I Am the Swarm

Chapter 414 Keya Alliance

The Ji Clan's sudden departure brought peace back to this star field. A few years later, a formation of more than fifty warships entered the Rickon galaxy. In terms of style, these battleships don't look like the Ji clan's fleet, and they don't even look like a regular fleet. It's not that they're broken or anything, it's just that they look a little "garish".

There are more than fifty warships, and Rowan has seen at least a dozen styles, which are like a hodgepodge. If it is not for the small number of them, they will not pose a threat even to the Riken tribe. The red pattern is a somewhat familiar style, and he vaguely guessed something, otherwise he would have thought it was an interstellar pirate.

The visitor did not hide anything, and reported openly. Judging from the information, the other party was also a member of the Star Sea Alliance, and he could be regarded as a neighbor of the Liken tribe.

However, judging from the undisguised arrogant words in the other party's report, the other party did not come to send good wishes to the new neighbors. According to the notification, the other party belongs to an organization called the Keya Alliance.

But both the Rikens and the Swarm are newcomers to the Star Sea Alliance, and they don't know anything about this organization. Maybe he thought of this question, if the other party doesn't even know who he is, then wouldn't it be acting for the blind. So, immediately after, the other party sent another copy of the Keya Alliance's information.

According to the data, the Keya Alliance is an offensive and defensive alliance composed of more than 20 civilizations, the initiator of which is a powerful civilization called Corialto. The original intention of the alliance was to unite neighboring civilizations, communicate with each other, report to the group for warmth, and jointly resist the oppression from more powerful civilizations.

However, this information comes from their self-report, and it must be beautified. At least in Rowan's view, in addition to resisting external oppression, their greater purpose may be to oppress other people in groups.

For example, this time, the opponent dispatched most of the members, and each civilization sent several warships to form the visiting fleet. That's why they look fancy, only more than 50 warships can't achieve a unified style, perhaps in their view, this is a display, a demonstration.

Sure enough, the other party bypassed the Zerg Swarm territory of the Riken galaxy and directly docked on the near orbit of Riken's home planet. Afterwards, a diplomatic team took a small aircraft and entered the Riken home planet.

Out of the idea of ​​being courteous and not surprising, the Liken people welcomed them with great momentum. But the other party obviously didn't appreciate it. Perhaps in their view, this was what it should have meant. Before the two parties even said a few words of politeness, the representative of the Keya Alliance stated their intentions straight to the point.

One is to invite the Liken tribe to join the Keya Alliance. The Keya Alliance's sphere of influence will soon border on the Riken galaxy. If the Liken tribe joins them, these territories will be connected. Seems like a good thing, if not for the second.

The second is claim, yes, claim! The closest member of the Keya Alliance to the Riken tribe is the Dochi civilization. It was under the guise of inviting Rickon's civilization, and they sent the civilization to which the third prince of the swarm "Red Flame Lips" belonged.

After arguing for a long time, this is to find a place for the Duoqi civilization.

But logically speaking, in that conflict, the two sides involved in the war were the Doki civilization and the swarm, and the Riken tribe was considered a melon-eating crowd, but they stood a little closer. As for saying that if you lost a fight, you didn't dare to go to the right owner, but instead went to the people who eat melons to claim compensation. What kind of reasoning is this?

Officials of the Liken tribe also had this question and raised it to the other side. However, because it is not clear about the reality of the Keya Alliance, it is quite polite inside and outside the words.

But the Keya Alliance didn't appreciate it, and the representative of the Doki civilization seemed to be quite domineering because of the alliance's support. However, the Riken tribe is currently considered as a reserve of the Star Sea Alliance, and their small alliance still needs to give the big alliance some face.

So, the representative of Duoqi spoke out his reasons, which is quite plausible.

It turned out that the Duoqi civilization believed that in the battle with the swarm, the Riken tribe was indeed a melon-eating crowd. But when the Dodge civilization retreated, a large number of escaped members were arranged to go to the base of the melon-eating crowd.

But after the battle, the melon-eating crowd didn't even resist, and handed over all the noble Doki members to the swarm. This is wrong, wrong, and unforgivable.

Those Doki members have been imprisoned by the swarm for decades. They must not have enough food, no warm clothes, tortured, far away from home, far away from relatives and friends, and suffer from longing. Moreover, their relatives and friends often organize personnel parades, causing turmoil and instability to Dokki society, discrediting the image of the royal family, etc...

In short, there is a lot of long-winded, and the final conclusion is that the Ricken tribe must be responsible for this matter, not only responsible for taking all the members of Doki back from the swarm, but also giving spiritual compensation to these personnel and their families , At the same time, it is necessary to make up for the loss of the Duoqi civilization, and the appearance fee of the Keya League this time also needs to be settled.

As for how much compensation to pay, it seems that the Ricken tribe can't give much. There are a lot of adults in Duoqi civilization, and they can barely ask for 110,000 alliance points. As for the Keya alliance, give a few Hundred tons of life-extending plants and related technologies, I believe those adults can also be satisfied.

Naturally, the Ricken tribe would not do it. Their 100,000 scientific researchers plus technical materials only exchanged a total of 110,000 points. This has not been overwhelmed. The Duoqi civilization even wants to leave for a fraction. Is this still a large number of adults? As for the Keya Alliance, hundreds of tons of life-extending plants are easy to talk about. These things are easy to grow, easy to manage, and the output is not small, but the Renji Clan can buy them for 100,000 points. These guys just want to white wolf , how can there be so many good things?

Therefore, the Liken tribe naturally distanced themselves from each other in every possible way. It is said that they did not take the initiative to take in those people at the beginning, and in their territory, they were entertained with delicious food and drink, without any disrespect. But then the Duoqi fleet ran away by itself, and the swarm came to ask for those personnel. After all, in terms of cleaning, they were their spoils.

Besides, even such a powerful Dorchi civilization can't beat the swarm, so naturally the Riken tribe who stretched across can't do it. And everyone is not relatives, so why let the Riken tribe fight against the swarm for the sake of those Doki tribes. If you want someone, go get it yourself. Rickon is just a pendant now, and he can't talk at all.

As for the life-extending plants and technology, that's easy to say, but just now the adults of the Ji clan have bought all the production capacity and a full set of copyrights of the Riken clan for the next few decades. The Keya Alliance wanted it, and for the sake of the neighborhood relationship, the Liken tribe would naturally not refuse to give it, but now these things no longer belong to the Liken tribe, and the Liken tribe has no right to control them. If the Keya Alliance really wants it, they can talk to the adults of the Ji clan.

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