I Am the Swarm

Chapter 427 Rules Amendment

The rejection of the swarm made Hummings somewhat unexpected.

In his mind, even though the Zerg Swarm had some unique talents, as an elder of the Ji Clan, he had a noble status, and now he had lowered his posture so low, and used words such as request, but he was still rejected.

In his opinion, this can already be regarded as a humiliation.

Although he was already in a state of desperation, Hummings still maintained his basic decency, but he didn't stay in the swarm too long and left in a hurry. Before leaving, he said a meaningful sentence: "Your Majesty and the Zerg will not be able to make friends if they act like this!"

Looking at the spaceship of the Ji Clan in the distance, Luo Wen chuckled: "Look at the appearance of this old guy, if it wasn't for the swarm individuals to be secretive, maybe he will mobilize people to support a force in the swarm when he goes back, and overthrow you go down."

As soon as he finished speaking, his expression changed, and he was a little thoughtful.

Sarah showed worry on her face: "Master Master, is it really okay for us to do this?"

"It's okay." Luo Wen came back to his senses and comforted Sarah.

"But Hummings will definitely get in the way when he goes back. I'm afraid our power in the Rickon galaxy..."

Rowan shook his head and said, "Sarah, Hummings is just a pawn. His will can't influence anything. If he offends, he will be offended."

"But what does he represent?"

"It doesn't matter, so what if the Riken galaxy is given to the Riken tribe? It has no effect on us. Moreover, I wanted to take advantage of this opportunity to reasonably withdraw the swarm from the Riken galaxy."


"There are too many outsiders in the Rickon galaxy, and there are a lot of impure minds mixed in. A few years ago, they tried to sneak into the swarm base. Recently, their actions have become more unscrupulous."

Because of the presence of the Ji clan laboratory and the popularity of the trade city in the Rickon galaxy, the density of people is very high. It is also very easy to mix in some troublemakers.

"Damn! Can't we block the waterway and ban these guys from entering? Or just let them disappear?"

The swarm controls the outskirts of the Riken galaxy, and all spaceships entering and exiting the Riken civilization must pass through the territory of the swarm. On the grounds, Sarah's proposal is feasible.

Luo Wen shook his head: "It's meaningless to do this. It will only offend too many forces for no reason. And those behind the scenes wish we were like this, so that they have more reasons to attack us."

The Zerg Swarm is now facing pressure from public opinion. In fact, it is just a problem left over from history. On this issue, the Zerg Swarm is not absolutely at fault. But if the swarm blocks the waterway, kills the alliance personnel, and takes the initiative to hand over the handle, I am afraid that the tsunami that will be set off will be far more than what it is now.

Sarah understood this truth, but she was still a little unwilling: "Is there no other way?"

"Sarah, don't let your emotions get you. If they have good intentions and genuine friendship with us, then we will return the kindness. But if they try to bully us, then we will also remember it and retaliate. But At present, we don't have the strength yet, we still need time..." Luo Wen thought for a while and continued:

"What we have to do now is to minimize the sense of presence. The other party uses our problems with the Rikens to push us to the forefront. But quarrels also require interaction between two parties to quarrel. As long as we deal with it coldly, this matter will soon be resolved. will pass."

"But what if the mastermind behind the scenes doesn't give up?"

"As long as we don't create new incidents, the existing ones will not be able to cause substantial damage to us. If they don't give up and continue to hype, it will just give us time. I wish they would stir up this topic for hundreds of years."

After Rowan finished speaking, he smiled at Sarah.

In fact, Her Majesty, who has lived for hundreds of years, could not have imagined these things, but she also understands how to make Lord Juggernaut happy. At the same time, Luo Wen also needs this kind of preaching to clear his mind.

Maybe it was because Hummings really made great efforts after becoming angry, or maybe it was because the swarm was ignorant and annoyed some people. In the following period of time, the dispute between the Zerg Swarm and the Riken tribe has always been at the top of the list of hot topics in the Star Sea Alliance, and more and more forces are paying attention.

As one of the parties involved, the Riken family has also had enough traffic star addiction during this period of time, accepting interviews from various organizations, and their official spokespersons are too busy.

But the other side of the party seemed to be isolated from the world, not only did not make any statement on this matter, even those related interviews were ignored. Driven by people with good intentions, this operation of the swarm created another wave of hatred.

But the swarm didn't have any other handles for them to handle.

The bug swarm troops in the Rickon galaxy have been fully contracted. For those outsiders who invaded the territory of the bug swarm under the banner of getting lost, the bug swarm just caught them and threw them out. In this way, the one who is in the wrong lies with those outsiders.

As for whether they will invade the territories of other star systems of the swarm? Those places are not open to the outside world, even if they pretend to be lost, they can't be so outrageous, and their deaths will be in vain.

However, the Swarm Trade City is also a weak link that is prone to problems. Although there are not many souvenirs sold by the swarm over the years, they are all extremely popular. For example, the bound biological armor of the swarm has always been in a state of price and no stock. But because the swarm has no demand for any foreign goods, the trade city of the swarm is not very popular, and it can even be said to be a little deserted.

But because it is also a development area, it also received some harassment, but under Luo Wen's order, there was no trouble.

Just like that, the swarm was like a slippery loach, making it hard for those who wanted to make trouble. At this time, under the attention of the whole people, the efficiency of the Ji Clan has also increased a lot. In just five years, the Council of Elders reached an agreement and revised some rules.

Of course, the result must be unfavorable to the swarm, at least in the eyes of those outsiders. The rules were changed, and the Zerg Swarm was ordered to withdraw from the Rickon Galaxy within twenty years.

When the news was announced, the Holy Mothers seemed to have been sublimated, and the whole family celebrated together. There were still a lot of forces waiting to see the jokes of the swarm, and Elder Hummings was naturally indispensable among them.

"Hmph, you're still arrogant, don't you know how powerful you are now?" After learning the news, Hummings raised his head to the sky and laughed three times, releasing all the depression accumulated during this period.

But the swarm didn't make any complaints, and they had an attitude of non-violence and non-resistance. Just the second day after the news was announced, the swarm in the Riken galaxy started to move, shrinking their troops, packing supplies, and showing a posture of withdrawing troops.

Many forces were dumbfounded by the operation of the swarm. They were still waiting for the swarm to complain angrily, and then sneered again. Unfortunately, the swarm didn't give them a chance at all.

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