I Am the Swarm

Chapter 489

The Keya Alliance and the Locke Mutual Aid Association, the two alliance organizations formed by the outer circle civilizations, are the forces closest to and bordering the Swarm Territory.

When the insect swarm attacked in an all-out way, under pressure, the two organizations that had a grudge had to meet and form an alliance.

However, the atmosphere at the meeting was not very good. Years of grievances and grievances are by no means so simple that they can be wiped out with a smile. Compared with the odd 101 and odd 102 star systems that the swarm directly attacked the Dodge tribe, in the direction of the Locke Mutual Aid Society, the swarm attacked the star system LKDW286.287.288.

Although from a quantitative point of view, in the direction of the Locke Mutual Aid Society, the swarm will attack one more star system. But strictly speaking, these three star systems do not belong to the territory of the Mutual Aid Society. They chose to retreat at that time, which is completely different from the nature of the Keya Alliance, which gave up the migration of the Doki clan.

Therefore, at the meeting, the Locke Mutual Aid Association used this incident to ridicule the Keya Alliance. And for so many years, it has always occupied the moral high ground, and from time to time, I will express my views on this matter and say a few words.

However, Feng Shui took turns, facing the swarm of insects ready to move again, even if the Keya Alliance retreated again, there would be no lice and no worries about debts. Their image is already a sewer, no matter how bad it is, there is not much room for decline.

But the Locke Mutual Aid Club is completely different. The previous character design made them more passive at this time. Once they choose to be the same as the Keya Alliance, the accusations and ridicule they will suffer will far exceed the Keya Alliance.

The members of the Locke Mutual Aid Association still have a lot of face. After all, in civilized communication, besides strength, face is the most important thing.

"I agree to stop the Zerg. We must let them know our position. We are completely different from those cowards of the Keya Alliance. We will not give up any member."

"I agree. If we can defeat the invasion of the Zerg, we will not only gain greater prestige, but also force the Zerg to focus their breakthrough on the Keya Alliance."

"That's right, let the Zerg retreat, and then teach our old friends a good lesson."

At the meeting at this time, the two civilizations, Zeran and Mo Tuo, were most anxious. They are new civilizations that have only joined the Star Sea Alliance for thousands of years, and they belong to the same level as the Doki civilization.

They were the two families who were responsible for the development of the LKDW286.287.288 star system before. They are relatively weak, so naturally they don't have much right to speak. Now that they have lost the buffer of the three major star systems, the boundaries of their two races are already directly bordering the swarm.

If, as a result of this meeting, the Locke Mutual Aid Association finally chooses to back down, then they will suffer the same fate as the Doki civilization, abandoning their home planet, and the race will migrate and be divided into multiple places, becoming an affiliated civilization with little autonomy.

This kind of result is definitely not what they want to see.

Thankfully, for whatever reason, the other members didn't want to give up on them. This allowed them to lift their hearts together and land safely, and it also made them feel the warmth of true love in the world.

The meeting lasted for two days, and finally the meeting voted, and most members agreed to resist the attack of Zerg on the border between Zeran and Mo Tuo.

The strategic thinking was unified, and then the entire civilized machine began to work towards this goal.

First of all, the front-line troops that were still in the process of retreating settled down again, and began to set up formations, lay out traps and minefields, and build fortifications.

Secondly, all space factories have accelerated their production capacity, and at the same time, they have dispatched the hoarded troops to the front line, and other reinforcements have also accelerated their assembly speed.

Soldiers of all ethnic groups also began to increase their recruitment, and after emergency training, they were sent to the front line continuously.

The actions of the Locke Mutual Aid Association naturally cannot be hidden from other foreigners. The foreigners highly praised the actions of the Locke Alliance, and even intensified the hype, and finally lifted the Locke Mutual Aid to a very high level.

However, as the protagonist of the incident, the praised Locke League was not happy.

These high-profile praises, if this is after the Zerg is wiped out, it is naturally a good thing. But if you do this at this time, there will be suspicions of flattery, and there must be black hands behind the scenes.

How strong the Zerg is, no one knows now. Originally, everyone was pretty much the same, and the Zerg were also exposed to the rain and dew, so they didn't specifically target anyone.

But now that the Locke Alliance has been revealed, isn't this a target? Originally, the Locke Alliance just wanted to make a gesture to let the Zerg retreat.

According to their original speculation, as long as the fleet size is increased to more than 150 million before the Zerg attack, there is a high probability that the Zerg will not charge hard.

But now that the situation is like this, even if the Zerg want to retreat, don't they want to lose face?

Once the Zerg really turned around and concentrated their forces to fight with the Locke Alliance, other foreign races, especially the Keya Alliance, would definitely laugh their heads off.

Therefore, it is self-evident who is behind the scenes.

While they were scheming against each other, they were defeated by the opponent, resulting in a very passive situation now. Different voices also began to appear within the mutual aid association. More and more members proposed to open the meeting again and re-vote whether to temporarily retreat or resist.

Under pressure, the meeting started again, and the hearts of the two civilizations, Zeran and Motuo, who had originally landed, were brought up again.

Fortunately, the conference finally voted in favor of the side that resisted hard and defeated the side that retreated with a slight advantage, so the strategy went according to the original plan.

Although this matter seems to have not changed, in fact, some flaws have appeared when the plan was implemented. Deliberate delays and delays occur from time to time.

And when the foreign forces were playing games with each other, in the twenty-sixth year of the new era, the insect swarm had another movement.

Although Brother is not in the Jianghu, there are legends about Brother in the Jianghu.

This sentence is perfectly suitable to describe the current state of the swarm. After many years, as soon as there was a little movement in the swarm, it immediately suppressed all the news and became the headline trending search.

Various reports followed, and the military strategists began to analyze the strategic intentions of the bug swarm on various programs.

Rowan didn't care about these things. The Zerg Swarm was already an enemy of the entire world on the side of the Star Sea Alliance, so naturally they didn't need to care about the opinions and feelings of the enemy.

In the twenty-eighth year of the new era, the reorganized Zerg Legion continued to expand outward. This time the battle line was very wide open, the swarm raised nearly one billion troops, marching in multiple directions at the same time.

The Legion from the Rickon galaxy marched northward. Here are several star systems that have not been fully occupied. Members of the Keya Alliance are doing development here.

The LKDW291 star system and the three new occupying galaxies, Qi 101 and Qi 102, sent troops to continue to attack in the direction of the Keya Alliance.

In the southwest direction, based on the three star systems LKDW286.287.288, it expands in the direction of the Locke Mutual Aid Society.

Thank you for the reward of 200 starting coins for the bunker on the beach, and thank you for the reward of 100 starting coins for the stranded Pisces.

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