I Am the Swarm

Chapter 451 Akana

The attack power of the FN blade is very powerful. When it packs active negative energy and launches an attack, the positive energy substances in contact with it will cancel each other out at the moment of collision.

Like an eraser, it erases the parts that touch each other abruptly without leaving a trace. Moreover, the priority of this kind of offset is very high, and the defense at the physical level will not play any role. In front of the FN blade, the powerful defense of the metal shell is like a fake, no different from a block of tofu.

But although this set of weapons is extremely powerful, it still has quite a few shortcomings. One of the biggest flaws is that the manufacturing speed of negative energy F-371 is too slow.

This defect continues its template. The monster gene itself is extremely slow to generate negative energy. It even took several hours for the original test worm to generate a layer of negative energy film. The HF organs modified with monster genes also inherited this defect.

Moreover, since F-371 will cancel out any positive energy matter that comes into contact with it, it must be bound by a magnetic field, making it extremely difficult to store.

This also makes the performance of this set of weapons unsatisfactory in actual combat. It is a typical kind of "charging" for ten hours and happy for five minutes. Fortunately, the material of the FN blade itself is extremely strong and sharp. Even without wrapping F-371, it is enough to break through most defenses.

In this way, when encountering an ordinary target, use the ordinary attack mode, and when encountering a solid defense, switch to the empowered attack mode. In this way, it still barely has a certain tactical value.

Of course, what is needed now is the logistical work of excavation, and using the quantity can make up for some shortcomings.

The first to be equipped with the FN sharp blade weapon set is a newly designed worm beast by Rowan. Its adult height is about six meters, and its appearance is like a werewolf standing on two feet.

The human form gives it a flexible body shape and balance, and its muscular limbs allow it to run on all fours or stand on two legs. At the same time, the reasonable distribution of muscles also endows it with a strong jumping ability.

It has four fingers on its forelimbs, and sharp claws extending nearly 30 cm from the front of the phalanges, which are the actual installation of the FN blade. After testing, reducing the energy output per unit time can effectively prolong the use time of the FN blade. Considering the combat power, this kind of claw weapon is a very good choice.

Moreover, in the normal mode, the claw not only has the ability to attack, but also helps the carrier to obtain a good climbing ability.

This werewolf beast was named China Assaulter by Rowan.

It can be seen from the name of China Raider, Rowan's positioning. Because the insect swarm is currently facing defensive facilities such as the steel fortress, the ability to break the defense is somewhat lacking.

I have only fought against the Rickon civilization before, and their material science level is not good enough, so they can use toxins to quickly break in. Once they fight with the Star Sea Alliance and encounter defensive materials similar to metal shells, wouldn't the insect swarm stare blankly? .

The China Assaulter is to fill the gap in this regard. Although the FN blade energy mode lasts for a short time, it should not be a problem to open a path for the swarm.

At the beginning of the design, Rowan originally wanted to minimize the adult body of the China Assaulter as much as possible, because if the body is too large, some passages will be difficult to enter.

However, there are too many related supporting facilities for the FN sharp blade. It is impossible to make the carrier too small with only one atomic furnace and one HF organ.

Luo Wen tried his best, but in the end he only shrunk his adult size to six meters, and there was nothing he could do. This is because when designing the second-generation flesh sac, he had experience in miniaturizing atomic furnaces. Otherwise, the size of the first version of the China Assaulter would probably have reached ten meters.

Fortunately, the China Assaulter can move on all fours, which reduces its height laterally and allows it to enter some small passages.

However, when he saw the six-meter-tall human wolf in front of him, Rowan nodded in satisfaction. The finished product is very powerful and domineering, full of wild beauty. Just from its appearance, you can feel its impressive attacking ability .

Mecha fighters like the Botians are several times larger than the China Assaulters regardless of their individuality and size, but it is absolutely not a problem for the China Assaulters to completely torture the Mecha Warriors. The agility and flexibility of the two sides are not at the same level. The powerful but slow movements of the mech warriors can no longer be described in slow motion in front of the attackers with high dynamic vision.

However, the China Assaulter has another disadvantage, that is, the cost of this thing is too high. You must know that the main combat unit of the swarm, the space octopus, is only equipped with an atomic furnace at the ancient level of more than 500 meters. The Assaulter not only installed an atomic furnace, but also installed another more expensive HF organ, plus the corresponding magnetic field storage bag, energy transmission system, etc., the actual resource consumption of one piece of this thing may be equivalent to two Three Taikoo-level consumption.

This makes China Assaulters, whose whole body is concentrated essence, only be used as elite units.

However, the first mission of such a golden and precious unit seemed a bit rough. On the metal shell, a China Assaulter is poking out his buttocks, his movement posture is similar to that of a dog, and his paws are dancing to create a group of afterimages, which looks quite joyful.

Unfortunately, in just two minutes, the F-371 reserve was exhausted, so it could only give up its position and run to the side to hang up. And that pit will be taken over by the next attacker.

Since Bodi Star is an artificial planet, the mineral reserves are far lower than normal planets, so the high consumption of China Assaulters, the swarm base on Bodi Planet, and the concentration of resources will not be able to produce much.

This also led to the fact that there were not many China raiders working in this excavation base.

Fortunately, the Zerg Swarm has already reached a considerable scale in this star system, and a large number of space bases have begun to produce China Raiders at the same time. With the exception of megastructure construction requirements, all other resources are tilted toward Raider production.

Compared with the ancient space octopus, China Assaulters don't need too much time cost, and they will develop into adults soon after hatching.

The fully developed China Assaulters will take the space octopus to the planet Podi and land at the peak base. The gap in technology makes the space octopus enter and exit the atmosphere like a no-man's land, and the Botians can't find any abnormalities at all.

Since the metal shell is dug from almost the same place, for the convenience of gathering, the excavation base was chosen at the foot of the mountain at the peak base. The China assaulters who were transported could quickly reach the work site through the tunnel dug inside the mountain.

As more and more China raiders arrived, the excavation base became lively. The original small pit has also expanded a lot. There are more than a dozen China raiders digging with their heads buried in the pit. The Assaulter hangs up and "charges" without moving.

They change batches every two or three minutes, day and night, and the potholes extend toward the depths at an extremely fast speed. I believe that it won't be long before you can get a glimpse of the secret.

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