I Am the Swarm

Chapter 49 Optical Invisibility (Happy New Year's Day)

Seeing the special talent shown by this worm, Rowan's eyes could light up, and he quickly jumped down from the tree trunk.

The bug plunged into the grass and disappeared. If Rowan hadn't blinked and stared at it closely since just now, maybe it really escaped.

The advantage of size was revealed at this time, and Rowan rushed straight towards the bug like entering a tank all the way. Ignore all obstacles on the road and run over them directly.

Although the color of the bug keeps changing as it crawls fast, it is consistent with the color of the surrounding environment, making it difficult to detect.

It's a pity that it doesn't have the powerful hind legs of a grasshopper. It has been locked for a long time, and it was chased by Rowan just after it got through a few gaps in the weeds.

A long leg stretched out like lightning, stuck to its carapace, and dragged it to Rowan.

Two digging feet came from the sky and held it down. Although it struggled hard, it was useless, and the gap in strength could not be made up.

A pair of big teeth clamped it up and down, and the bug gradually stopped struggling.

Fresh ingredients often need to be eaten in time, and Luo Wen didn't move his place. After a full meal on the spot, he returned to the bedroom to rest.

After waking up, he was able to glimpse the secret of the color-changing insect.

The surface of Rowan's exoskeleton armor is covered with a layer of very small and dense scales.

Many nanoscale lenses grow out of the epidermal cells of the scales, forming a special pigment cell. These cells reflect different wavelengths of light by controlling the spacing between the crystals in the cells.

They can quickly and automatically adjust according to the surrounding environment, so that this layer of scales reflects the same light as the surrounding materials, so as to deceive the observer and achieve the purpose of hiding themselves.

This new ability is highly targeted, and it is very restrained by Rowan's clairvoyance.

The eye is a very complex and dexterous optical system, and it is also a very important observation organ. It can perceive light and project the light to the light-sensitive retina for imaging, which is then converted into a special signal and transmitted to the brain.

Light contains many colors, and how many of them can be seen depends on the type of photoreceptor in the biological eye. The human eye contains photoreceptors of three different colors, so humans can see three primary colors, while dogs only have two.

Luo Wen's eyes are much more complicated, and the number of primary colors he can see is also higher. He can't tell exactly how many kinds he can see. Because mixing primary colors in different proportions, many new colors can be produced, but these are not primary colors.

He used the previous body as a comparison, and the scene he sees now is much richer than before, for example, he can see a very special light. Through it, although Rowan cannot see the sun and moon of this planet, he can determine their orientation and use it to navigate.

Since he turned into a worm, his road blindness has been cured, thanks to this special light.

However, even if it can see more types of light, it will be restrained by this new ability.

Because this new ability perfectly mimics the reflected light of the surrounding environment, no matter how many of them can be picked up by the observer, the observer will not see any difference.

Just like before, Rowan could only see a piece of bug-shaped bark lying on the bark through the layering of space. Just by looking at them, you can't tell the difference between them.

But through brain analysis, it can be analyzed that it is a bug.

But all of this is based on knowing in advance that there is an abnormality there. If the worker ants hadn't discovered the abnormality, he would not be able to find anything even if he stared at it for a day.

However, although this ability is very targeted, its weaknesses are also very obvious. For example, ants, creatures that basically don't use eyes to observe the world, feel a little like dancing for the blind.

It is very easy to be seen through, and this bug is also very straightforward, overconfident in his own abilities. They were surrounded and did not believe that they had been exposed, and finally contributed this ability to Luo Wen.

Although it has various flaws, it can also be said to be a very powerful black technology. In his previous life, Rowan had seen some videos on the Internet, and saw some similar inventions, a special armor that imitates and plays the surrounding environment images through electronic screens to deceive visual observation.

However, that device was overwhelmed by the instinctive abilities evolved by this creature.

Although, the greatest help of this new ability to Rowan is that when he is lying on the tree trunk, he is no longer as conspicuous as a lump of dog skin plaster.

After such a small episode, the days calmed down again.

As time passed day by day, everything in the insect nest was developing in an orderly manner, and the vegetation within the radiation range gradually became slightly different from the surrounding ones.

Rowan implemented new aphid feeding rules, whereby aphids are only allowed to eat an old leaf when the vegetation has grown a new leaf.

If the aphids eat food that they are not allowed to eat due to excessive reproduction, they will be cleaned up by worker ants and recycled into protein.

Therefore, under strict control, the vegetation in the territory grows gratifyingly under the irrigation of biological fertilizers.

Sufficient food causes more and more worms to be hatched in the worm nest, and when it reaches a certain level, a new round of expansion begins.

Under Rowan's command, all the worms that could be drawn rushed out while ensuring the normal operation of the worm nest.

Because they had a lot of strategy experience, the bugs were familiar with the way, and pulled out the ant nests that were originally used as food extraction stations.

This is not a war of the same level. Under the guidance of advanced tactical thinking, it also has several times the strength of the ant nest. The resistance of the ant nest did not cause any waves.

After expanding the territory outward by 100 meters in a fan shape, the Hive army stopped and started a new round of recuperation to consolidate the territory.

The development speed of a bug nest that is on the right track is like a snowball.

Many worker ants with rich work experience went to the new territory in a mighty way. They will start a new aphid pasture there. At the same time, corresponding to the pasture, the vegetation in the new territory has also been irrigated with bio-fertilizer.

And the vacancies left by them after they leave are filled by a steady stream of new adults that emerge from the pupae.

Rowan has no idea how many bugs are in the nest. After all, bugs die from various accidents every day.

For example, beating black beetles, such as exploring outside the territory and then getting lost inexplicably, or being attacked by unknown insects.

In the underground here, there is also a kind of insect that hides underground and sneaks like a foul-smelling earthworm. They will dig a small funnel-shaped pit on the surface, and the worker ants can easily slip into the small pit when they pass by.

And the worm is waiting at the bottom of the small pit, and when the prey falls to the bottom of the pit, it will suddenly come out. It uses the pair of large pincer-like teeth on its head to control the prey and drag it underground to eat.

However, they are mostly concentrated in new territories.

After being taken over by the worm nest there, it has been almost cleaned up. However, there are still some fish that slipped through the net and escaped the clearance, and some unlucky guys still die in their hands every day.

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