I Am the Swarm

Chapter 409 Anchors

Since Rowan came to Ife Ash's egg, he has actually been a little confused. He doesn't have Ife Ash's inheritance, and even if he has inheritance, his situation is quite different from the previous Ife Ash.

This is a new universe, with completely different rules from the Wizarding Continent, and he is also a new life form bred by various coincidences.

It can be said that he and the Ife Ash he knew on the Wizarding Continent are completely two species.

In the beginning, Rowan just used his abilities instinctively, collecting and fusing gene fragments, and after a sacrifice, he obtained the swarm network, and his life form was sublimated.

After hundreds of millions of years of deep sleep, after waking up, Rowan has become a semi-physical, semi-virtual existence. The entity is the foundation of the virtual, and the two are indispensable.

Then Rowan modified the gene fragments, cultivated the intelligence body, and then relied on the strength and wisdom of the intelligence body to upgrade the swarm network again. He also seems to have gotten rid of the shackles of the entity and completely become a network person.

But this is just his previous understanding.

After the swarm network was upgraded, more things opened up to him. In other words, they have always been open, but he was unable to see them before.

Luo Wen has no inheritance, so he can only feel, experience, and understand instinctively.

When Rowan was troubled about how to infiltrate the network signal into the Star Sea Alliance, he suddenly understood something, understood something.

Rowan had always believed that the swarm network was his ability. Although the two are inseparable, it should be the relationship between the owner and the item.

Rowan later believed that he was the Swarm itself. Perhaps before that sacrifice, the worm the size of a fingernail, or the giant worm the size of a pot was his body, but after that sacrifice, the swarm network was his real body.

But now, Luo Wen felt that it was not accurate to say that. It should be that sacrifice that made him an indescribable existence. And the swarm network is just a derivative in a way he can understand.

In other words, the Zerg Network is Rowan, but it is not all about him.

Rowan itself seems to have become another higher-dimensional existence. But no matter in which dimension, there are strengths and weaknesses. And he who has just experienced the sublimation and transformation of his life form, which is equivalent to being born again, is the weakest one.

A weak existence will always seek a way to become stronger. A weak existence that has just been "born" instinctively attaches itself to things around him that can make him stronger.

But at that time, Rowan was already equivalent to an existence independent of this universe, and the two were separated by an unknown number of dimensions and turbulent currents. And with Rowan's weakness at the time, it was almost impossible to find and invade this universe.

But fortunately, in this universe, there is still his "relict", an item closely related to him, which is equivalent to an "anchor point", strengthening his connection with this universe.

And Luo Wen itself is equivalent to the existence that was promoted from this universe, with its breath on his body, and this universe did not take much precautions against Luo Wen's "return".

So, by chance, Rowan regained control of his worm body in this universe. But this operation consumed his meager energy, so he fell into a deep sleep.

After gaining a new understanding, or understanding myself better, my understanding of many things in the past has changed.

For example, Rowan used to think that the swarm network could have such a powerful performance because he had been asleep for hundreds of millions of years. But in fact, although Rowan is young in another dimension, just like young children can still express their thoughts on paintings, the existence from higher dimensions can interfere with lower latitudes to a certain extent.

This is an inherent advantage, nothing else.

The reason why Rowan fell asleep for so long, although one of the reasons is that he was indeed exhausted at the beginning and needed to recover through deep sleep, but the bigger reason is that high-dimensional creatures have different perceptions and understandings of time. At the beginning, Rowan's consciousness fell into a deep sleep, which was maintained only by instinct. At that time, his instinct perceived a high-dimensional timeline. Perhaps in his instinctive cognition, he only slept for a short while.

So, he just got up late, and when he woke up, his original perception of time came online again. At this time, Rowan's body, Rowan's essence, is already a high-dimensional creature, but his cognition is still at a low-dimensional level.

But no matter what, becoming stronger is the most important thing. The previous description does not mean that this universe is low-dimensional. It itself is even higher than Rowan. It is a combination of multi-dimensional worlds, but some things in it are low-dimensional. For example, Rowan before sublimation, such as tyrannosaurs, pterosaurs, ratmen, Rickon, and Doki, such as the world they know, etc...

And if Rowan wants to become stronger, he must strengthen himself by attaching to this universe and absorbing substances that are beneficial to him. This is similar to a feeding process, but the "feeding" that exists at high latitudes is not what low-dimensional creatures usually understand. It is a more complicated process that is carried out in some unique ways.

But before eating, Rowan must firmly grasp the "food". There is only one "anchor point", which is obviously unsafe. Once you let go, it is almost impossible to find this universe in the turbulent flow of the vast dimension. Even if other universes were found, with Rowan's ability at the time, it was impossible to invade.

Thus, in this case, the "Bug Network" was born. At first, Luo Wen thought it was the product of his obsession with the real-time interactive system.

It is actually his higher-dimensional nature, embodied in the lower-dimensional world in a way he can understand. This may be affected by the obsession with the timely interactive system, but it is by no means all.

With the swarm network, the swarm has developed rapidly, and many node units have been born, but these node units are not "anchor points". Only Rowan's so-called body and brood are the real "anchor units". However, the node unit can guard the anchor unit, making the anchor unit more secure.

Although Luo Wen didn't understand this at the time, he could only simply want to expand the number and territory of the swarm, but these are the instincts to protect himself and become stronger that are affecting him.

If Rowan transforms into a high-dimensional existence with all his heart, he may choose to continue to sleep, because time is meaningless to his level of existence. And as long as it is attached to this universe, it can absorb nutrients and continue to grow stronger. Therefore, it takes 100 million or billion years or longer to become stronger, so what's the point?

Thank you for the reward of 1500 starting coins for the black Buddha, thank you for the reward of 100 starting coins for the sun and the moon like water, this melon is delicious, and the gift of 100 starting coins for burial.

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