I Am the Swarm

Chapter 416 Garrison Point

For these Doki prisoners of war, Luo Wen went through a complicated mental journey.

In the initial period, when the swarm had just picked up the captives from the Rickon tribe, Rowan raced against time to research the fastest way to transform them into intelligent bodies. I'm afraid that something will happen during the period, for example, the Star Sea Alliance will intervene strongly and directly want to take these prisoners away.

But Rowan still overestimated their internal relationships, and at the same time miscalculated the concept of time for these civilizations. As a result, these captives stayed in the swarm for more than twenty years.

Originally, Rowan only planned to convert a small part of the intelligent bodies, and then return the half-truths to the Doki civilization. But the other party just put this group of people in the swarm, they are really relieved.

But Luo Wen got a little angry. Was he looking down on the swarm or him? If he left it for so long and didn't transform them all, wouldn't he appear to be incompetent?

As a result, Duoqi's captives, who were originally half-real and half-fake, finally became intelligent bodies in disguise...

Now that there are spies, it is natural to find an opportunity to put them back, but they waited and waited, and finally the Duoqi fleet came. Luo Wen thought about it, as long as the other party gave in, and paid some resettlement fees, food expenses, etc., he would return the prisoner to them. After all, it is somewhat exhausting to keep this group of Duoqi on the surface. For them, the swarm even built a large ecological cabin on Izumo for the first time.

The results of it?

As a result, the Duoqi fleet came up without saying a word, and after a round of artillery confrontation with the swarm, they turned around and ran away without even farting... The neatness made Rowan a little speechless.

Since then, there has been no movement from Duoqi's side, as if he didn't know that there were tens of thousands of prisoners of war on the side of the swarm.

Luo Wen can't help it, people don't want it, and he can't take the initiative to post it. Send these prisoners of war back, right? Face or something is a trivial matter, the main reason is that it looks too weird, as long as the thinking is a little normal, it will feel cheating.

The matter dragged on like this, and in the end, because he didn't know how long it would take for Duoqi to remember these prisoners of war, Luo Wen worried that when they remembered, these prisoners of war would die of old age. So they kept doing nothing, and stuffed all the prisoners of war into the dormant cabin, saving so much effort, these spies went back and went directly to the nursing home.

Moreover, the contact with the Telo civilization has obtained a lot of gossip. Comparing it with the information provided by the Duoqi intelligence body, we know that with the size of the Duoqi civilization, even if it penetrates, there will not be many valuable things. Maybe someone even deliberately released fake news.

Therefore, in Luo Wen's view, the infiltration effect of these intelligent bodies is already dispensable. In this way, Luo Wen is no longer in a hurry, and everyone will be exhausted.

As a result, decades passed after such a delay, until now, Duoqi Civilization finally found some friends, but they seemed to find the wrong door, and ran to the neighbor's house to make trouble...

Moreover, those prisoners of war seemed to be just extra heads, just an introduction to this incident. In fact, even the Duoqi civilization didn't seem to care much about them.

But this is not surprising, it has been more than 60 years, if you want to care about it, you can't wait until now. Therefore, Rowan became even more skeptical about the infiltration effect of those prisoners of war's intelligence.

But if there is a chance, Rowan will still choose to put these prisoners back. After all, even if there is no news, so many node units can locate the coordinates of a star field when they go to Doki, and It is aboveboard, and this effect is better than the swarm meteorite slowly drifting past.

As for the real purpose of the other party, to be honest, if there is no Ji clan, Luo Wen will now instruct the Riken clan to package all the materials, technologies, and even finished products of the life-extending potion and give them to them.

But for the sake of a bigger layout, I can only temporarily give up this mouthful of fat.

Things were so deadlocked. Although the goal was not achieved, the personnel of the Keya civilization still refused to leave. They would gather people every now and then to play tricks with the Riken tribe. Later, they even began to make groundless accusations, and even pointed fingers at the newly built trade city.

However, the mentality of the Riken Civilization is very good. They specially found a few good-tempered Rikens to talk to them. Anyway, there are not many of them, and they have their own food and drink, so the Rikens don’t have much to lose.

This kind of performance of the Liken tribe made the Keya Alliance a little proud. They felt that their accusations had had an effect and became even more serious.

Rowan doesn't know what the Keya Alliance understands about face, but what they are doing now, in Rowan's view, is simply embarrassing.

Fortunately, things soon turned around. A few years later, the Ji clan's fleet returned, and this time they came with more ships. More than a hundred huge ships with a size of more than 4,000 meters slowly approached the starport of Riken's home planet.

The Keya Alliance battleship, which originally occupied the best position in the star port, quickly stepped aside. Compared with the huge and neat ships of the Ji clan, their various and colorful combined fleets are like clowns.

This is the Ji clan fleet that came from the nearest garrison point to Riken, and they brought a large group of scientific researchers and related instruments. The Ji clan's garrison point does not refer to a single military camp, it is the abbreviation of the star system occupied by the Ji clan outside the territory.

Each garrison point has at least one star system site. In addition to the garrisoned fleet, there are also a large number of scientific researchers, which allows them to communicate with the surrounding civilizations more quickly, and use the characteristic materials of the surrounding star fields to make Some research work. As for such garrison points, the Ji clan has nearly 200 in the territory of the Star Sea Alliance.

It is also because of their huge territory and personnel reserves that they were able to gather a related team so quickly and rush to the Riken tribe. These researchers need to use the standards of the Ji family to recreate the experimental data.

At the base camp of the Ji clan, there are a larger number of scientific researchers waiting for these data. The Ji clan paid more attention to life-extending plants than Luo Wen imagined, and they couldn't wait for the two ships of materials to be shipped back.

The Likens are busy again, and various reception arrangements require a lot of manpower. So whether it was intentional or unintentional, the Keya Alliance was left out in the cold, and the discussion meeting that had lasted for several years was also stopped.

However, the moment the Ji Clan spacecraft appeared, the Keya Alliance knew that their plan to obtain official information from Riken had failed. But this does not prevent them from continuing to stay here, because a few days ago they connected with the Riken black market, and there were things they needed, and the price was not expensive.

The specific process was a bit rough, but the result was good. In the eyes of the Keya League staff, this was a lucky and beautiful encounter.

In Rowan's view, the same is true.

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