I Am the Swarm

Chapter 493 Conspiracy

Although Wei Le is in the Troo tribe, although he has a high position and weight. But this fight against the Zerg is an alliance composed of nearly 20 civilizations, and his rank is not enough to be the commander of this alliance.

However, the commander-in-chief of the coalition army is also a Trot, but he is not in the same faction as Weller, so he was targeted at him. When he was awakened, he had a bad feeling, but he didn't expect to be sent directly to the front line.

Fighting against the Zerg, although he doesn't think the Zerg will win the final victory, after all, compared with the forces in their outer circle, the more inward the forces develop, the longer the development time and the higher the technological level. If they all go off in person, the Zerg can't resist at all.

But at this stage, he is not optimistic about the Locke alliance. He had been in close contact with the Zerg. This is a mysterious race with many, many things. Although it seems reasonable, it is weird everywhere. People who haven't really come into contact with them can't understand that feeling at all.

The Zerg must have a lot of secrets.

However, judging from the current situation, the Zerg's secret has been exposed. Although he doesn't know what it is, it must be of great benefit to attract many civilizations, even the Ji Clan, to take action secretly.

The clan might know something, but he, who had just been awakened not long ago, didn't know it, and he didn't want to know, not to mention that he couldn't get his hands on the benefits of this level, even the Troo clan couldn't think about it.

Weller didn't know how those who usually called themselves elites would make the decision to confront the Zerg head-on. He was a firm avoidant of war. He didn't want to make meritorious deeds at all, he just wanted to live.

Weller is not actually a coward, he also has ambitions, and he can work hard for it, otherwise he would not be able to climb to his current position. But he knew the current situation, and if he died, he would die in vain, and he would not be able to obtain the corresponding benefits or honor at all.

He is not scaremongering. Weller understands a truth that interests generally have a degree of danger that matches them. Although this sentence cannot 100% summarize everything, most things cannot escape this rule.

Since the secrets of the Zerg tribe can involve the Ji tribe, to what extent should the benefits be achieved? Likewise, how dangerous would it be to match?

Weller doesn't think that this incident will violate that rule with a small probability, because if this incident is not dangerous, then the Zerg would have been quietly wiped out long ago, and the secrets would have been taken away. degree of entry.

Half a month later, during these days, he did not sleep more than 40 hours in total. Maybe it was because he had been dormant for a long time, but he was still able to hold on, and he was in good spirits.

But this is just an illusion. Now he seems to have reached his limit. The insecurity he felt a few days ago caused him to over-secrete adrenaline and overdraw his energy. He needs to take a break now.

Fortunately, nothing unusual happened these days. He kept an eye on the Zerg's movements, and if he found something wrong, he would lead the team to retreat, even if they went to court-martial afterwards.

This time, Wei Le slept for more than 20 hours. After waking up, he was in a daze. After a while, the memory came back online.

At this time, nearly ten million warships have gathered in this area, and there are warships of all races, densely packed across the void. He has never seen such a large-scale fleet in his life, which makes Weiler feel a little safe. .

And this is not all, follow-up troops will arrive one after another within a month, with a total number of about 30 million. Although it looks like a lot, the number is less than half of the original plan.

This is because too many warships are not equipped with warp speed engines. At the beginning, even the warp speed warships of the Troo race were not popular, let alone those inferior civilizations, and some new civilizations even had warp speed engines. Neither technology.

Although at the beginning of the war, in order to improve the combat effectiveness of the civilization in the outer circle, the Ji clan advanced a wave of remuneration in advance, and everyone also had the technology of the warp speed engine, and those who had it before had also undergone technical upgrades.

But technology is technology, and objects are objects. It will take time to realize technology. Although due to the wartime situation, all the newly produced warships used warp speed engines under the militarism.

However, although the previous warships were also undergoing engine replacement, thirty years was still too short, and there were still too many warships that could only maintain sublight speed.

And in this kind of blitz that races against time, the sublight speed warship, no matter how powerful its firepower is, cannot join the mission.

The actual number of warships in battle was more than half less than expected, making the plan almost impossible. However, the opposition still managed to overcome all objections and allowed the plan to be implemented.


"Your Majesty, we have locked the assembly point of the United Fleet. Do we want to take advantage of their unstable foothold and annihilate them?"

Although the allied forces of the Locke Mutual Aid Association have done interference concealment, in order to deceive the detection equipment of the swarm. But the swarm has a super penetrating ability, and the plan just discussed by the coalition forces will soon be put in front of the swarm.

So, while they were doing a good job, it wasn't working.

Sarah thought for a while and made a decision: "Forget it, anyway, they will come to beat us sooner or later, let them have fun."

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

In Sarah's mind, if she took the initiative to attack at this time, as the active side of the blitzkrieg, the formation must be very poor, and it would be difficult to encircle the coalition forces at the assembly point.

At that time, if they wanted to run away wholeheartedly, the swarm might not be able to annihilate too many effective forces of the coalition forces. Moreover, after capturing their assembly point, the follow-up troops of the coalition forces do not know where they will go.

That being the case, it's better to pretend not to know, and when they are assembled, they will always call. At that time, the swarm, as the defender, will occupy a geographical advantage, and it will be ruthless to the coalition forces, wouldn't it be beautiful.


In this way, the coalition army thought they had done a good job and completed the army assembly under the eyes of the swarm, and even felt complacent.

But Weller doesn't think so. No one can say for sure what the technological level of the Zerg is. During this period of time, he revisited all the events and battles involving the Zerg, and found that although the Zerg has always given the world the image of a mindless beast, so far, they have never suffered a disadvantage.

Therefore, the Zerg wouldn't be so unbearable at all, they couldn't even find the enemy army gathering under their noses.

But if the Zerg had already discovered them, why pretend they didn't know?

What's more, now it's not just their LKDW262 battlefield, there is another almost identical battlefield next to LKDW263.

The coalition forces on the two battlefields did not even show the slightest flaw, and the odds of being noticed by the Zerg...

Wheeler smelled conspiracy.

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