I Am the Swarm

Chapter 460 Guess

Just when the Ji Clan team was extremely nervous, the door lock of the room was pulled, interrupting Keller's recollection. He scratched his head, got up and opened the door.

The two ratmen outside the door said something to Keller. The sound capture system captured the information, and it was the laboratory that invited Keller to come over. Several people chatted a few more words, then walked out of the room and left here.

"Huh~" All members of the Season Clan exhaled slightly. Just as Branca was about to say something, the captain raised his hand to stop him: "Go back first. Warwick, report the situation."

"It's safe around here." Warwick's voice came from the communicator.

After being confirmed, several people cooperated again, cut the wall panel, and restored it after some operations. Then the team turned on the stealth mode, and under the cover of Warwick, they returned to the room where they were staying.

"Blanca, what did you find just now?" The captain asked impatiently after everyone cleaned up their hands and feet.

"The first queen's name is actually the same as that of the Zerg queen." Blanca didn't hold back, and whispered this shocking information.

"What!" Everyone exclaimed.

"Aren't you mistaken? How do you know the name of the Zerg Queen?" the captain asked. In the information they obtained, the Zerg Queen is the supreme ruler of the Zerg. Her name is unknown, and she has always been replaced by the Queen.

"Before carrying out the mission, I met a friend in the Rickon galaxy. He is from the Trot tribe. As you know, the Zerg was invited by the Trot tribe to join the alliance. When we first contacted, this friend of mine was the accompanying negotiating team. Personnel." Branca thought about it for a while and continued.

"Because of the upcoming mission, after I learned that he had contact with the Zerg, I brought the topic to this direction, so I got an important piece of information. His memory is very good, not only can he remember it, he can even hear it The voices of the Zergs are almost inseparable from his memory. During the idle time during the original mission, he accidentally found two Zerg officers communicating. Although the two Zerg officers left immediately after seeing him, he still remembered In a word."

"However, when the Zergs first appeared in the world, they still used Riken language during the negotiation. However, the two Zergs communicated in Zerg language. My friend didn't know the meaning of this sentence. Although in the mission report afterwards, He mentioned it, but because there was no concrete information, it was not taken seriously."

"Even so, my friend still clearly remembers the pronunciation of the Zerg language. Until the Zerg language leaked out, he looked up the pronunciation word by word, and finally let him understand the meaning of that sentence. "

Blanca looked at her companions who were listening attentively, and said softly: "The meaning of that sentence is: I will report the situation to Queen Sarah. I think, if the Zerg doesn't have two queens, then Sarah should be the one." the name of a queen."

Everyone gasped, they didn't expect this information to come in such a twists and turns. Although this intelligence seems to be nothing, the amount of information it brings is huge.

"If it is said that the queen of the Zerg race and the first queen of the rat people are the same person, although it is unbelievable, many things can be said."

"Why do the Ratman elite consciously maintain and stick to their secrets? The Ratmen's information control, their weird relationship with the Zerg, their breakup drama, their pretended conflicts, etc. are all to hide this secret."

"Hehe, I didn't expect us to be more skilled. No matter how well they hide, we still found out so many flaws."

Everyone was so excited that you said a word, and I said a word, connecting the previous information together, digging out such a piece of information, the credit is enough for them to enjoy the rest of their lives.

"No, we've all seen the Zerg. They're completely different from the Ratmen. They're completely different creatures, both in appearance and genes." Wright scratched his head, a little puzzled.

Blanca thought for a while and said: "I remember that it was mentioned in the data that through some means, our family found that the Zerg's body contained a gene lock, which could not be dissected and more detailed information could not be obtained. This method is different from those of the Zerg. The weapon body is exactly the same. I didn’t think there was anything at first, but now it seems that it is possible that they transferred the consciousness that originally existed in the body of the rat man to the body of the Zerg through some means. The Zerg body itself is a kind of A special biological weapon."

"How is it possible? None of our Ji clan can do this!" Wright was a little unconvinced. This consciousness transfer technology was a bit too magical.

"Cut! How many Zerg technologies do we not have? But we haven't been able to crack the genetic lock so far." Blanca snorted disdainfully.

"What Branca said is not impossible. It was mentioned in the intelligence that the queen of the Zerg, including some ministers of the Zerg, has not changed in appearance. Therefore, it is suspected that the Zerg has more mature life-extending technology. But thinking about it now, if they can really Complete the transformation of consciousness, then this is almost equivalent to eternal life."

"Hiss~" Hissing can be heard endlessly. The issue of longevity has always been the most concerned issue of intelligent races. If the Zerg can really reach this level, it will be an achievement that can surpass the original Ji race.

"It's no wonder that those high-level ratmen are so consciously guarding this secret. That Keller's ratman resisted being injected. If there is a chance to live forever, I believe I can do it too."

"Haha, you have a pretty good idea. Maybe you should ask the Rat Man executive to see if he accepts a godson."

"Get out!" Unconsciously, everyone began to envy those Ratmen they looked down upon before.

"I guessed before that the situation on the Zerg and the Ratmen was because the original Ji tribe planted the seeds, but now they don't think so. If the Zerg were created by them, they would not perish, and they would not die. There are us now."

The Primordial Season Clan not only went a long way on the mechanical route, but also took into account the biological route. They once experimented extensively in this star field and put "seeds of life" on many planets. This is also the reason why the civilization density of this star field is far higher than that of other star fields.

"Not necessarily, maybe this is really made by the original season race, otherwise how could the Zerg race appear for no reason."

Originally, they only thought that the Zerg were alien species, so no matter how weird their technology is, it can be inferred that they developed it in an unknown number of years before. But at this time, knowing that the Ratman and the Zerg were originally one, things became more complicated.

"I think the most important thing now is to figure out how this first generation queen became the Zerg queen."

"That's right, if it is said that the Ratman developed the technological line of the Zerg by virtue of his own ability, I would not believe it if he was killed."

"Where do we start? We're at a loss for this."

"Maybe we can go back through the history books and see if there is anything we missed."

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