I Am the Swarm

Chapter 429 Self-Destruction

Of course Rowan knew what those guys were thinking, but it was his intention to leave so many giant structures behind. He has a plan, the scene may become a bit big, it is difficult to avoid the eyes and ears of other forces, but now there is a good opportunity.

As the saying goes, the most dangerous place is sometimes the safest place, and some things are easier to hide in plain sight.

One month later, there were only three months left before the twenty-year deadline.

"Have all the notices been released?" Luo Wen asked in a deep voice.

"Master Master, the notice has been made."

"That's good. Three days later, the plan will start."

The situation in the Rickon galaxy was a little flustered. Half a month ago, the swarm issued a notice that it was unable to complete the dismantling of the giant unit in view of the approaching time limit. Therefore, after discussion by the swarm royal court, it was decided to blast and destroy it on the spot.

The time has been set, and I hope that all personnel in the Riken galaxy will cooperate in their work, refrain from approaching at will, and do a good job of protection, otherwise the consequences will be at your own risk.

As soon as the news came out, all the powers were shocked. How could those leak pickers who had been waiting here for a long time be reconciled, yelling at the swarm for harming others and benefiting themselves, so what if you let them look at the things you don't want?

At the same time, they also try to stop the behavior of the swarm. It's a pity that the giant structure is the property of the swarm, and the swarm has the right to dominate, so they have no way to make a fuss about it.

However, the hard work paid off, and in the broad sense of group thinking, they really found an entry point. The gigantic structure of more than 2,000 kilometers self-destructs, presumably it will explode with strong fluctuations and radiation.

Those foreign forces stayed on the ship, and there was no big problem in protecting against this level of radiation impact. However, it is hard to say whether Riken's home planet will be in danger.

Since it is difficult to predict the specific level of the impact, it is not known whether it will pose a threat to the atmosphere of Riken's parent star or life on the surface. Therefore, in the name of protecting the ecological environment of the Riken tribe, they asked the swarm to stop their actions, and waited until the relevant parameters were improved through specific simulations to ensure that there was no danger before continuing.

It is impossible to stop. There are only three months left before the deadline. When the date comes, they will have an excuse to drive the swarm out of the Riken Galaxy to take over the megastructure unit.

But the swarm also had a short time to fight. They informed them half a month in advance. Although they objected, the time was too short to respond at the rule level.

Therefore, the swarm turned a deaf ear to those voices of condemnation.

Three days passed quickly. On the Riken tribe, although those foreigners encouraged them crazily these days, they said that they would stand up and fight the swarm to the end, hoping that the shock wave would cause more damage to the Riken tribe, so that they could This gives a reason to attack the swarm.

However, let’s not talk about whether the management of the Riken tribe is stupid or not. It’s just that they are secretly controlled by the swarm. From top to bottom of the council, there are only a few people who are not pretending to be intelligent.

Therefore, the Liken tribe made a wise decision to take a day off and hide in protective facilities. At the same time, all civilian equipment and most military equipment are powered off to avoid unnecessary losses.

The behavior of the Liken tribe made those instigators helpless, and they couldn't force the Liken tribe to do something, otherwise, they would be the ones who left the conversation.

"Master Master, everything is ready." Sarah reported the current situation.

After hearing this, Rowan nodded, his will swept across the swarm network, and the order was issued.

In the Rickon galaxy, the near-orbit base of the swarm stars, the huge creation still has a length of more than two thousand kilometers. On its side facing away from the star, after countless Taikoo-class resisted it, they exerted force at the same time, pushing it towards the star.

With the efforts of the Taikoo class, the giant structure gradually trembled and swayed, and then it really slowly left the orbit and flew towards a position closer to the star.

"Didn't you mean self-destruct? The Zerg are planning to push it into a star?" A crowd of onlookers shouted. Such a big thing self-destructs and explodes, and you can pick up some leftovers, but pushing it into a star is really nothing left.

"The Zerg are really ruthless. They don't plan to leave us anything."

"Cut, he is not related to us, so why should he keep things?"

"Hey, which gang are you on?"

"I'm here to do business, just to watch the fun, and I'm not in the same group as you guys who want to catch up."

The movement of the onlookers did not affect the movement of the swarm, and the speed of the giant structure gradually increased, while circling the star, it kept approaching the star.

"Master Master, everything is going well. Twenty hours later, the giant structure will enter the designated position."

"Very good~"

As time passed, the ancient class that pushed the giant structure began to evacuate, and at the same time, the giant structure itself began to show energy reactions, and massive amounts of energy were generated and collected from the giant structure.

The energy gathered more and more, and it even started to attract the energy of the stars. The monitoring instruments of the crowd started to alarm frantically, and the swarm giant structure had turned itself into a super bomb.


"What the hell are the Zergs trying to do?" The operation of the Zerg swarm made the onlookers a little confused. They either blew themselves up directly, or pushed the stars. What's the matter with doing the two together? Take off your pants and fart?

"Not good, the energy index is too high. If they detonate now, Riken's home planet will definitely suffer heavy damage!"

"Hurry up and record it, this is a handle they made themselves."

Of course, the swarm wouldn't just leave a handle like this. Although the giant structure has been absorbing energy, it appears extremely unstable, as if it is about to explode at any time.

But beyond everyone's expectations, Jugou persisted for several hours in this state. As it picked up speed and got closer to the star, it had turned to the other side of the star in just a few hours.

An explosion occurred here, and the shock wave caused by the energy had almost no effect on Riken's parent star.

Finally, there was a white flash, although the giant body was nothing compared to the nearby stars. However, the energy gathered after such a long period of time, and the light and heat burst out at the moment of the explosion, make it so that even the stars cannot block its brilliance in an instant.

At the same time as it exploded, Rowan also had a movement. The main body outside the dimension exerted force instantly, and while positioning the giant structure, he guided the explosion energy to forcibly penetrate the space barrier in this universe.

Under the cover of the dazzling light, a small black spot seemed to appear in the center of the explosion. The black spot seemed to be connected to something. It was dark and deep, indescribable, as if the eyes of the abyss were watching.

Before the giant structure was completely destroyed, a flesh sac with a diameter of two meters suddenly shot out. The speed of the flesh sac was very fast. Judging from its route, it was about to be thrown into the black spot.

But he didn't know what went wrong, and when he was about to enter, the black spots suddenly disappeared. Caught off guard, the meat sac directly passed through the area where the black spot had just appeared.

Without the protection of the giant structure, although its own defense is very strong, but it is located in the center of the explosion, and it was vaporized by the violent energy around it after only a few seconds.

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