I Am the Swarm

Chapter 480 Fire Attack

The designers of the base never imagined that one day this channel for defending against foreign enemies would be reversed to defend against internal attacks.

In their design concept, even if the commanders inside the base are blocked by intruders, they can rely on this channel to support the arrival of rescue troops.

It's not that they haven't considered that the enemy will break through the solid outer wall of the base and invade. With the technological level of the Duoqi tribe, there are many devices that can do this. But those are heavy weapons in the hands of the military, and it is absolutely impossible for the military to do such a thing. If the military did it, it means that someone in the al Qaeda rebelled. Their design will not consider the rebels.

What they thought was right, but what they didn't consider was that one day they would be forced by alien races to abandon their home planet and flee in embarrassment. After all, the Star Sea Alliance is too powerful in the eyes of the Duoqi Clan. No matter how fierce the fight is under the rules of the Ji Clan, at least the safety of the Life Star is guaranteed. They never expected that there would be such an outlier as the Zerg.

Perhaps one day in the future, the Doki tribe will have the opportunity to rebuild their home planet, and they may consider these issues at that time, but at this time, no amount of consideration will help.

"Sir, northwest, 200 meters underground, there is an object approaching at high speed!" An instrument in the corner sounded the alarm again, and the operator shouted after checking.

"Boom!" Accompanied by the dull impact, the base trembled slightly again. Just like before, all Doki in the base understood what this meant.

In fact, less than ten minutes have passed since the swarm of tunnel worms first hit the Duoqi base. Perhaps the numerous passage gates hindered the raiders' attack, so the Zerg decided to open another front.

But this is the last situation that Commander Duoqi wants to see. In the base, some leftovers gather here. There is not even enough manpower for normal maintenance, and most of the combatants are recruits who have not received professional training.

Relying on these guys, they can't support single-line combat, let alone divide troops for multi-line combat. It seems that we have to speed up our side.

Since the base must be lost, then...

"Order the 5th and 6th teams to arrange all our mines in the passage, and then sprinkle the concentrated fuel in!" The commander waved his hand fiercely and ordered.

There are a total of six teams in this base, of which 1 and 2 teams have been overwhelmed by the swarm, and their life and death are unknown. The monitoring of that channel has been destroyed, and the command room can't see the specific situation there, but there is a high probability that it has burped.

Teams 3 and 4 accompanied the engineering team to prepare vehicles, and the remaining two teams deployed defenses. Although each Doki did his best under the crisis of life and death, the lack of personnel still made the progress of the task very slow.

At the same time, the advancing speed of the bug swarm did not slow down at all, but instead became faster and faster. So far, only a few hundred Raiders have been lost. This amount is just a drop in the bucket for the Raiders' reserves. This thing is cheap to make, does not require any special materials, and can be recycled after the war. As long as the results of the battle can be achieved, then there will be no loss.

The raiders quickly approached the command room, and Duoqi Fang's defense was not even half completed. The operators in the command room, the adjutant's staff, and even the commander have already left the field in person to help carry the supplies.

"Sir, withdraw, it's too late to drag on any longer! The speed of the Zerg is getting faster and faster." The only operator who was still on the post, looked at the screen on the monitor and shouted.

The commander dropped his work and ran over in a hurry. Indeed, the speed of the two-way marching insect swarm really accelerated a lot. Moreover, they have already found the ventilation duct, and at this time, part of them spread along the ventilation duct to the whole base quickly.

Although the structure in the ventilation duct is complex and changeable, and there are many protections, the number of insects that can't stand it is too large. They can keep each branch divided, and the number does not decrease. I believe it won't be long before they find their way to the command room.

"Retreat!" The commander waved his hand and led the team to run to the hangar, dropping mines and pouring fuel along the way. After the mine fuel was exhausted, all the robots were ordered to guard the passage to form the last line of defense.

"How is it? Can the car move?" Just after arriving at the hangar, the commander asked the engineering team while bending over and gasping for breath.

"Eleven are being refueled and will be completed soon."

"very good……"

"Boom!" A loud noise interrupted the commander's words, and then, explosions sounded from time to time. A moment later, a wave of heat followed the passage and swept into the hangar, raising the temperature here by a few points.

This is because the landmine they arranged just now exploded, and the explosion ignited the enriched fuel. Presumably the command room was already in flames.

"I hope I can block the attack of the bugs!" The commander prayed silently, and then urged the team members to speed up.

The power of the landmines is great, and in a confined space like a passage, the power will increase a little bit, but this kind of one-time attack damage is nothing to the raiders.

The fire caused by condensable fuel is a kind of continuous damage. The raiders were cheap creations. Although they had lit some kangs, it was still difficult to pass through the hundreds of meters of flame passage.

Fortunately, Rowan had thought of this scenario when designing them. So the raider's acidic humors had other uses. This body fluid is not only extremely corrosive, but also emits a large amount of chemical gas after being heated. This gas is very heavy and extremely sticky.

After they are produced, they will adhere to the burning material, forming a barrier layer, which cuts off the contact between the burning material and the outside world. This is equivalent to trapping the combustibles in a closed space. Although the condensed fuel contains some oxidants, without external supplements, these oxidants are quickly consumed, and the flame gradually goes out.

Although the flames were extinguished, the metal floors and walls remained hot. But the army of raiders did not stop at all, and resolutely rushed towards the front of the passage.

The first raiders to come into contact with the hot metal were quickly wounded, their exteriors cracked, their fluids heated, their circulatory systems disrupted, and incapacitated.

But they didn't struggle, nor did they try to run to their companions. Instead, they lay flat on the spot, using their bodies to create a safe path for their companions.

In this way, on the metal floor and walls, it was like a layer of Raider wall covering, and the high temperature could no longer cause harm to the army. Although some raiders were lost, the trap set by Duoqi was also cracked.

It's a pity that the Duoqi who have already evacuated the command room can't see this scene, otherwise they will be shocked.

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