I Am the Swarm

Chapter 42 Harvest

Although Luo Wen claimed to be the main force of this operation, he didn't expect that he only came up with a brain in the end, and he didn't use his shot at all during the whole process.

He thinks that his combat power has improved a lot in the past two months. The spider that was originally several times his size is now only more than twice his size.

But no matter how confident he was, he didn't think he could beat the spider in a duel. After all, the spider's fangs are simply cheating, the lethality is too high, if one fails, maybe he will be killed by the spider.

Unexpectedly, such a powerful enemy, with the precise cooperation of more than a hundred bugs, was like a lamb waiting to be slaughtered, and was eliminated without any power to fight back.

This made him feel that the path he has embarked on is different from other Ife Ashes, and maybe the prospect will be even broader.

At the same time, he only planned a general plan for this battle, and the worms relied on their own instincts to complete such an exquisite coordination afterwards.

This also made him a little vigilant. In the future, he must not rely solely on his own strength to make waves. Maybe he would capsize in the gutter, just like this spider, who was played to death by a bug that was much smaller than him.

At this time, the big spider was silent, and even if it was still alive, it was no threat. Even if it can kill all the soldier ants, it cannot kill the many worker ants that have penetrated into its body.

There are many panicked little spiders in the crevices of the cliff. These little spiders are not yet fully developed and have little fighting power, but they are all excellent protein providers.

In the spirit of not wasting, Rowan ordered the bugs to start hunting these little spiders.

However, these little spiders crawled on the cliff, very nimble. After working for a long time, the insects only killed more than 20, and most of them escaped.

Rowan didn't care, so just run away, and when they grow up, they can provide more protein.

The purpose of this trip has been successfully achieved, the most important harvest is in front of you, and those leftovers are not worth paying attention to.

Drag the big spider to the edge of the cliff and throw it down at a height of five or six meters. It won't deviate much, and you won't be afraid of other insects coming to snatch it. If any bug dared to snatch his spoils, it must be to see his talent show.

Then the team also climbed down the cliff. Rowan divided the big spider, dragged the largest piece and rushed towards the insect nest, and at the same time sent two worker ants back to call for some insects to respond.

After all, this big spider is quite big, and basically every insect drags some limbs, big and small, and lacks defensive manpower. If it encounters scout worker ants from other ant nests, it will always be a trouble.

At this time, the big-eyed scout ants who gathered up the worker ants who were bounced away also rushed over. Luo Wen counted the bugs, and in addition to killing one soldier ant, two worker ants were missing. It can be said that the loss is very slight.

The two worker ants must have survived the fall, and they may be nearby, so there is no need to look for them. It's not far from the insect nest here, maybe they can find the nest by themselves, even if they lose it, it doesn't matter, it's just the most basic worker ants.

On the way back, I met the insect nest troops who came to meet them. More than 20 soldier ants brought more than 300 worker ants. After the two sides meet, it can be said that this place has already accounted for half of the active force of the insect nest, and naturally they will no longer worry about ants encountering other ant nests.

I ran into a few scout worker ants on the road, but it was useless for Rowan to take action. The worker ants on guard outside held them back, and then the soldier ants rushed to kill them.

Looking at everything in order, Luo Wen finally had a feeling of being the boss.

After returning to the worm's nest, Rowan directed the worms to pile up all the spider's body parts in his bedroom. Yes, in the new worm nest, he dug himself a bedroom as his private space.

The room was covered with dry sawdust that ants had gnawed off the roots of an unknown tree and then plucked it from its trunk after it withered.

This is a job that takes a long time to complete. Naturally, Rowan has no time to wait for a tree to wither. The sawdust was snatched from an ant nest.

After driving away the bugs, looking at the big and small spider parts in front of me, it's finally time to taste the harvest.

Since the spider had been decomposed too fragmentarily, and the bristles on its skin were really hard to eat, in the end Rowan didn't eat all of it, but only picked some meaty parts to eat.

After calling a few worker ants to clean up the leftovers in the room, Luo Wen fell into a deep sleep.

The spider's gene brought a lot of changes to Rowan. The sleeping Rowan body gradually secreted some mucus, which wrapped him up. The mucus gradually solidified, and finally turned into a chrysalis.

When Luo Wen woke up and saw himself in the chrysalis, he knew that he might have changed a lot this time. He didn't feel anything special in his sleep, just as if he had just slept.

After breaking free from the chrysalis, there was no mirror in the room, so there was no way to immediately imprint his new look, which was a pity.

However, his eyes have a wide field of vision, and except for a few blind spots, he can see almost the entire body.

After doing various bending movements to look at the whole body, he was a little puzzled.

To be honest, his appearance has not changed much, and his body is similar to before, without much change. It turned out that his six jointed limbs had changed a lot.

Their short legs turned into long legs all of a sudden, a bit like a spider's legs, a lot thicker, and a lot more joints, each leg is composed of seven joints, very flexible. The legs are also covered with a strong chitin exoskeleton covered with sharp barbs and hairs. There are still small claws at the end, and there is a bunch of sticky hairs with barbs under the claws.

Rowan thought that he had already escaped from the cliff, but was "sticky" back by the spider's claws, and now he felt that he could do the same thing.

After crawling around the room a few times, I found that he could hang upside down on the top of the cave and still crawl quickly. He used to struggle to climb a cliff vertically, but he didn't expect to evolve to such a degree all of a sudden.

The evolution of footsteps not only enhanced his attack ability, but also strengthened his ability to survive. Thinking about it now, if he needs to escape for his life, he doesn't have to care about the terrain anymore.

In addition to his feet, he felt that his mouth had also changed, with an extra pair of fangs. Previously, he could only clamp the enemy with a pair of jaws, and then pinch it off. Now with this pair of fangs, he can already bite. And it can feel that there are thin tubes in the teeth, which should be poisonous, allowing him to inject the toxin while biting the prey.

Thinking of the spider's poison, Rowan secretly thought that he should be careful when eating in the future, and he didn't know if he was resistant to this poison. Don't accidentally bite yourself while eating, and poison yourself to death...

Thinking about it, it seemed impossible. He could control whether to inject poison, even if he didn't have poison resistance, he wouldn't be poisoned to death.

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