway, they will not feel the passage of time while sleeping. But Rowan is really not able to adapt to this concept of time,

How can it take so long for such a trivial matter?

They redefined the word efficiency, and Rowan felt that the pressure on his body was reduced by 80% in an instant. With their current state, even if they hold a meeting to discuss whether to fight the swarm, it may take hundreds of years to argue.

Just when Luo Wen thought that the wrangling would continue, another thing happened, disrupting the rhythm. That was on the side of the Liken tribe, the matter that their third prince had messed up finally couldn't be covered with paper, and the failure of the invitation was exposed.

Since the Zerg Swarm has not yet joined the Star Sea Alliance, there is no civilization to communicate with, and there is no relevant information channel, so this matter was only learned by accidentally overhearing the chatter of Troy diplomats.

Although the Doki civilization is nothing compared to the Troch civilization, perhaps because of enmity, the Troch civilization pays some extra attention to the Doki civilization.

Rowan wasn't too worried about the strength of the Duoqi civilization, but they had joined the Star Sea Alliance for thousands of years and some internal organizations. The bug swarm is still in the negotiation stage, and they are not actually members of the alliance, nor are they protected by the alliance's internal rules.

In fact, even if they joined the Star Sea Alliance, it is not uncommon for the two civilizations to find a reason to start a war. But one difference is that this is a dispute within the alliance, and the intensity of the war will be controlled within a certain range.

But the swarm is considered an "outsider" right now, and Rowan is worried that once a fight starts, he wonders if the younger ones will be beaten and the old ones will come, and the old ones will be beaten, and a group will come.

Coupled with the ongoing negotiations on the Origin Galaxy side, Rowan felt that they were singing red faces and white faces, putting pressure on the swarm, in order to make the swarm accept some harsh conditions.

However, things did not develop towards this worst situation. The Duoqi civilization really couldn't hold back, and gathered troops to make a comeback, trying to get back the place.

Today, the Duoqi civilization has finally assembled 50,000 warships, and it has come to the outer edge of the Riken galaxy.

These 50,000 warships are almost all that the Doki civilization can deploy at present, and they are menacing. Unfortunately, the power of the Zerg Swarm in the Riken Galaxy is not the same as it was sixty years ago. They've been delayed for too long, and the deployment of the swarm in the Rickon system is no longer the same.

More than a million ancient-level swarms greeted them. The number is so large that it feels overwhelming even in space. And this is only a small part of the force of the Zerg Swarm in the Riken Galaxy.

In the end, after a tentative firefight, the level of technology was almost the same, and although the individual sizes were very different, the number was completely crushed. The 50,000 Duoqi warships withdrew in desperation after losing half of their battle damage.

Although I lost face again, at least the fleet did not lose much, and it was regarded as saving the face.

And in this war, although the swarm is still trying to hide their clumsiness, there are some things that cannot be hidden like the brightest stars in the night sky.

The powerful ability of the swarm to attack soldiers is still displayed in front of the world. Sixty years ago, more than 2,000 Doki warships could cause heavy losses to the Zerg Swarm troops in the Rickon Galaxy. But now, it can easily resist the 50,000 fleet.

In fact, it’s okay to say that the crux of the problem is that after dispatching so many troops, the Taikoo-class sunbathing in the near orbit of the star seems to have not decreased, which is a bit big.

In fact, the ancient level of the swarm has always been there. Even if some methods are used to hide part of it, there are still so many that cannot be hidden. They have been exposed to observation, but seem to have been deliberately ignored.

Until this war, which had been planned for decades but ended quickly, seemed to wake some people up.

However, Rowan did not wait for stronger opponents or gang fights. The changes happened on the Origin A11 side. The negotiation process accelerated abruptly. Just two years after the end of the war, several new Ji clan members arrived at the A11 swarm base on a "treasure spaceship" style warship.

They replaced the original group of five, and Frode reappeared. The agreement returned to the original version drafted by Brar. The attitude was completely different from before. The intention to speed up the negotiations was very obvious, and things seemed to be back on track.

"Master Master, what are you worried about?" Sarah appeared behind Luo Wen and asked softly.

"Have you calculated the speed of the Ji Clan spaceship?" Rowan didn't answer Sarah's question, but asked Morgan.

"Come out, about six times the speed of light. Because they only have one warship, the target is very small, and when they are found, they are already very close to our territory, so I am not sure if there was any slowdown before." Morgan replied.

Luo Wen nodded, fortunately, it's not a hopeless gap, it just takes time to catch up. And now, what the swarm needs most is time.

It's just that the current situation is a little more magical than before, and he can't understand it.

"You said, why did the other party speed up the negotiation?" Rowan murmured unconsciously. But there was no need for Morgan and other intelligent bodies to answer, he continued: "It must have been affected by the Battle of the Rickon Galaxy, but what is the opponent's purpose?"

Rowan moved the timeline forward and began to straighten out his thoughts from the beginning.

He doesn't know exactly who is playing the chess layout and how many forces are involved in it, but the swarm must be a chess piece at present, there is no doubt about it.

After the third prince of the Duoqi civilization was defeated, before they could take revenge, they sent the Trojan civilization. What does it mean? Luo Wen scratched his head, suddenly, he had a flash of inspiration and understood.

That's right, the other party didn't know that the swarm possessed the swarm network and the ability to transform intelligent bodies. Although the Zerg Swarm had captured many Dodges, the other party did not guarantee how much those people knew and how much they could confess.

So, Brar is actually here to educate the Star Sea Alliance for the Swarm? Although he himself certainly didn't know about this, but if he wanted to talk to Zerg Swarm about joining, he would definitely say these things.

What had Brar been saying? Rowan began to recall, and began to call up part of the pictures at that time. Because he knew the history of the Star Sea Alliance and even the Ji Clan in advance, he didn't pay much attention to this information at the time.

Thinking about it now, there are indeed some oversights. Fortunately, Denton, who was in charge of the negotiations at the time, did not know the information in advance and unintentionally eliminated the hidden dangers. Otherwise, there might be leaks, which made Brar realize that something was wrong.

After all, there is still a difference between knowing and pretending not to know, and really not knowing. Luo Wen secretly introspected, this time is lucky, but it won't be like this every time, and he must pay more attention to details in the future.

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