I Am the Swarm

Chapter 412 Information

If a thing can cause a Ji clan to exclaim, it may be more curious, but if it can be recognized by two different mother clans, it is enough to prove that what the blue-haired monkey found is indeed a good thing worth seeing.

Out of curiosity, everyone cheered and surrounded him. It is not a wartime now, and the management is relatively easy. This kind of unauthorized departure has not been stopped, and even the management personnel in the cabin are curious to surround them.

When the members of the Ji clan saw the content displayed on the screen in front of the blue-haired monkey, they immediately exclaimed one after another.

"real or fake?"

"Could it be that they are laughing at themselves?"

"It's possible. I don't believe that this level of civilization can produce such good things."

"It can't be that they are bragging, it doesn't do them any good!"

"Maybe it was deliberately shown to us."

"Looking at the time of posting, I did some calculations just now. When posting, they didn't even know about the Star Sea Alliance."

"Tuck, pull down and see what is said below."

"Universal vaccination plan? Collective life extension by one-tenth? Boy, this is a big plan."

"It's interesting. It seems that this thing is not a rare commodity."

"Yes, it can be mass-produced, which makes its value even greater."

"It seems that we need to report it. If we verify the authenticity of the information, we will all be credited. This is really a windfall." The Ji clan manager said, and then he found the blue-haired monkey who hesitated to speak, Added with a smile: "Of course, Tucker, you are the first."

Tucker, the blue-haired monkey, immediately beamed with joy.

What the Ji clan discovered was the "life-prolonging potion" developed by the Ricken clan. That's right, it was the life-extending potion that the insect swarm tried to infiltrate into the Riken tribe and transform the Riken tribe into a production base for intelligent bodies.

The situation was reported quickly, and it soon attracted attention. All the members of the Ji clan staying behind on the two battleships were released from their vacations and returned to their respective jobs.

"Everyone, move, I want you to hurry up! Do your best! Collect all the information about life-extending potions by various means." The person in charge of the Ji clan who stayed behind was a man with dark yellow eyes like two huge topaz eyes. A humanoid creature, he summoned all Ji clans and assigned tasks.

"General, I think we should directly ask for relevant information from the Riken Clan. After all, judging from the information they released, this is not something that should be kept secret." A member of the Ji Clan suggested.

The person in charge of Topaz's eyes is named Oga. Although he only commands two warships now, he is actually a major general. Hearing the suggestion, he nodded and said, "I will. After the meeting, I will submit an application to the Rickon Council, but we also have to collect some data for comparison, so as not to hide anything from them."

After hearing this, everyone nodded in agreement, and went back to their posts to access Riken's intranet and search for relevant information.

Although the original Ji clan fell into a big pit in prolonging life at the beginning, and even killed themselves in the end. This is a great warning to the Xinji tribe and the foreign tribes, but intelligent creatures are born to pursue longer lifespan. This is not a nature that can be erased with a warning. At most, they should be more cautious when researching.

Although all ethnic groups have dormancy, which is an indirect way to extend lifespan, unconscious sleep, in the eyes of many people, is not a real lifespan extension.

The meaning of living lies in discovering wonderful things. What is the difference between sleeping all the time and being dead? The universe is too vast, and there are so many mysteries and unknowns. Most intelligent creatures will not die willingly before they understand all of them.

Therefore, nowadays, no matter whether it is the Xinji clan or the foreign clan, they are constantly looking for ways to prolong life, conducting exploration and research. However, the Ji family has gone far in related fields before, and it is difficult for the descendants of the inheritance to go further. They can only choose some compromise methods in this technology. For example, on the premise of losing a small amount of affection, the life span can be extended.

But they are not satisfied with that, they need more.

And this is also where the members of the Ji clan were delighted when they found out about the life-extending medicine of the Liken clan. The Liken tribe had never been exposed to the Ji tribe's life-extending technology before, which showed that they were not influenced by the Ji tribe in related fields and walked out of their own way.

And judging from their universal vaccination plan, this technology is quite mature. At the same time, the fact that tens of billions of people can be vaccinated, compared to the poor territory of the Riken, shows that the cost of this method is quite low.

If it can be proven that this technology is truly effective and versatile, it might change the entire league.

Perhaps because they understood the difference in strength, or for other purposes, the Liken tribe didn't make too much of a request for relevant materials from the Ji tribe, but delivered the information happily.

Of course, it is just some introductions and does not include core technologies.

"The original material came from the T85 galaxy, near the lair of an atom-breathing monster? We didn't discover it in advance. This is dereliction of duty. I want to report those responsible for monitoring this area."

"Don't be impatient, it's the territory of the Zerg race. Maybe that monster is a biological weapon of the Zerg race. It's also mentioned in the information, and there will be related suspicions later."

"But why didn't the Zerg find these materials?"

"Are you kidding me? You won't be able to find the things that grow in your own land?"

"Then why did they let the Rickens take away such a precious thing?"

"Maybe this is nothing to the Zerg!"

Several Ji tribes looked at each other: "Maybe this thing has no effect on Zerg."

"If the material isn't versatile, it's worth a lot less."

"Well, do the Zerg have better ones? These are just leftovers?"

"It makes sense. If this thing has nothing to do with the Zerg, I don't believe it. Maybe they will have better ones."

"It's possible, but we don't know much about the Zerg so far. We don't even know how long they can live. Some people have a very long basic life span, so they don't need this thing at all."

Several Ji Clans looked at each other again, silently wrote down the discussion just now, and wrote it back into the mission report, maybe they could make a contribution.

"It is written in the information that this material is easy to grow, only needs nuclear waste, and basically does not require other maintenance."

"If this is the case, then it is really a good thing that can be obtained in one fell swoop. There are too many nuclear wastes. In the past, they were packed and thrown directly into the stars. It was too troublesome."

"I'm just talking about how a small rural family has such a high technology. I think it mainly depends on this special material. Their so-called core technology is not worth mentioning at all."

"I agree. With our technological level and personnel reserves, it is not a matter of minutes to develop corresponding products."

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